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Bro'mosapien The Movie

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i am hopping this is just a joke.. i mean, who in their right minds would pay to see that. even if boogie wasnt on it, people would be scratching thier heads thinking "nahhhh" but after seein boogie... i think people are saying "FFFFFFFFF NO, they couldnt pay me to see that crap"

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Wait... before I start, please put your stones down!!!

*deep breath* Okay, here it goes....




Shhhhh, don't' tell anyone


I WOULD see this movie and only because

(wait, here it is)


Yes, because (shhhhh) Boogie's in it.


And Jerry O'Connell's brother. I think it may even be...

*big gulp* slightly humorous?

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I won't click the link, because I have too much respect for my digestive system...

however, "Bro-mospapien" is pretty funny. Would that be the scientific term for the caveman show?

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