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Sunday, July 22 - Live Feed & BBAD


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The reason I started watching BB was the psychological aspect of the show. "Strangers" placed in a house together without any TV, radio, telephone or contact with loved ones. They have drifted so far away from the original concept it's disappointing. I think the producers are doing a great disservice to this show by bringing back HG each year. I've been pretty laid back as far as accepting what they've thrown at us but I'm getting burnt on this revolving door.

Add to that the problems we're having with the live feeds, no bblite and way too many WBRB and it's a season doomed for failure. Another thing that is going to take me away from this season is the Olympics. I'm a sport fanatic and now that there will be more channels carrying the games I'll be spending more of my time watching them instead of BB.

I don't want to say if they do the returning HG again next year I won't watch but I realllllly wish they would go back to the beginning of Big Brother and have all new people. It's the least they could do for those of us who have stuck around all these years. I for one would LOVE it.

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I'm going to be super disappointed if they don't show the fight tonight! I have heard so many versions of this fight that I am dying to see the real thing!

I can't stand most sports so I will stick with Big Brother even though I am sad that it has strayed far from what it is supposed to be.

Don't make me all pissed tonight Grodner--show everything! :boxing:

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They didn't show it as epic as I thought it would be. It just showed Joe as a wimp. "he hit my head". Joe should have be evicted also, he made a comment back to Willie, knowing he was upset and he had his fist up in an aggressive manner. The only reason Joe didn't throw the punch was b/c of production. Willie was planning this all along. He's hoping there will be no eviction this week.

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It doesn't excuse the behavior in any way, but I think he did it thinking he was saving Shane and JoJo. If you noticed, he immediately did as he was told by production (go to the back bedroom and then go to the DR) without any problems what so ever. If he had been out of control, I think they would have had to come in and remove him. He knew exactly what he was doing and he had a purpose in mind.

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They didn't show it as epic as I thought it would be. It just showed Joe as a wimp. "he hit my head". Joe should have be evicted also, he made a comment back to Willie, knowing he was upset and he had his fist up in an aggressive manner. The only reason Joe didn't throw the punch was b/c of production. Willie was planning this all along. He's hoping there will be no eviction this week.

So Willie did head butt Joe first ?

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The mood Willie had been before all this happened and the comments he was making had everyone on the defensive.

I don't blame Joe for putting up his dukes in a position to defend himself the way Willie had been acting.

Willie wanted a fight.

Willie is just a sore loser and and can't take it when everyone doesn't bend to the way he wants it to go.

Good riddance.

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I think Willie put up that whole fiasco to save shane and jojo... He probably didn't expect for this week to continue with nominations... I think people are too harsh on Willie especially how badly everyone treated him including Brit... His actions were not appropriate, but you can't deny that everyone in the house was so messed up to him. I think besides Shane, everyone just rubbed salt on his wound...

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