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Another Double Eviction - Week 8 & 9


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qUOTE: she isnt supposed to give dani everything, but I never would have thought skelator would put up dani....didnt she always talk about putting up will....& what makes skelator so sure dani has the jury??"

Erika gave Dani what she wanted the first time around...it so happened that Janelle was able to get herself off the block - otherwise she might have been going home.

Danielle should take her own advice - "it's just a game"

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I agree Gingersnaps.....Erika needs to do what everyone else is doing PLAY FOR HERSELF!

Why would you be in there and let someone else tell you what to do....doesn't she see, that the only reason Dani wants Ericka in the final 2 with her, is because Dani knows she'll get the money?

IF, and I say if Ericka made it to final 2 she could only maybe win against Boogie, no one else IMO.

That's why she's playing MB I think.

Dani alligned herself with Erika knowing that she could beat her....I don't believe for one minute Dani is doing it because she loves Erika and *QUOTE* "Would move Heaven and Earth for her" *sob*

Dani is such a manipulater, plus she did what Jase did in a way "sealed her own fate" by throwing a tantrum and being creepy lastnight...like she was literally at that HOH door for 4 minutes ringing the bell constantly...even Boogie and George were looking at her like she was losing it. That was so uncomfortable to watch today....I felt like she was going to flip out if the door wasn't opened....very unnerving watching that clip. :unsure:

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its gonna be Will, Boogie, Erika, and Janelle in the final 4 after Thursday night however im hoping Georgie can knock Janelle out of there!!!! Im just saying I doubt it! Will and Boogie win the two HOH's Thursday too a Chilltown sweep baby!!!!!!!!

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post 2 and i was right

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For a week to play out in one show we would need to have an eviction, HOH, nominations, POV, POV ceremony, and another eviction. Okay, could be done.

But that doesn

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i am thinking that today and/or tomorrow will be busy with this weeks 1st eviction, new hoh, nominations, pov comp, and pov ceremony. that way they can edit and put it on thursday as though its live and it will fit into the 1 hour show... then the 2nd eviction for this week will happen live followed by the hoh comp.

i dont see how they can do all those comps live on the show in 1 hour. unless they plan on doing the 2nd eviction in a whole new way (no comps, just voting someone out).


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that depends on who wins HOH though....seems like CT wants to take erika to F3.

but remember boogie did say in the diary room that will kicked him to the curb in their season, and he is willing to return the favor to will this year....so boogie want erika in F2 not will.

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Depends on who wins HOH.

If it's a skill contest, Janie wins... Boogie/Will go up... one comes off with use of POV. The other goes home. (Or Boogie/Erika go up and Boogie goes home.)

If it's a crapshoot game. Any one of them can accidently win HOH.

Georgie HOH... Will/Boogie up. One of them goes home.

Will HOH... Erika and CG up. Erika goes home.

Boogie HOH... Janelle and CG up. Janelle goes home.

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Totally agree with that... but, I think Will thinks that Janie has his back as much as Boogie does. So, he'll put Erika and CG up... if one of them comes off the block... he'll nominate her without hesitation.

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"Quote: Deedsy ... what are you smokin'???

must be crack cause thats never gonna happen"

How can you say a final 4 of Erika, Janelle, Will, and Boogie will never happen. All they need to do is win one more HOH keep Georgie from winning POV and that is your final 4.

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shall be a good show

dani goes and hopely ericka follows

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i dont see that happening. it wouldnt be fair to cg to leave this way.

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No, Danielle will go, a Head of Household competition will occur, instant nominations, veto comp, instant ceremony, and then live voting. I'm wondering if they'll actually do this all at around noon on Thursday and go to blackout on the feeds until they air the show so that they'll have more time to do everything they need to do and be able to make edits and such to fit it all in the show within an hour.

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