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i havent seen any compaining around here. maybe james need a little sit down time with me and figure this all out. i wouls love to see more of their compains.....i just dont think it will happen.

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James has said that having Sarah in the house, kept him off his game somewhat .. that times he wanted to focus on the game, she wanted to talk about their relationship. I kinda wondered last season if he'd been in there with his original partner if he wouldn't have been more cut-throat and manipulative of the other houseguests.

He won a lot of comparisons to Dr. Will season 2 .. and I think he had some big shoes to fill for that. So I would really like the two to go head to head to see who the best man really is.

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Just got this from James...

At 7pm Pacific / 10pm Eastern I'm hosting a chat on www.jamesbb6.com

I was on JokersUpdates.com last night and someone hacked it trying to stop the chat... tonight should be just as interesting.

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Both of their heads are to big to go "Head to Head" I think they call that russian roulette!!

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AngeliaCG Posted Today, 01:10 PM

Yeah he's going to attempt to be in everyones camp BUT who will fall for it? They know that is what he did last season.

Due to certain situations in the game, someone will have to take a chance...and hope it doesn't come back to bite them in the ass later. I like the way James plays...do anything and say anything, to win.

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Yes, you're right. Someone will have to take a chance. James would be the likely candidate, but like you said it may bite him in the ass. Unless he finds a way to work it to his advantage. They may think he would not be as brass this time around and fall for him doing exactly what he did last time. They may think that everyone will change their strategy and some may not and use the exact same tactics.

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I was at Life Source last night and I saw James there for get the vote out. He commented last night about how he didn't like the auto voters because he was first and then hackers got in to change his link to Cowboy. He also said that people don't want him in there becuase he is going to be playing the game they same way and they didn't like that he would have to agree on that. Also he talked about how Danielle is his ultimate fan.

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