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Is telling a woman you have ZERO interest



120 members have voted

  1. 1. Is telling a woman you have ZERO interest in that you want to have a baby with her the CRUELEST thing you could possibly do to her feelings?

    • YES......they should burn in HELL.
    • NO...that's her problem for being so STUPID.

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I dont get why people are bashing on janelle and erika (mostly janelle) for letting these guys manipulate them. i think it sucks that its happening, but it doesnt change the fact that i like janelle or dislike erika. people get suckered in by other people all the time... it doesnt make them a bad person or a stupid person. i think if janelle or erika had a spy glass and could see all that we see.. i think they would be doing things differently.

the fact is, they each want to believe that they are different from all the others CT has screwed over.. just like everyone else thought too

Uh huh! Exactly. I find myself just wanting to say ditto to most of your posts, Fizzle. ;)

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people get suckered in by other people all the time... it doesnt make them a....stupid person.

yes it does


So you are saying that the majority of the country is stupid for being suckered in by George Bush?...lol

I am proud ot say that I wasn't one of them. :P

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As I watched the feeds of the convo I didn't get the impression that Erika was taking it seriously. If she did, it may only be that this is a low point in her life. I so wish she and Janelle would wake up and see the puppet strings and take down chilltown.

This whole season has been like watching someone that keeps going back to a bad relationship over and over even though they know the person hasn't changed no matter how much they say they have. Everyone in that house gave the game over to Mike and Will with eyes wide open.

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Erika isn't 75 years old, the girl can still reproduce. What Booger said isn't cruel because her clock is ticking, it's cruel because she thinks there is a future.

I can't stand Booger and don't understand what any woman (I'm a woman) would see in this piece of self-serving, self-righteous garbage. Will is honestly not much better in my book. They are both slimey slugs.

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There's an old piece of folk wisdom which says that if a woman is a married man's "mistress" (I told you it was an OLD piece) she shouldn't be surprised to find out that he's cheating on her. (I know the idea is equally valid for both sexes, but this piece of old folk wisdom is about the woman.)

The logic of course is that she already knows he is someone who will cheat on a woman to whom he has made vows/promises, and to whom he says "I love you."

Yet essentially every HG (except G!), when they thought that they were in an alliance with (or had an arrangement with) CT, watched CT "lie" (by CT's own "admission") to OTHER HG's who thought that they were in an alliance with CT. And then they saw and heard CT (mostly Will) laugh "with" them "at" the other HG for being so gullible.

After seeing that, after seeing CT "playing" someone who thought they were WITH CT, how could ANYONE believe that THEY were with CT and that CT wasn't lieing to them and laughing about it with some OTHER HG's?

They witnessed with their own eyes and ears exactly how CT viewed their arrangements with everyone else. Yet each of them continued to believe (until it was too late) that they had the only REAL arrangement with CT.

And even now in F4, both females still believe it.

And whichever of them wins PoV will be allowed to go on believing it, while CT tells the one who's leaving that THIS time they had no control over who left.

I don't like it.

I don't like Will. I suspect he may be nearly-diagnosable with narcissistic personality disorder, and that he is also close to being an antisocial personality ("sociopath"). But that makes him the perfect person to control Janelle, who also seems to be almost diagnosable with narcissistic personality disorder, but with a "side helping" of "histrionic" (overly emotional) rather than antisocial (unemotionally calculating.) (It's like "big slick" being put "all in" by pocket aces.)

But I don't dislike Will. I'm sure that he does not (and quite possibly CANnot - at least at this point in his development) see himself the way we see him. I suspect that his value system is SO different from most of ours that he literally has no way to share our perceptions of his behavior:

Our perception of what he's doing is based on the feelings his behaviors create in us when they violate values that we hold to be important between people (look at how many discussions we have about just lying in the game!) And since violation of those values does NOT cause similar feelings in Will he can't perceive what he does the same way we do.

It's VERY much like two people looking at the same food item (say a piece of exotic fruit) and one "almost tasting it" when he sees it, thinking it "looks delicious", it's "mouth watering," etc. BECAUSE that person has eaten it in the past and now just seeing it causes FEELINGS which become part of his perception of the sight of the fruit.

But if the other person has never eaten it (or anything that looked like it) the sight of the same fruit CANNOT be the same because it isn't "colored" by the feelings which ARE the sensory memory of eating it.

