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Thursday's Live Show-7/12

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Kail has already commented on how she was waiting for Carol to get up so she could move her things in... She said it was her place in the first place... I don't wanna see Amber go, but it would be funny as all heck if she did and then Kail wouldn't have "her" place to sleep haha...

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I was just going to ask why it seems like Kail is so controlling.

But then I figured out, that if almost everyone that you live near works for you and does what you say, then she's just too out of her element now.

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Kail has already commented on how she was waiting for Carol to get up so she could move her things in... She said it was her place in the first place

Okay - they must have claimed a spot already since the HOH is closed for now. But Carol's stuff is still on her bed, yes? I know Jen's clothes are in the big dresser by the door. Did she have a bed already?

Where IS everyone sleeping anyway?

Round Bed1: Dick and Mike

Round Bed2: ?

Small Beds: Dani, Nick, Dustin, Joe, Jameka, Zach

HOH: (was Kail and Jen)

where are the others?

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thrusday BB nights are the best i can't wait, i live on the west coast so at about 4pm my time i'm going to stay away from the boards so i don't accedentally get spoiled, i hate how my live thursday show isn't really live because i'm on the west coast

and i really really want Amber to go home but i don't see that happening

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I woke up this morning and thought first thing that is is Thurday eviction/new HOH day and smiled

:lol: MY first thoughts...pee, coffee and then BB...exactly that order....and smiled when I thought of BB! :)

Why all the FOTH? I am home for lunch and don't get to see any feed stuff.
Rehearsals... They most likely won't be back on until after the show tonight...

Oh good...I can walk away from my puter and actually make dinner tonight...do the dishes, some laundry...etc...without fear :shutup: of missing something! whew...I needed a break...:lol:

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the feeds have been in and out today... hasn't been a terrible day for watching feeds, considering it's Thursday...

I'm excited about the show tonight, will be interesting to see who gets HOH, and how the alliances start to shake out

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Funny, I didn't even think about it being Thursday today until my husband (who says the show is crap) said "Hey, isn't BB on tonight?" I think I'm going to start making Thursdays pizza nights.

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I read on another BB site that Jen slipped to Eric that she had already won HOH... something about it being questions about Carol and that she'd gotten them all right.

Then BB called her to the DR and then they called Eric in....


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