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Another Double Eviction - Week 8 & 9


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danielle i feel will go

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Um... it will be first one person voted out, then a new Hoh will be crowned and put up two nominees, then a veto comp will be played, the veto ceremony, then live voting and an eviction (All in one hour! WOW). What's the mystery?

There's no way to predict who it will be, there are too many variables, so why stress about guessing?

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i think the evicted hg may get to choose who goes. i think survivor does this as twist.

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i would love if the evicted gets to pull someone out with them, but i just sorta dont think BB will do that one

hmmmm, im glad they didnt tell us exactly how it will work so we can be surprised :)

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like i said in another thread...I think instead of having NEW nominees and NEW HOH for the 2nd eviction...I think they are going to offer someone money or a big prize to leave...

It would be cool though to let the 1st evicted HG pull out the 2nd...Cuz if Janelle leaves she could take Erika or Danielle with her... payback is a biiiitch...im getting ahead of myself...Ill stop

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It wouldn't be fair to anyone if the evicted house guest picked someone else to leave, there has to be some fun in it, I don't want to see like Janelle go and then she pulls out Danielle, it wouldn't be Big Brother, I think everyone will get a fighting chance and it will be something different then the usual, HOH--POV--Noms--eviction.

Maybe there will be a challenge where the winner takes someone out of the game? Something simple like that?

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From the way Julie said it tonight, I agree that there will be a live eviction, then an immed HOH, a pov, a veto ceremony and another live vote all in the same hour.

I think Janelle and George will be nom'ed by Erika, Janelle will go then Dani will win HoH, nom Mike and Will, Erika will win veto, she will take off Boogie, George will go up, and Erika and Mike will evict George.

That's my prediction.


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There are some really good ideas here. I thought of them not having a veto at all. Just a nominations and then votes - twice. If Erika was being really nasty, she might put up CG and Will, thinking that whoever won POV would take off Will, and she could backdoor Janie. But if there is no veto, the nominations would stay the same and they would be forced to vote.

I like the idea up there of the evicted HG being able to take someone down with them. That's food for thought for sure.

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I think it might go something like this and very quickly:

Show will open with eviction being announced and evictee having 1 min to leave. May talk with Julie. Commercial. All HG will go to back yard for HOH comp except Erika not playing. Commercial after HOH comp All HG still in back yard or back in living room and Julie announces HOH has to make noms. Then all HG will go to back yard for POV comp. After POV comp is Commercial. After commercial POV ceremony will be done. Then HG will go back to the living room and told that after the commercial they will vote live to evict and after eviction evictee may talk to Julie and all HG will go to back yard for next HOH comp. (This may be where the HOH can play the next week.)

If it goes boom, boom, boom it could be done and questions are asked for all comps or a quick crap shoot. I just guessed as to when a commercial would be. Julie did say about a "weeks" worth of BB in 1 hour (LIVE).

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