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Is telling a woman you have ZERO interest



120 members have voted

  1. 1. Is telling a woman you have ZERO interest in that you want to have a baby with her the CRUELEST thing you could possibly do to her feelings?

    • YES......they should burn in HELL.
    • NO...that's her problem for being so STUPID.

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I can't believe that Will and Boogie have stooped so low as to convince Erika that Booger wants to have a baby with her after the show.

THAT just goes way over the line of playing the game. It was bad enough to pretend he was going to have a relationship with her after the show..............

.......................what they're doing now is just totally unnecessary and OVER the top CRUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope what goes around comes back around at them really HARD and bites them in the a*s harder than they ever could imagine.

If what they're doing pis*es me off that bad.....I can imagine the opinions some women have on this.

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They have taken then game wayyyyyy to far.

I am not an Erika fan but know I hope she is responsiable getting Bogger the hell out of there.

Woman at that age who are unmarried and not in a serious relationship often crave to have children b/c of the whole biological clock thing. Imagine how crappy she is going to feel when she finds out about Boggers deciet.

I hope Erika's brother kicks the SH@T out of Bogger when the show is over.

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I know last night Boogie was dispatched to sweettalk Erika and make her think they have a future and everything, but Boogie told Erika that he doesn't know what's in their future because his business comes first and there's a lot of uncertainty there for him. I don't know how the subject of babies came up in the HOH, but Boogie asked Erika whether she and Josh had ever discussed babies and Erika kind of made it seem like not really, and Boogie said some nice things like that he doesn't know what he's missing and that she shouldn't worry because any guy would be lucky to have her (said in a way like he didn't really have any interest in being that guy). And Erika responded that she's come to terms with the fact that if it's meant to be it'll happen.

But that was last night, if they've started to stress out today I wouldn't put it past them to stoop to this level . . .

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Women will probably say yes and men will say no.

I say Will and Boogie have used this game for an excuse long enough. They are so full of themselves that it's almost sickening to watch. Of course, at the end of the game, they will explain that every move they made was in the context of winning the game. Doesn't matter to them if they've stepped over the line and started toying with people's feelings. They are both so immature and thoughtless. They remind me of juvenile high school boys.

To Boogie and Will: Be a man and act like a man, not an immature ape!

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I have "heard" that Boogies restaurants have started recieving numerous emails, calls, and letters from folks who doesn't think he is a very nice (or clean) person.

His business may suffer some because of him showing his true light in the house.

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Check out the Joker's Updates for late last night. Erika is totally convinced they are going to have a baby after the show.

Oh, OUCH! :angry:

(I'll take you're word for it :) )

PS I just bought an In Touch magazine that shows Demi Moore and her kids leaving Dolce - guess Demi's not much of a BB fan, perhaps because she's got more than enough drama in her life (?) :P

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Anything to win baby, anything to win.

Oh Carvin! :rolleyes:

Never did I think an occasion would arise where I would wisht this on a person, but I would laugh so hard if she told him she was using birth control . . . and she lied and actually got pregnant (and since his mom was an unwed single mother hopefully Boogie would know how that baby feels - okay that might be a stretch but Erika would be a good mom . . . )

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With all due respect (and all game feelings aside), the cognitive processes of the brain don't always allow one to think clearly and efficiently after a traumatic event.

Erika went through a trauamtic event shortly before entering the show - the break up of a 5 year romance. That is not only traumatic, but life changing. Five years is a long time.

Because of her obvious weakness due to this, it only made it that much easier for Boogie to do what he is doing. Erika is acting on her need for the feelings of acceptance at this point.

Unfortunatley, she will suffer yet another traumatic event after leaving the house - the truth about Boogie.

I don't care for Erika in the game at all, but as a person outside the game she seems ok. I know she has done some work for animal relief agencies and food banks. That says A LOT about what kind of character she has. Can you see Boogie doing that? No.

If Janelle doesn't win this, I do hope Erika does. I can't believe I'm saying this because I don't think she had the best gameplay at all. It's an emotional statement aimed at her getting revenge.

Just because Erika is "beautiful" and a model doesn't mean she has her choice of men. Many times men feel intimidated by her type and won't approach women like her. Take those and the jerks away and she is left with a small selection.

I'm sure its hard for a "model" to understand why she is so pretty (to some evidently) and everyone wants to look at her yet she doesn't have a man and is almost 40 years old. I have no doubt she is lonely.

All of this could also be cause for her alleged eating problem which has resulted in her looking so unhealthy. Who knows?

Anyway, to those who are saying that Erika is bringing this on herself, I beg to differ. I have studied the human mind for years in college. Her actions speak of someone who is extremely vulnerable. When she is looking for acceptance, she is gatting a false sense of security.

The best possible scenario for her would have been not to go into this game at all. She was/is not ready for it due to her recent break up. You need to be mentally stable when entering this game.

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in general, women tend to get suckered a lot when it comes to men. if i was in that house, i could see myself getting suckered by Will (who wouldnt) but not boobie. i just dont tolerate men like boobie. some women do, like erika. i think she likes nasty "boys".

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I think Will got Mike back really good bringing up the baby thing....

Mieke brought up the wedding thing with Janie....

While its not fair to the girls (although they did put themselves into it all) the guys are getting their digs into each other and trying to be the one that makes it to the final 2 - if they can't make it together - they want to be the one with their "date"

They are watching the other squirm when bringing up these subjects. imo

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Thanks EEonBB. Very good insite that people seem to forget. Janelle is getting blasted for letting the guys make her decisions. If she was to go against them then she is booted. Her best bet is to get to the final 3 and whoop ass.

I really don't like Erika but as you say outside the house she may be a good person. In the house and the tactics she used to get voted as America's Choice I am angry about. She had no business being there and only got in because of the voting bot. She had people run an automatic 24/7 voting machine for her so she could get in.

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Boogie is repulsive. Seriously! He is absolutely, hands down the "too old to be here guy". You know, the dude sitting at the bar full of early 20 somethings, buying all the drinks, dishing out the most pathetic lines, and bragging about owning exclusive restaurants. :rolleyes: I can see how some women get manipulated by someone like Will; he can be pretty charming... but someone like Boogie... no freakin' way!

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i dont get why people are bashing on janelle and erika (mostly janelle) for letting these guys manipulate them. i think it sucks that its happening, but it doesnt change the fact that i like janelle or dislike erika. people get suckered in by other people all the time... it doesnt make them a bad person or a stupid person. i think if janelle or erika had a spy glass and could see all that we see.. i think they would be doing things differently.

the fact is, they each want to believe that they are different from all the others CT has screwed over.. just like everyone else thought too.

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I agree Fizzle. They do not get to see all that we do. And the DR sessions with Janie and Will - since we have not seen them except for 1 - who knows what was said in there that could sucker her in.

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