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About Realityfan

  • Birthday 12/29/1978

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  • Location
    las vegas
  • Interests
    reality television

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  1. Hey guys. I've been away for a long long while. Hopefully I can jump back in...shouldn't be too hard considering it's the off season.
  2. Hi! just stopped by to say hi and take a look! I love Vegas!

  3. uvp giving you a 5 star. if you lose it dont blame me

  4. Hi Stacey! wubs ya!

  5. Thanx Reality.. I miss you too, one of these days it should slow down and I will be back more!

  6. Hi Blackcat! You are greatly missed.

  7. Thanks for the message Katy. Kittens are just too cute.

  8. Thank you for my star :)

  9. Well, I won't buy it. Maybe all the publicity will backfire on her like it did Tom Cruise.
  10. Great vidoe uvp. I posted it on myspace.
  11. I LOVE that picture. Good. I hope they stick to their guns this time and make her stay in jail the whole 45 days.
  12. Well, it's no surprise that BB brought me here. I just Goggled it and Morty's was one of the pages that came up. I liked it so I stayed. But I joined during BB6 and didn't start posting until a few months ago.
  13. and that reminds me...Willie McGee's (St. Louis Cardinals) daughter went to my school back when I was in 4th grade and she was a kindergartner. Christian Academy of Greater St. Louis. She told me a joke: Knock Knock Who's there? The big bad wolf The big bad wolf who? Pig. hahahaha I know, it makes no sense but she was a five year old.
  14. Diva, I live in Vegas too! My husband works at the Bellagio at least once a week.



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