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Da'Vonne Rogers

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Da'Vonne Rogers
Age: 32
Hometown: Inglewood, California
Current city: Inglewood, California
Occupation: Acting coach
Previous seasons: Big Brother 17 and Big Brother 18. Da'Vonne was the first Houseguest to figure out the twin twist in Season 17.

Three adjectives that describe you: Witty, outspoken, hilarious, and strong.

Favorite activities: I love doing things with my daughter. She's literally my best friend, the coolest human in the world, and she's hilarious too. We do a lot of arts and crafts, science experiments, board games, puzzles, painting, cooking, baking… she keeps me young. I THOROUGHLY enjoy reading! Give me a good book, some rain, a fireplace, and some tea, WHEW, I'm good to go. Outside of that, I honestly think it just depends on my mood. I enjoy things as extreme as amusement parks, hiking, The Spartan Races, or as chill as shooting pool,  bowling, and a nice little comedy club.

Why do you want to play Big Brother again?
I genuinely LOVE this game. It's hard as hell and it will drive you crazy, but it's so much fun to play. I've played Big Brother twice now, and I've lost Big Brother twice, but third time's the charm, right? When I was evicted during Season 18, I told Julie that I'd play this game again and again and again, and I meant that. With two seasons and no comp wins, my ego and my pride  are annoyed as hell right now, how did I go in there TWO TIMES and didn't win anything? I have some things that I need to prove to myself. I'm fully aware of what my biggest errors were during my first two seasons, so I know exactly what NOT to do this time around.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?
We are in the middle of a pandemic, so of course it's going to be hard being away from my child and my family. However, my family is like Master Level Quarantine Squad. I have peace in knowing that my mom is protecting my daughter and God is protecting them all. Like every other season, the hardest part for me is not being able to be around my daughter because we're super attached to one another. She can't sneeze without me knowing about it, that's how attached we are. Not being able to see her, hug her, kiss her, and pray with her is going to be hard, especially now that she's older. She's five now, so she's fully aware of what is going on, which makes it a lot harder this time

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most and why?
It's definitely no secret that my favorite Big Brother players are Danielle Reyes and Dan Gheesling. I will say it forever and always that Danielle was robbed of her win during Season 3. She played the hell out of that season and if diary room sessions were private like they are now,  she would have definitely won her season. Dan's creativity when playing this game is unmatched. I can honestly say that he takes all aspects of the game into consideration when playing. His first season (Season 10), he played flawlessly. As much as I love both of them, I would never want to play the game with them. I already know I would be blindly loyal to them both, and ain't nobody got time for that, that's not how you win.

What is your strategy for winning the game? 
You know what, I don't have a strategy this time. Both times I went into the house, I had these strategies that I thought were going to work and then as soon as Julie hit us with the "but first..." everything went out the window. So this time, I'm going to play as I go. One of my favorite things to do with my students is improv, and there is a game called "Yes, and," which basically means "yes, I receive what you're giving me and this is how I'm going to respond." That's exactly how I have to play this game, I have to literally live in the moment of what's going on in the house… and keep my damn mouth shut!

How does this strategy differ from the last time you played?
The last two times I played this game, I went into the house and was on game mode level 9,000. Each time I failed, lol. So this time I plan to be more chill and relaxed. My antennas will still be up, but I don't want to cloud my judgement this time by filling my mind with things I shouldn't even be focused on. Play by play… step by step, and LIVE IN THE MOMENT.

Have you changed/evolved since the last time you were on the show?
My life has changed a lot since the last time I was on the show. I've grown so much as a person. High-tempered, hot-headed Da'Vonne has calmed down a lot. Don't get me wrong, she's still very accessible, but I try to keep her tucked away these days. I've done more TV shows and branched out more with my acting. Life has really been great, I can honestly say the Lord has blessed me.

My life's motto is…
Definitely one I took from my granny. She used to always say: "Say what you mean and mean what you say. Be honest, direct, and stand in your truth because people can only do two things: accept it, or reject it. At the end of the day, who gon' whoop my ass?" 

What would you take into the house and why?
  • I would take my bible into the house because the Lord's word is literally a part of my peace of mind.
  • I would also take something that belongs to my daughter —her picture, her necklace, a teddy bear, a sock, a shirt—anything that belongs to her so that I can have a piece of her in there with me.

