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GinaMarie - Final Week (Part 1 of HoH winner) BB15 Runner-Up


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no ones bashing Gm for the color of her skin, gm's ignorance is beyond belief for a woman of her age..it's ok to bash Elissa for having plastic surgery yet gm has had liposuction, nose job, fake hair...etc on top of that she said many,many, racist things and even bashes a small child..sorry, that's not bashing ..that's fact! :mellow:


Thank you!!!! To see people on this board say...yay if GM that will show Candice.............what..really????? I dont care for any of the HG that are remaining, but in regards to game play I hope that Andy wins......he is the best rat of the bunch......

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no ones bashing Gm for the color of her skin, gm's ignorance is beyond belief for a woman of her age..it's ok to bash Elissa for having plastic surgery yet gm has had liposuction, nose job, fake hair...etc on top of that she said many,many, racist things and even bashes a small child..sorry, that's not bashing ..that's fact! :mellow:

Great points! GinaMarie is every bit as artificially enhanced altered as Elissa.

GM confounds me. Even disregarding her racist/vile/ignorant/delusional, etc. comments and behaviors, I'm utterly bewildered by her very existence and have real trouble trying to imagine her day to day life, particularly in relation to her former job as a pageant coach...

It's just so contradictory....the hair extensions, the makeup, the tanning, the hair-dying, etc. etc..... practices employed for beautification and appeal....and then it's paired with constant belching, chomping, slurping, bellowing, etc. etc....I mean, she's flat-out gross. Like every effort she puts forth toward her image of beauty and class is immediately erased the second she opens her mouth or every time she spends 10 minutes piling her fake hair into that mess on top of her head....

What is she teaching the girls she's hired to coach? I don't mean philosophically or even facetiously. I mean, what does she actually say, what does she actually do???

I don't know...I'm just rambling, I guess. I probably wouldn't be as put off by her gross behaviors if they were coming from someone not employed in the profession of beauty and image. (like spencer! LOL)

I guess I'm confused because I just don't understand how/why someone who puts in those kinds of efforts and thought into supposed physical betterment doesn't follow through to put those efforts into their best light.... OK i've given this too much thought. :P

Great points. She's sort of like a female version of Spencer.

Gotta pull for the girl and to see the look on Candice's face if GM wins it all. :D

I kinda doubt that Candice has that kind of ill will toward others. Only really petty and insecure people act like that.

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One down, one to go Gina Marie. Your classy, brassy and sassy. I would love to see you win the final HOH so you can send Andy "a steppin".

Can't wait to see Candice's face when she sees you and Spencer in the F2. That will be an interesting Q&A session. :popcorn:

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she's going to need it for therapy and more liposuction since her ass and hips have gotten wider..plus she really needs someone to help her with her addiction to vomiting and Nick!

It does look like she has gained more than a few pounds. It's sad that some people go for the "quick fix" (liposuction, purging, etc.) to solve their self-perceived inadequacies instead of putting in the real work necessary to reach their goals.

One down, one to go Gina Marie. Your classy, brassy and sassy. I would love to see you win the final HOH so you can send Andy "a steppin".

Classy??? Wow. That's a stretch. I guess we have different definitions of the word "classy". There is NOTHING classy about GinaMarie, IMO.

If she wins HOH and sends Andy out she most likely won't be saying something as catty a crude as she said to Amanda. Instead of "get to steppin" she'll say something like "I'm sorry, Buddy". I wasn't fond of Amanda, but what she said and the way she said it was trashy, and a reflection on GinaMarie, not Amanda.

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It does look like she has gained more than a few pounds. It's sad that some people go for the "quick fix" (liposuction, purging, etc.) to solve their self-perceived inadequacies instead of putting in the real work necessary to reach their goals.

Classy??? Wow. That's a stretch. I guess we have different definitions of the word "classy". There is NOTHING classy about GinaMarie, IMO.

If she wins HOH and sends Andy out she most likely won't be saying something as catty a crude as she said to Amanda. Instead of "get to steppin" she'll say something like "I'm sorry, Buddy". I wasn't fond of Amanda, but what she said and the way she said it was trashy, and a reflection on GinaMarie, not Amanda.

Of the many offensive things GM has said this season, I was not offended by "get to stepping" at all. Probably reflects my feelings about Amanda, but I cracked up. I also think Amanda had that coming in the light of the fight she had just had with GM and how she taunted her about having no vote and no power.

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I stopped watching the feeds, cancelled them after Elissa left but DVR'd the shows......glad Mcstupid is gone,done in by McRat........would never want to be within 10 ft. of GM in real life but in this group of misfits....better her than them.

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I don't think anybody really genuinely likes the F3 and it is more of a "who do we hate the least" mentality. And that is who we root for. Turns out I really really dislike Andy. I also dislike GM but apparently I hate Andy more because he IS educated and is vile while GM is uneducated and vile. So I can excuse her idiocy more. Spencer is in F2 and playing for 2nd place no matter what.

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GM confounds me. Even disregarding her racist/vile/ignorant/delusional, etc. comments and behaviors, I'm utterly bewildered by her very existence and have real trouble trying to imagine her day to day life, particularly in relation to her former job as a pageant coach...

