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Helen - Week 4

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Yelen's been working the pity card from day one. She wants everyone to think she's a holy mother who's been victimized by the mean people. They all think she's the sweetest thang since Little Debbie snack cakes. She has most of the house completely snowed and none of them see any blood on her hands, nor will they until it's too late. She deflects blame very well.

OTOH, I think Judd sees right thru her. I read somewhere this morning that Judd made the comment last night that there were people who were running the house while keeping the blood off themselves. He had to have been talking about Yelen, Amanda and Mcpizza.

I hope Judd doesn't let Yelen run his show.

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Helen is in the HOH room complaining to Spencer about Aaryn - and Spencer appears to be gaining a little respect back with Helen by listening to her and siding with her.

Spencer you slick devil....Spencer pointing out to Helen that Aaryn is on the outs with, GM and Kaitlin, saying everyone is pissed at Aaryn because she is a shit stirrer, and Helen starts crying AGAIN. :bigcry:

Helen loudly - "I fucking hate her". "Fucking Aaryn, I fucking hate her". "I fucking want her to go home, she is trying to break everybody up and I fucking hate her for it."

Spencer being consulted by Elissa - who do you want to go up? Spencer - "Well Aaryn is a shit stirrer."

Helen asking America to please make her MVP.

Thanks for the updates.

If Helen's head gets any bigger it may explode!

What does Rachel call her and the sister - the "Mom Squad" or something like that? Helen is ruthless and wants to win the money and Beaklissa is just too plain stupid to ever be anything other than Rachel of BB's sister.

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The other day Andy referred to her as "Supreme Leader Helen" and while it is funny and meant in jest eventually it will feel sinister and other strong women, like Amanda for instance will probably take offense to it

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Yelen's been working the pity card from day one. She wants everyone to think she's a holy mother who's been victimized by the mean people. They all think she's the sweetest thang since Little Debbie snack cakes. She has most of the house completely snowed and none of them see any blood on her hands, nor will they until it's too late. She deflects blame very well.

OTOH, I think Judd sees right thru her. I read somewhere this morning that Judd made the comment last night that there were people who were running the house while keeping the blood off themselves. He had to have been talking about Yelen, Amanda and Mcpizza.

I hope Judd doesn't let Yelen run his show.


I hope that one catches on.

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Helen said this to Candice and Jesse!

#BB15 3:32 PM BBT Jessie, Candice and Helen talking in the HN room. Jessie talking about Amanda and McCrae being a power couple in the house.

DING DING DING! Finally the bells are going off now get them out!

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Helen tells everybody don't tell Andy anything who is the first person to snitch to Andy!!! She Can't keep her mouth shut whatsoever! I hope and he doesn't tell McCrae and Amanda!

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Helen is apparently on to McManda. She is telling Andy that Judd told her he feels that McManda is trying to get the house to do their dirty work

Only problem is that Andy keeps telling McManda everything. He needs to shut his big mouth. So does Judd. They need to pick a side and stay there for a while, instead of surfing the fence.

Also Helen missed out on Amanda's pity party last night. That helped put a lot of sympathy in Amanda's pocket.

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Helen and Candice, after a long BY talk, have decided that Amanda really needs to go. They are certain that first Aaryn needs to leave (this week) and then Amanda needs to go.

Now, what will they do when Elissa uses the POV and Amanda is the replacement nominee? :lookaround:

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I noticed that Helen is on a mission to be miss congeniality and affirm to all HG that all the past is the past and she wants to start with a new slate.

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I noticed that Helen is on a mission to be miss congeniality and affirm to all HG that all the past is the past and she wants to start with a new slate.

Ain't that the standard MO. They are the mob boss when they are HOH, and then once they lose power, they become a Buddhist monk.

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Helen makes me want to tell her to calm down and go chill somewhere. She has appointed herself Ms Congeniality and a little bit of helen goes a long way with me. All that running in the house is krazzzzzzzzzy.

Yes!!!!! Sit down! I can't believe Andy is more calmer than and she!
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I need to know!!! What is the Yellin' cry count up to?

That is a good question MadMarty. Let me do some math here....lets see....carry the 2.....square root of 81......dont forget to round up.....which brings us to......Ah!

Helen cry count = 147 (+/- 3)

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