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Nominations - Week 4


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Dustin may think Kail is safe this week, but assuming the noms stay the same, I suspect there will be a sea change and it will be Kail that goes home. Too many others are going to use this chance to strike back at what they perceive is a threat with Kail working with Dustin/Amber.

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This is going to be interesting. Dustin the slime never did tell Dick and Daniele that Kail tried to get him and Jameka in an alliance. Dustin did not tell Dick and Daniele or anyone else in that group that Kail said she wanted him to put up Daniele and Dick.

I say it is betrayel...... LOL

Let the game begin! :animated_rotfl:

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I think dustin actually did this on his own. Most of the other HG's wanted Zach up, but dustin doesn't seem worried about Zach and just said on the feeds that he is ok with Zach making it to sequester. He is pissed at Jen because he is convinced that she is one of the two votes to evict Kail even though she has swore over and over that she didn't (GO ERIC!!!!). Kail offered herself as a pawn and Dustin looked at the fact that the 2 of them have been buddies since day one and figured it was a good pairing. Jen is the supposed target at this point with Nick probably going up if the veto is used. At least that is what I gather. But Dustin flat out told Kail in HoH after the ceremony that she is safe.

I am fine with either, but hope that it is Kail that goes as Jen is more entertaining and she actually is being set up unbeknowst to her (and unintentionally) by AP.


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I hope this is not a repeat of last week Kail should keep her mouth shut and let Jen get herself in hot water doesnt she learn last week...she already volunteer to be a pawn play it smart and start campaigning after the POV...

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Ginger, from your keyboard to BB's eyes.

I want to see Nick get used by Dustin over and over and over in every corner of the house (on ShoToo no less!!!!)


I shall send it telepathically, because I can. I'll take a gift card as payment. lol

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Just read the transcript...The first thing I see is Amber crying...what else is new why couldnt he use Amber as a pawn...and I thought Kim Zimmer could pull the water works...and the emmy goes to...Ammmmmber the Whinnnnnnner!!!

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