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You Know Bb Is About To Start When ...........


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OOOHHH Yeah... Trouble is my middle name... :animated_bouncy:

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dont flame or bait others in thread


Oh my was I flaming and baiting? Guess I need to be more careful...


haha yana.. you are not trouble but you brought back an old old memory of one of my FAVORITE movies... Do you guys remember "Trouble with Angels" .... hehe.. Yana.. this reminds me of you !!


When you have to start cleaning and merging threads. :animated_rotfl:


CeCi!!!! there you are!!! :animated_wave: Now i know BB is about to start.. cause Ceci is here and ready to Warn me!!! :lookaround:

this year i am gonna be good.. i promise.. its all King's fault. it is.. ask him. :animated_bouncy:

CeCi!!!! there you are!!! :animated_wave: Now i know BB is about to start.. cause Ceci is here and ready to Warn me!!! :lookaround:

this year i am gonna be good.. i promise.. its all King's fault. it is.. ask him. :animated_bouncy:

Now now fizzle... don't make promises you can't keep!!! :animated_rotfl:


You start trying to guess what day you should get superpass, because they always go in the house a week or so before the show starts...


You know BB is about to start when you start looking for the discount codes, even though you don't want to sign up until a few days before the show starts! Otherwise, you'll be charged for another 3 months of Superpass!

(By the way, I hope they continue to have the free $10 of music downloads each month with Superpass--that is a great deal. You can put them on your Ipod if you put them on a disk, and then upload that disk onto Itunes. At least, it worked last year. This has been a public service announcement.)

I hadn't noticed my member number until everyone started talking about them--I can't figure out how I am 2,006. I wish I would have noticed last year--That would have been cool! :animated_rotfl:


You slow down on the postings in :offtopic: cuz you're using up all your time :lost: , :idea2: , :dork:, and :hahohi: in the Big Brother threads.



The putting the music onto disk and load into itunes still works (to get it on your ipod). I keep superpass all year and do that every month ;)

Dont forget, you get a free video game each month too. :)


when you order vhs tapes so you wont missed a bb episode

51 guests, 14 members, 2 anonymous members

yep bb is near :animated_bouncy::animated_bouncy::animated_bouncy:


You missed it the other night UVP... There were over 100 guests... That when you know BB is less than a month away...


wow thats alot


Today's Top 20 Posters

Member Joined Total Member Posts Posts Today % of today's posts

Yana 16-March 05 4,816 23 8.98%

uvpnolimits 7-July 05 3,786 19 7.42%

fizzle 3-May 05 6,768 18 7.03%

Marty 7-July 05 4,064 18 7.03%

Realityfan 21-July 06 586 16 6.25%

Katydidit 1-June 05 1,239 15 5.86%

KingOfRealityTV 16-March 05 3,920 11 4.30%

yath 16-August 06 1,253 9 3.52%

Dade 13-June 05 5,885 9 3.52%

DreamAngel 4-July 05 2,002 9 3.52%

weird_4 25-July 05 131 7 2.73%

jordansmom 13-June 06 580 6 2.34%

CeCiMom 15-March 05 2,363 6 2.34%

nursie 7-June 05 816 5 1.95%

dumblonde 24-July 05 1,041 5 1.95%

BuxomBlonde 8-September 05 432 5 1.95%

Califcyclone 20-July 05 127 4 1.56%

Cajunboiler 29-June 05 2,440 4 1.56%

CrystAMC 3-July 06 64 3 1.17%

TheBlackRose Yesterday, 09:33 PM 3 3 1.17%


I don't know Cryst... There have been days when that is the top posters amount...


mortys move to a new server


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