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Cody Calafiore
Age: 29
Hometown: Howell, New Jersey
Current city: Howell, New Jersey
Occupation: Soccer coach
Previous season: Big Brother 16 (runner-up)

Three adjectives that describe you: Loyal, confident, and caring.

Favorite activities: My favorite activities include golfing, soccer, and video games.

Why do you want to play Big Brother again?
I want to play Big Brother again because of money, money, money, and monayyyyyyy.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?
The most difficult aspect this time around will be playing the game with people that have already watched me and know exactly who I am.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most and why?
I like Jeff Schroeder, because he's a stand up guy that played the game straight up and wasn’t fake in the slightest way. I also like Boogie, because he was wacky, funny, extremely clever, and witty when it came to the game.

What is your strategy for winning the game?
My strategy is to be myself. I want to be friendly and honest so people feel comfortable opening up to me. I will find one person in the house that I will go through information and stories with, to cross check if people are lying. I don't want to be too close to my closest ally, because I do not want people using our names in the same sentence. I want to win as many competitions as I can to keep myself and my closest allies safe.

How does this strategy differ from the last time you played?
It doesn't differ in the slightest. Don't fix what isn't broken.

Have you changed/evolved since the last time you were on the show?
I have grown and matured a ton since the last time I played. I am able to listen and flag misinformation much better than the first time I played the game. Reading people isn’t my strength, but listening to people is, so I am able to use that to my advantage this go-around.

My life's motto is…
"Don't worry, be happy." 

What would you take into the house and why?
-A photo of my family and girlfriend, as a reminder as to why I am playing this game.

Fun facts about yourself:
  • I am nasty at video games! (Nasty is a good thing).
  • I can solve a Rubik's Cube in under two minutes.
  • I can juggle a soccer ball over 1000 times.
  • I apparently have a serious problem chewing my food quietly.
  • I play the drums.
  • I'm a sucker for soda.
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On 8/6/2020 at 12:16 PM, akflintnoh said:

Someone asked who Cody's brother is, I believe it is Paulie. He was on the challenge and was dating Cara Marie. He has a temper.


ding ding ding

And I'd love to be the gooey center between those two cookies...

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12 hours ago, HeleneL said:

I think he lost his chance at winning the big prize when he chose to keep Derick instead of Victoria because of his promise to him at the end of his season.  Hope he makes better choices this time around.


So true.  Derrick used him and the rest of their group.  This is why I am glad Derrick is not on this season.  

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On 8/17/2020 at 1:06 AM, HeleneL said:

I think he lost his chance at winning the big prize when he chose to keep Derick instead of Victoria because of his promise to him at the end of his season.  Hope he makes better choices this time around.

Absolutely agree.  When there's that much money at stake promises are made to be broken or not made at all.  Although I didn't think Victoria deserved to be final 2 or final anything for that matter, it was the only way Cody could win the prize.

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  • 1 month later...

Cody needs to start thinking who wants to take to the end and win.  If he takes Tyler, he could win.  Anybody else, he will lose. I predicated they would take out Xmas after Nic.  But Xmas is such an a$$, he could win with her beside him.

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He seems to have a lock with Nicole but also with Enzo. If it's up to him, which one will he choose?? I suspect it will be Enzo, but I could also see it going Nicole since she has already won and she's been pretty pathetic this season.


If the final 2 are Cody and Enzo, I would love to see Enzo win. Long shot but still.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, as this thing is getting closer I'm really wondering who Cody will take to final 2 if it's his choice. I wish somehow Enzo could convince Cody to vote out Nicole this week on the basis that he will not win if he's sitting next to her (the jury members have already indicated -- although Cody doesn't know this -- that if Nicole makes it to final 2 they will vote for her to win).


Wouldn't it be better for Cody to take Christmas or Enzo??

Does anyone have any insight on if Cody will cut Enzo in order to take Nicole?

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On 10/18/2020 at 7:43 PM, carmen said:

Okay, as this thing is getting closer I'm really wondering who Cody will take to final 2 if it's his choice. I wish somehow Enzo could convince Cody to vote out Nicole this week on the basis that he will not win if he's sitting next to her (the jury members have already indicated -- although Cody doesn't know this -- that if Nicole makes it to final 2 they will vote for her to win).


Wouldn't it be better for Cody to take Christmas or Enzo??

Does anyone have any insight on if Cody will cut Enzo in order to take Nicole?

I hope that if Cody wins he will take Enzo. It seems more logical, if he wants to win. However, Cody also knows that a lot of people on jury love Enzo. He’s promised them both (at different times when he’s alone with them), that he’s taking each of them. But, he’s never revealed in the diary room or talking to the feed cameras, what he would really do. 

My gut tells me he would take Enzo. There’s a part of me that also thinks Cody/Nicole might have some type of deal to split the money or something. I think Cody’s dad is also her agent, so who knows?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well another season is over. Even though this was so botched with all the pregaming, I think out of the people left in the house, Cody was the most deserving. My favorite part of the finale was seeing Cody evict Nicole and watched her shock!


I’m glad Cody took Enzo to final two and that he’s at least going to get 50K. Enzo at least played for the full game, where as Nicole spent the whole first half of the game sleeping, being upset with Bayleigh for her “three guys, three tries” comment and laughing along when Memphis was making fun of Ian for being on the spectrum. So glad she’s going home empty handed. 

As far as Da’Vonne winning AFP, I have mixed feelings. I’m glad she won over Tyler (who really did nothing this season and even wanted to self evict), but I thought her game play was horrible and I hated the way she treated David. She was entertaining to watch, I’ll give her that.



Until next time. Stay safe folks.

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3 hours ago, Keepittogether said:

Well another season is over. Even though this was so botched with all the pregaming, I think out of the people left in the house, Cody was the most deserving. My favorite part of the finale was seeing Cody evict Nicole and watched her shock!


I’m glad Cody took Enzo to final two and that he’s at least going to get 50K. Enzo at least played for the full game, where as Nicole spent the whole first half of the game sleeping, being upset with Bayleigh for her “three guys, three tries” comment and laughing along when Memphis was making fun of Ian for being on the spectrum. So glad she’s going home empty handed. 



I totally agree with you -- the highlight of this season for me was seeing Nicole go into shock at being evicted by Cody (she was already thinking she was going to make history by being a 2-time winner!).  Cody did exactly what he needed to do and I do believe he deserved the win -- even though a lot of his getting to the end (I believe) was through pre-gaming and forming a pre-game alliance which even Dr. Will said players who do this are disrespecting the game and should be ashamed.


All in all, this was a very disappointing and pathetic season. None of them should feel good about it.

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