Fun facts about yourself:
  • I am an extremely sociable person but I can't be social for long periods of time. I ENJOY MY ALONE TIME. I am the person that can go to an event, make my rounds, have an amazing time,  but there is definitely an alarm set on my phone that is going to set off my "alright y'all, it's been real..." speech, so that I can make my exit.
  • I do not like to watch myself on TV. I have not sat down and watched all of my episodes of BB 17 or 18, because I don't like watching myself. I don't know what it is, I'll start and then never follow through with it.
  • As tough as I am, I am terrified of insects and reptiles. The Season 21 competition with the snakes and roaches… HELL NAH!
  • I'm extremely shy which is weird because I'm also extremely sociable. For example, if I enter a room with a lot of people, yes, I'm going to talk and engage, but for those first three or four minutes, my palms are sweating and my heart is racing a million beats a minute. As soon as I get past that four or five minute mark, I'm gold. The beauty about it is, I've learned how to mask it,  so until now, I'm sure no one really knew.
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Absolutely not! As a Canadian citizen from birth, I want to call her out on her horrible, cruel, and completely untrue comments about Canadian citizens. I never ran into racism, until I moved this country! Canadians welcome everybody, we have a very diverse country, where everyone is safe. Blacks aren’t being killed by white cops in Canada. The racist groups are small and have very little power, and most of them have come from USA, to vacation, and stayed!

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On 8/6/2020 at 1:22 PM, QDpie said:

Absolutely not! As a Canadian citizen from birth, I want to call her out on her horrible, cruel, and completely untrue comments about Canadian citizens. I never ran into racism, until I moved this country! Canadians welcome everybody, we have a very diverse country, where everyone is safe. Blacks aren’t being killed by white cops in Canada. The racist groups are small and have very little power, and most of them have come from USA, to vacation, and stayed!


Hm? I believe it was Bayleigh that was talking about Canada and a reality show saying they didn't want her to bring around the wrong crowd. Maybe you are referring to something else that I missed.


Anyway, I have always considered Canadians some of the nicest people I've ever met.

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She needs to see that Cody and his team aren’t really there for her or protecting her and Bay like she thinks. I think it was good that her and Bay decided to wait and see how Jaysar does next week in HOH, before committing to align with them. 

The problem is everyone in the house can’t be in the same alliance. If Jaysar loses next week, then the people on the outskirts will be targets. Whoever wins the next HOH, if they are trying not to make enemies, will put up floaters or maybe previous winners (NicoleA or David, Ian, Kevin, NicoleF).

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Day needs to go up on the block next week. Her game play is horrible and she’s bringing down Bays game as well (which has improved slightly since the last time she played).


She’s constantly running her mouth to the wrong people and instead of trying to form an alliance that would be workable, has been loyal to people that could care less about her like Cody and Dani.


Time to go.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/7/2020 at 8:19 PM, MamaLong said:


Hm? I believe it was Bayleigh that was talking about Canada and a reality show saying they didn't want her to bring around the wrong crowd. Maybe you are referring to something else that I missed.


Anyway, I have always considered Canadians some of the nicest people I've ever met.

It was Bayleigh

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Day, you made a good reaction about Kaysar when you cast your vote. But, really, why could you not have formed an alliance with Kaysar and worked to get others on the "outside" of the core alliance to build an opposing alliance!?? Now that would have been good game play.  At this point, you're still just treading water along with everyone else. And it is BORING.

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2 hours ago, Bibbs said:

I am hoping Day uses the veto but looks like she is damned if she does and damned if she does not. It sucks that her alliance with Dani is not strong.  I guess it looks like the four are still going to be going out in the next 4 weeks.  


I believe she used it and now Ian is up on the block with Tyler.

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She did use it and good for her!!

Day also kept everyone hanging and didn’t give an indication of if she was going to use it or not.


Dani was after her to keep the votes the same because she didn’t want to have to nominate a fourth person. I’m glad the game was shaken up a little bit, because it has been so boring for an all-star season.


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13 hours ago, Keepittogether said:

She did use it and good for her!!

Day also kept everyone hanging and didn’t give an indication of if she was going to use it or not.


Dani was after her to keep the votes the same because she didn’t want to have to nominate a fourth person. I’m glad the game was shaken up a little bit, because it has been so boring for an all-star season.


Happy Dance!!!   She used it and now we have some game play. But for how long.  The outside people need to get Dani and Nicole in their alliance.  Nicole is already on the fence.  If Tyler does not go home, it really does not change anything unless one of the four (David, Kevin, Ian, or Day) get HOH.  They will have to put up people in power.  I would love to see Tyler and jackhole Memphis be get on the block together.

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So, Day, David and Kevin have gone from 2 out of the 3 of them being nominated this week to being completely safe. That’s a big shift. More importantly, their eyes are now open to what’s going on in the house and the fact that they are targets and need to fight for their lives.


Besides taking the heat off of themselves, Dani has done a good job of putting up two, big, male targets. As much as she bugs, glad she’s done it. Unless, Cody or Memphis decide to flip things (they’re really the men running Dani’s HOH), it looks like Ian will be going home this week.

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