That is, our seeing Will do things, and the person who has eaten the fruit looking at the fruit, both create perceptions based on the FEELINGS created by what we saw. And in the person who has never eaten the fruit, and in Will, those feelings are not available due to lack of past experience. And in that context, understanding that he REALLY doesn't think he's done much more than play the game, I will say that I think his gameplay is amazing! (Although from a less sympathetic perspective it's sometimes a bit like watching someone win round after round of "musical chairs" by shooting the other players one at a time.)

I do dislike MB. I feel certain that he knows what he's doing, and that he knows it's wrong, but I suspect that it's the game Will told him to play and, as someone else noted in one thread, if he does it he gets to hang out with the cool kids.

I feel very sorry for Erika. (Does anyone know whether she has siblings, and if so whether they're older or younger?)

Remember what Captain Hook was always tuned to just at the edge of his consciousness?

"Tick, tick tick tick, tick ...."

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I haven't posted as much this season as I have in the past, but this discussion is begging for me, lol. I agree that its crappy(no not you crappy) for a man(or woman) to use "love" as a manipulation technique, but face it, it happens all the time outside of the BB house. The difference here, as so many have pointed out, is that Jannie and Erika have seen firsthand what manipulators CT is and yet they continue to buy into it. I am a Jannie fan, but when she and Erika did not take the oppurtunity to break up CT, and evicted G, I threw my hands in the air. Its a certain type of "narcissit" woman who would believe that EVERYONE (including the other chick) is getting $crewed but them. Poor girls, if they don't wise up soon, I say "GO CT"

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The thing that doesn't make me feel truly sorry for either Janelle or Ericka is that they both know the other one is being played emotionally and neither of them seem to have any sympathy for the other in that situation. I guess if it's okay with them for another woman to get played like that then I can't have too much sympathy for them getting played.

That and the fact that all four of them were actually pretty cruel to George when it all comes down to it makes me have very little sympathy for any of them.

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EEonBB, you have hit the nail on the head (once again).

I feel more sorry for Erika because she is more vulnerable (having recently broken up with Josh) and her biological time clock is ticking. Most women don't understand that the odds of getting pregnant start dropping rapidly at 28 and by the time you are 43 the odds drop to less than 3%. The last resort is using donor eggs which can cost in excess of $25,000 including medication and agency and doctor fees. Will and Boogie are hooking in to her strongest desire. :(

Janelle is younger and more resiliant and I think her ego is more tied up in Will than her heart.

they both know the other one is being played emotionally and neither of them seem to have any sympathy for the other in that situation. ItWanstMe

That's actually a really good point. If I was in the house and was observing that kind of behavior, I would, at the least, be dropping serious hints to the woman being played or at least ask her how she would feel if she found out she was being played so she would get a clue. I guess a 25% chance at $500,000 is more important to these people than the feelings of others. :blink:

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I think both girls obviously know they're being played, but it is too late to do anything about it. Neither of them really trusts CT, but they trust each other even less.

I think they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

I also think Will is encouraging Boogie to screw with Erika's emotions so he won't feel so bad doing it to Janie.

It's like watching someone die on the street...if others are standing there with you and doing nothing, you don't feel as bad about letting them die.

They done psychological experiments on this where they hired normal guys to run a fake prison and as time went by, they got more and more vicious to the so called inmates.

The director was so involved in the project that even he couldn't see that he had taken it too far.

I think that is the case for Boogie and Will....they both are doing it so it must be okay, and they're too involved to see clearly how hurtful their actions are.

They're both in for a rude awakening when they leave the house.

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Women will probably say yes and men will say no.

I'm a woman and I voted no. If this was real life, then maybe I'd say yes. But she came in here KNOWING these guys were the biggest liars and she knows they are playing for $500,000. Why would you believe ANYTHING they said. While I think it's scummy for them to say it, as a woman I can't believe she's falling for it.

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Quoting AuntJulie: "I guess a 25% chance at $500,000 is more important to these people than the feelings of others."

Well... that's just the thing, isn't it? That's what this game is all about. And, as WickedOne stated, they ALL went on the game show "knowing full well it's all BS & cut throat." They didn't go on (or shouldn't have gone on) the show to meet and hang-out with someone with whom they could potentially develop a deep, meaningful relationship (at least, not while ON the show). They went on to try to win half-a-million dollars. Period.

As I've stated before, I think Mike Boogie is a moron and I don't like him or his game play (showmancing Erika while riding along with Will). Though, at least, unlike Will, he HAS managed to win a POV comp and HOH twice! But, I still think he's a total loser and wouldn't have lasted 3 weeks if he hadn't been cuddling with Will from the beginning.

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