It's just so contradictory....the hair extensions, the makeup, the tanning, the hair-dying, etc. etc..... practices employed for beautification and appeal....and then it's paired with constant belching, chomping, slurping, bellowing, etc. etc....I mean, she's flat-out gross. Like every effort she puts forth toward her image of beauty and class is immediately erased the second she opens her mouth or every time she spends 10 minutes piling her fake hair into that mess on top of her head....

What is she teaching the girls she's hired to coach? I don't mean philosophically or even facetiously. I mean, what does she actually say, what does she actually do???

I don't know...I'm just rambling, I guess. I probably wouldn't be as put off by her gross behaviors if they were coming from someone not employed in the profession of beauty and image. (like spencer! LOL)

I guess I'm confused because I just don't understand how/why someone who puts in those kinds of efforts and thought into supposed physical betterment doesn't follow through to put those efforts into their best light.... OK i've given this too much thought. :P

Your assessment is spot on and I too struggled with understanding the enigma that is GM untill I read a post from Jokers Updates with some insight into her background.

She's not involved with major pageants like the the ones that Candice won, GM is involved in the ones similar to Honey Boo Boo, the low level county fair type paegents for kids so she's basically just a coordinator that pins numbers on the children's dresses and makes sure their are skittles backstage.

It is however very disturbing to know that someone so trashy is working around children but that's why her part-time employer fired her....scary thought this woman around children!

That paegent industry seems very superficial I guess but it's still weird seeing someone with fake hair, fake contacts, a fake tan,

a nose job, and an eating disorder who behaves like a person that has no morals or vales as a human being.

I guess this F4 is like voting for political office were you choose the lesser of two evils even though your disgust and dislike is about the equivalent on both sides.

Based on overall gameplay I would have to vote for Andy since his betrayl of Helen and Amanda set in motion their evictions which were two of the biggest evictions of the season, plus Andy has a decent 4-5 comp wins and actually used strategy to position himself in the F4. Andy is rat-like and a weasel but that's what the game is all about.

Based on emotion I'd have to vote for Spencer, he's crass and a sexist pig but not in an overt malicious way, he's never used racial intimidation or bullying to further his game and he's been on the block a record amount of time, I don't think he can beat Andy or GM, but I do believe one of them will take him and win since he's seen by most as a floater with luck.

I wouldn't vote for GM but if she wins I think it will be great for her kind because she is the best representative you could ever find to represent the true nature of these people.

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Of the many offensive things GM has said this season, I was not offended by "get to stepping" at all. Probably reflects my feelings about Amanda, but I cracked up. I also think Amanda had that coming in the light of the fight she had just had with GM and how she taunted her about having no vote and no power.

Remember Ian's "pop a squat" ?
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no ones bashing Gm for the color of her skin, gm's ignorance is beyond belief for a woman of her age..it's ok to bash Elissa for having plastic surgery yet gm has had liposuction, nose job, fake hair...etc on top of that she said many,many, racist things and even bashes a small child..sorry, that's not bashing ..that's fact! :mellow:


She's been called retarded, uneducated, fatass, white trash and numberous other names.

She's been bashed.

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OK I have another plan -

IF they let Gina Marie do the voting out she should evict Spencer and say sorry dude Andy made me do it. He said it was good for his game and he wants F2 with me.

Spencer would walk out the door feeling betrayed and he will have no way of knowing if it is true.

McCrae and Gina Marie should then tag team against Andy.

If Andy is at the end and gets to choose he will pick GM anyway.

That's what I was hoping for last night, even though they had told mcpizza about their alliance. I was hoping that mcpizza would have talked to her and convinced her to make another power move, splitting up another power couple. Apparently, he had no chance or ambition to do so. And, alas, GM had to prove once again that she doesn't possess two brain cells to rub together. She's simply a follower. Still, as much as I find GM to be repulsive, I hope she wins over the other two. She's the least disgusting and that's not saying much for her.

I do think it's hilarious that they act as if the exterminators are the greatest alliance in BB history when they didn't bother to form it until there was practically no one left.

I am kinda pumped about seeing Dr. Will. I hope he rips them all a new one.

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you're right Roli..classy would never be a word to describe GM OR RATBOY OR FATBOY the last 3 don't even know the meaning of the word..don't get people calling Candice a loser ..maybe she didn't win this show but she's so much more successful than gm will ever be..why do you think GM hated her so much? :eat:

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you're right Roli..classy would never be a word to describe GM OR RATBOY OR FATBOY the last 3 don't even know the meaning of the word..don't get people calling Candice a loser ..maybe she didn't win this show but she's so much more successful than gm will ever be..why do you think GM hated her so much? :eat:

I don't get it either, Edieann. Fifteen people won't win BB15. That doesn't mean they're losers. Some folks just can't help but be negative about a few of the HGs. Candice, like all humans, isn't perfect, but she does possess many fine qualities such as being intelligent, educated, respectable and beautiful. Her life will be awesome. She's a winner.

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Yea, Candice is really pulling for GM and Candice does not wear a chip on her shoulder. :D:rolleyes:

There's a whole lot of middle ground between not showing ill will toward someone and "pulling for" them. I think the chip on Candice's shoulder might just be your imagination. It's possible that Candice might be "over it" at this point.

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There's a whole lot of middle ground between not showing ill will toward someone and "pulling for" them. I think the chip on Candice's shoulder might just be your imagination. It's possible that Candice might be "over it" at this point.

I remember when Candice said she did not like Jessie because Jessie has a better ass then she does and no Candice still has that chip. :D

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