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You Know Bb Is About To Start When ...........


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Welcome Snipa.

This year, you can take part in OUR prediction game instead of running one, over there.

But you only have like half an hour left to make predictions on the the first 4 threads! So hurry!

(Just follow my avatar! LOL)

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Posted on the 3 i could get in on time :D Looking forward to it, on the ones i hosted i normally faired top 15 in the end of the season when i won one of the seasons of it, lol

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When you find this thread on the 2nd page. :animated_rotfl:

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when folks get in 100 post a day. man yana killing it. i'll be in that range soon today

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Yeah it can get rough at times Cryst, but hang in there... It all comes out in the wash (meaning after the show is over, we go back to being friends)...

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you know its BB time when UVP starts threads ... that starts fights.

and then he starts threads with a starting line that says "no flaming no baiting"

start fights. you dont need me to start fight during bb. btw is my thread starting fight cause you dont agree with it. whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. you dont run the board. i know many who agree with my point view. btw i dont care what you and twin tthink. i been a member here two years year around and active. start fights please.

i show bump my thread are you a leader or follower thread. cause it seem to me when folks dont like some thread uvp first word is starting fights. discussion arent fights. last i heard this was a bb discussion board not hide in the corner board where you are afraid to post your thoughts. best believe i am going to post my thoughts. ignore that button works

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you want english read a book

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wow.. uvp.. calm down.. my post was not meant in a mean way. sorry you took it that way.. it was meant in a haha way. if you cant laugh at it with us.. then yeah, maybe you should hit that ignore button.

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maybe not you but twin post wasnt in a haha way. it was in a ban haha way. which imho isnt cool

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You know it's about to start when --

each day you can feel the intensity build across the boards from the east coast morning on through the west coast lunch hour.

It's a heat wave. Let's recognize the energy as just that -- energy. excitement. anticipation.

We're all in this together, gang.

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no feeling is as good as bb season

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