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Brittany Martinez (Week 4) - nominated by Cody - EVICTED July 24

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Guest 6Borders

She's been getting on my nerves so not unhappy to see her go.

Why do these people always think the BB game is about who deserves

it the most in their personal lives and not who played the best game!!!

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I feel kinda bad for her. I don't like that she says she deserves to be there. I don't like it when anyone says it. I am trying to give her a break here but she is a mom and I know that she is trying to give her kids a better life but she obviously has not watched alot of big brother. I give her props for not laying down and just accepting her fate she is trying to stay. I know that they cannot tell her if they are voting for her to stay but I wish they would not give her false hope. She really thinks Cody wants her to stay I wish and she really trusts Derrick that is too bad. I watched her all day Sunday kick that stupid ball and the whole time I knew she was doing it for nothing but she didn't quit. Thanks to Donny who sat with her all day. I don't like how the rest of the house who claim to hate her were making fun of her the whole time and talk crap about her. It serves no purpose. Frankie is always telling people that she is mad even when she is not. I think Jacosta should tell her that it does not look good and that Cody does not want her to stay. I know that she can't but it is kinda painful watching her think she has a legitimate shot at staying when she has not a chance in the world.

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First of all I have never heard one person say the HATE her. That is just wrong

I like the feisty wise cracking sarcastic wit of Brittany. I don't care for the pity party Brittany or the I deserve to be here Britt.

I did not like when she kept telling people that her ex was proabably trying to take the kids away from her for leaving them to play Big Brother

If that were the case I would be self evicting because my kids the most important thing in my world.

As far as the other players - people are just playing the game and making moves for what is best for them in the game.

I think her kids will be happy to have their mom back.

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First of all I have never heard one person say the HATE her. That is just wrong

I like the feisty wise cracking sarcastic wit of Brittany. I don't care for the pity party Brittany or the I deserve to be here Britt.

I did not like when she kept telling people that her ex was proabably trying to take the kids away from her for leaving them to play Big Brother

If that were the case I would be self evicting because my kids the most important thing in my world.

As far as the other players - people are just playing the game and making moves for what is best for them in the game.

I think her kids will be happy to have their mom back.

I agree that her kids will be happy victoria and zach and most of the alliance have all said they hated her. As far as her ex taking the kids I doubt that this is true I cannot see her going into the house if she really thought that would happen. I could be wrong but I think she uses that to try and help her in the game its not working.

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Her campaigning really just made things worse for her I think.

Zach, Victoria and Hayden were comparing notes last night at different times. She told Zach if she stayed and won HoH she'd put up Victoria. She told Hayden she'd put up Zach and Victoria and then she told Victoria she'd put up Nicole and Christine.

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Her campaigning really just made things worse for her I think.

Zach, Victoria and Hayden were comparing notes last night at different times. She told Zach if she stayed and won HoH she'd put up Victoria. She told Hayden she'd put up Zach and Victoria and then she told Victoria she'd put up Nicole and Christine.

And you would think by now after all the times she was ratted out she would know enough not to give them notes to compare. She's snobby and stupid!

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I have a feeling it's not really anything in particular that she's done.

It's just the NUMBERS game they're playing to get their 'chosen few' into the Jury House.

They're nit picking to make themselves feel like there are legitimate reasons for ousting her.

It's just Brittany's turn in the barrel this week.

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Yeah, that was my point. They talk about her like she is some kind of BB wizard when they know that she is just the easy target, like Jocasta and Victoria. It just bugs me that they talk that crap like anyone is supposed to believe they feel threatened by her.

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You got that right Straykat.

But you gotta admit they've landed (by accident) in a nice little 'set-up'... and you can't

blame them for running with it.

AND... they lucked out having the other HGs some of the wimpiest players ever.

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The whole BotB situation guarantees that the weakest players will be the ones on the block in the first weeks of the game. The people kept on the outside of the BS didn't have the opportunity or the will to save themselves. They have been just floating in the wake of the guys in charge. I'm just waiting for Christine and Nicole to become the "weakest players" (if the duo HoH continues) when they run out of the outsiders. I really want to see Christine put on the block.

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Guest 6Borders

The Pity Party needs to be over. I seem to recall when she went in the house

she told some of the other HG's that she was assured her ex would NOT be able

to take her kids because she was on BB. Personally, I would vote someone out

so they could go be with their kids and assure that they were not going to be

taken away so her lame stragedy makes no sense to me.

This is also the woman who, when asked for her bio what she would miss the most,

she said "social media".

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I will crack up if production pulls something because it has been boring in this house. Like no one goes home and Brittany stays and Cody's HOH was for nothing! That would be awesome! She does bring drama for the detonators who are scared of her which is silly if you ask me.

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Guest 6Borders

I'm glad she's gone. She needs to be home with her kids and maybe

her BB experience will land her some big events, and I wish her well,

even thought she was not a favorite player of mine.

Tho I'm happy Donny is safe, it would be nice to have a few votes tossed

her way. The season is another predictible house vote by the lemmings

who follow each other off the cliff.

I'm glad Brittany's kids were there for her last night immediately.

They are a beautiful family and it was a touching moment.

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Guest 6Borders

Oh my gosh...in-ter-min-able!! I started watching, about 20 min in (well maybe slight exageration but not much) I put bread and a pie in the oven, answered a phone call from ATT and used the WC (washed my hands), came back and it was still going on!

No wonder the woman does not sleep!!!

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IMHO, Brittany only went on the block this week because she hit a nerve with Cody. If anyone recalls, when Brittany first entered the house, Cody was saying that if she happened to hit her head on the boat in the pool, he'd be the first one there to give her mouth to mouth. He thought she was hot, especially for a mother of three. However, when this week came and she mentioned that she wouldn't be snuggling up to him like the other girls in the house, Cody took it personally and Brittany became a target. First off, Cody is NOT that special or hot. Secondly, as someone pointed out earlier, she is an older player and has children to think of. She was not there looking for a showmance. As for referring to her saying she deserves to be there, every player in that house has that mentality. As for needing the money, couldn't everyone use some extra cash? To refer to her as selfish, arrogant, snobbish, entitled and whatever other adjectives you may throw out about her, I recall all those same things being said about Victoria. However, Victoria introduced herself that way. Brittany played the game from the start. When she was first nominated, she had to coach Victoria on how to swing. Who in the hell has no idea how a swing operates. If it hadn't been for Brittany's coaxing, they may have both stayed on the block the first week. Brittany played each BOB without complaint. She spent the first two weeks on slop and in the ice room. She managed to stay even though Paola threw their second BOB. To say she was not playing the game is wrong. To dislike her is each persons personal choice. I would prefer to see Brittany there over Victoria, Jacosta or Zach any day. As for who I'd like to see in final three, I have only four people who might fit any combination of final three: Donny, Nicole, Christine and Hayden. I'd be more than happy to see any combination of three from these four in the final. Who do I most not want to see there: Victoria, Jacosta, Zach, Frankie, Derrick, Amber or Cody.

If she needs to go home and be with her kids, then so does Derrick for whatever reason everyone thinks someone with kids shouldn't be there. At least Brittany went it with the truth. Derrick's been lying since before he entered the house. I can't wait for someone to figure out his "secret life".

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