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Frank Eudy, Week 2 (HoH)


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ITA, they need to reshuffle the deck but guess Dame Janelle won't allow it.

Of course not...Janelle seems to be Grodner's favorite, so anything that works in her favor will happen even if it deviates from previous seasons.

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Why is Frank still HOH? In season 11 after Chima was expelled, Michele lost her HOH position and the week restarted completely with a new HOH being crowned. Why isn't that happening this time? Or is that still an option, but it's too early to tell?

I thought Chima was HOH when she was evicted. She was mad because she lost her HOH power due to the coup detat that Jeff used.
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Why is Frank still HOH? In season 11 after Chima was expelled, Michele lost her HOH position and the week restarted completely with a new HOH being crowned. Why isn't that happening this time? Or is that still an option, but it's too early to tell?

Only logical explanation here was that Michelle nominted Chima and I believe Natalie during that week and then Chima left.

In this case, no nominations had been made.

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Guest Corky812

Sooooo he is another person Big Brother producers recruited who didn't apply for the show?

I do not like him one bit. He's the perfect example of stabbing you right in the chest and smiling while doing it, but the way he is playing the game from what I have briefly seen is perfect big brother sneaky and underhanded game play. He fueled the Hantz fire with lies (correct me if Willie really did mock someone the way Frank said because I did not see that), got the whole house fired up and on his side, then he not only stays in but gets the Head of Household and that throws dynamite on the Hantz fire.

Wasn't Janelle the one who said her mistake on Big Brother was keeping the strong players? The house made a very bad mistake to keep Frank in my estimation.

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Yep, since the HG were idiots and did not get him out when it was easy to do so. The barefoot boy with cheek a tan :D

So Jani and Ashley are walking in the BY on BBAD last night,

Jani tells Ash how difficult it will be to get Frank out of the House.

Good thing they got that HUGE threat Kara out instead!! :animated_scratchchin:

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It wouldn't make sense for Frank to lose HOH power, in an HOH compeition that Willie (the evicted house guest) wasn't eligible to compete in anyway (as out going HOH). Likely the HOH noms would of been 2 people from team Britney (willie + shane or jojo) anyway. With Willie gone, it's just as if Britney had won coaches challenge and kept Willie safe. In that event, Shane and Jojo would of still been put on the block. So I see no need for Frank to lose out on something, that he earned fair and square (by winning the HOH comp) because another house guest, willie lost his marbles and hit someone.

That's punishing Frank for something Willie did, and wouldn't be right.

Chima lost her HOH powers on eviction night (so she still got all the privileges of HOH for the week leading up to that night), and was not eligible to be placed up for noms with the coup de whatever jeff power. Ultimately she lost the ability to control nominations, which was totally unfair to her, and I understood why she was beyond angry/livid. It was jerk-move by CBS, but it's their game, and Big Brother (production) makes the rules. (Where as, in this situation with Frank, it was a houseguest changing the rules, not BB) Because she was dethroned she was also given the chance to compete in the next HOH competition, the only part about it which wasn't fair was Jeff being allowed to compete in the next one. (In my eyes he should not of been allowed to given he got to do noms that week).

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I like Frank a lot! Might be my favorite person in the house right now! I loved his Chilltown classic DR on tonight's episode with Boogie. That was the best moment on the show tonight!

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Guest Corky812

I must have missed that he applied for the show (I admit this season is not totally holding my interest due to the coaches and the production manipulation).

I can't put my finger on it but I just DO NOT like this guy at all!! The house was stupid to vote out Kara because they are going to have a very hard time getting Frank out, and I think Alison Grodner likes him so he will definitely make jury in my opinion.

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I will LMFAO if Wil wins HOH Thurs. and puts Frank up.

He is nervous, that Frank. I would love it, too, Arrowhead. You know, Frank's really kinda okay but coupled with Mike Boogie, it is all just too much. Love to see both gone.

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I still like Frank as a HG.. but I dunno what's wrong with me this season, normally I can't wait for BB to be on .. this season, even those I like don't enthuse me that much. I like frank .. but am sorta meh about it this point.

Really hate this twist.. ruined what could of been a great game.

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Guest Corky812

These idiots need to replay their own conversations of week #1 in their minds and get rid of Frank. He's a strong player, mentally and physically, and with Boogie as his coach they remind me of Will/Boogie on BB1 but even more of Will/Boogie on All Stars.

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