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The Halting Hex

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"The winning houseguest will be tempted with the Halting Hex! Whether on the block or not, they can halt any one of the next four evictions during the live show, making it a non-eviction night. But remember, every temptation comes with a consequence."


Who do you want to win the next DOT? 

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This is the last temptation. Perhaps I am too cynical, but it seems to me that this whole twist was put into the game to keep Paul safe in the first weeks of the game. He get's three weeks of safety, which is huge. Not even in Survivor, where the the immunity idol has changed many games, has anyone ever been given a free pass for almost a quarter of the game.

Julie has said that if no one has taken the very first temptation, Paul wouldn't have gone into the game but come on, the odds of at least one of 16 taking 25000 dollars is pretty high. That's a lot of money. 

So now I have to wonder, who is the most loyal to Paul who will save him with the halting hex if he goes up in the block after his last week of safety? Whoever that is will probably get this temptation. 



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Alex would never save Paul.  As seems she will first back door Xmas, certainly, if she wins, Paul will be next.  And he knows it.  If/when Alex puts Xmas up I only hope house will all vote her out.  Paul may DEMAND his sheep vote someone else.


If she wins Temptation will they know before eviction? 

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The vote seems to be very split with the extra week of voting. Lots of people are saying save Jessica or save Dominique or give it to Raven because of her disease.


Votes very split. One more day.

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With Jess winning the hex and the possibility of Cody coming back into the house this could lead to a EPIC Paul meltdown.


Imagine Cody and Jess back together in da house..

Paul wins HoH (again) and puts of Cody and Jess on the block.

During live eviction Jess uses hex and saves both of them.

Paul suffers massive heart attack and leaves the house on a stretcher.



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50 minutes ago, stevea11 said:

With Jess winning the hex and the possibility of Cody coming back into the house this could lead to a EPIC Paul meltdown.


Imagine Cody and Jess back together in da house..

Paul wins HoH (again) and puts of Cody and Jess on the block.

During live eviction Jess uses hex and saves both of them.

Paul suffers massive heart attack and leaves the house on a stretcher.




This is my hope. But first I'd like to see them throw it to Josh and for him to put up Mark and Matt. This could be a great two weeks of drama! Shouldn't get my hopes up though.

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3 hours ago, stevea11 said:

With Jess winning the hex and the possibility of Cody coming back into the house this could lead to a EPIC Paul meltdown.


Imagine Cody and Jess back together in da house..

Paul wins HoH (again) and puts of Cody and Jess on the block.

During live eviction Jess uses hex and saves both of them.

Paul suffers massive heart attack and leaves the house on a stretcher.




I didn't vote for Jess for the Temptation but thinking it could make for good times in the BB house. I would love for Paul to lose his crown in the house. CBS is driving me nuts with the way every show they feature Paul as the puppet master. I want the iron throne taken away from Paul. Winter is coming.... ya know.

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