Brekkie Boy Posted June 3, 2012 Share Posted June 3, 2012 As has actually probably the case everytime BBUSA begins a new season (certainly since All Stars), the show is crying out for a twist that isn't casting related, doesn't rely on the BB Alumni and actually shakes things up a bit.Sadly we all know Alison Grodner is unlikely to take the plunge and really shake things up, but one thing I think they could do is develop the Golden Key concept from last year which saw the saved nominee in early evictions get a guaranteed place in the top 10.So any ideas on how the Golden Key could be reworked into a new twist to give at least one houseguest a pass to the jury stage.I'll begin with a couple:The first is simply some kind of competition running over the first few shows in which one person will win the Golden Key and their place in the Top 10 - but then get a cash offer to give it up, perhaps with America then voting for who should get it in that case. From that point each week the Golden Key holder has to face another houseguest in a challenge to retain the Golden Key and the ongoing immunity that goes with it, with the challenger perhaps chosen by the HoH or the viewers, or perhaps being one of the nominees (replacing the Veto).The second goes back to an old BBUK twist. Here every housemate nominates each week, with the HM with the most votes facing a public vote to determine the evictee. Back in BB6 one of the best launch week twists ever saw one housemate, chosen at random by answering a call for a HM to come to the diary room, saw Makosi have to get herself the most nominations for eviction in order to avoid facing the public vote.Adapting for the US and linking with the Golden Key before the first HoH comp one houseguest would be chosen at random (and without the other HGs knowing) to undertake a secret challenge in order to win the Golden Key - and a pass for the first three evictions. All they need to do is ensure they're evicted in the first week - so first must make sure they don't win HoH, secondly get themselves nominated, then ensure nobody would save them with the Veto and they'd get the votes required to get kicked out - all without the other houseguests suspecting a thing.If they succeed on eviction night they'll get to stay and be immune for three weeks, with the HoH then nominating a replacement. If they fail they find themselves evicted! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest 6Borders Posted June 5, 2012 Share Posted June 5, 2012 I don't like the Golden Key period and I would love to see it eliminated! I don't like HG's getting a "free pass", especially to Jury. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moxie Posted June 8, 2012 Share Posted June 8, 2012 ITA. Get rid of the golden key. It's nothing but Grodner's free pass to manipulate the game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest 6Borders Posted June 8, 2012 Share Posted June 8, 2012 ITA. Get rid of the golden key. It's nothing but Grodner's free pass to manipulate the game.So very true!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marty Posted June 9, 2012 Share Posted June 9, 2012 I like the golden key.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slowpoke Posted June 9, 2012 Share Posted June 9, 2012 hmmm Is there any way we could take the Golden Key and lock Allison G. in Pandora's Box with it ?????I can't believe she's actually getting paid for the past few seasons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest 6Borders Posted June 9, 2012 Share Posted June 9, 2012 Agee anything past Season 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King123 Posted June 12, 2012 Share Posted June 12, 2012 I feel like Allison is in a tough spot. She needs to "twist things" up to make it interesting.. but at the same time if it is too dramatic then it will be far from the game we have come to love. either way people will be upset. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MadMarty Posted June 12, 2012 Share Posted June 12, 2012 I have watched a few episodes from BBUK this year. They do one thing I really like, the viewers get to evict someone!! Now that I can get into, three people on the chopping block and the viewers vote someone out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marty Posted June 12, 2012 Share Posted June 12, 2012 I have watched a few episodes from BBUK this year. They do one thing I really like, the viewers get to evict someone!! Now that I can get into, three people on the chopping block and the viewers vote someone out!I hate when the viewers get to vote. I love that they have to suck up and manipulate the HOH. Please no viewer voting! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King123 Posted June 12, 2012 Share Posted June 12, 2012 I agree with Marty. Whenever it's left up to the viewers, most strategy goes out of the window. they will be sucking up to us the whole time... by voting each other out, they have to be alot more strategic, and make sure they keep each other in line. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slowpoke Posted June 13, 2012 Share Posted June 13, 2012 Also agree about the viewers Not being able to vote OUT a HG.Stick to viewers voting on food, challenges, etc.The HG's LIVE day in and day out and deali with each other. Let them decide who has stratigized witheach other on a 24 hour basis to sway them.We get to see a lot of who conspires with other HGs. It's their game - and we get to see and hear more thanwhat they do. I don't think we should be able to stick our noses into that part of the game.I also don't think the HG's should be minipulated in the Diary Room by handlers.Let the handlers deal with emotional crisises, HGs might have to help settle them down... it that's the and maybe get some some funny footage of other stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest 6Borders Posted June 13, 2012 Share Posted June 13, 2012 How about the HOH gets to nom two ppl for eviction and the viewers get to nominate the 3rd one???I totally agree about the DR and the manipulation/leading questions by the handlers. I think the viewers should get to see ALL DR sessions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brekkie Boy Posted June 13, 2012 Author Share Posted June 13, 2012 I don't think a viewer vote is right for BBUSA - although maybe a twist to through the Veto wide open would be if the Veto is used to save a nominee the viewers choose the replacement. That means rather than the Veto use being all pre-planned if it is used the outcome is completely unpredictable to the houseguests - and the viewers too. And Big Brother could certainly do with being less predictable.It also means using the Veto has a consequence - something it doesn't really have at the moment (other than for the new nominee). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest 6Borders Posted June 14, 2012 Share Posted June 14, 2012 Beg to differ...Grodner is only in "tough spot" because she put herself there...she is lazy and only wants $$ and could care less what the fans think and refuses to produce anything new because she knows ppl will watch/tune in no matter what cos "IT'S BIG BROTHER"...guilty as charged, I will watch, tho I really mostly watch to chat with the Morty friends and family anymore...still I watch and Grodner/CBS gets $$-claims ratings.Think about it: Grodner booted Chima off in a heartbeat for tossing her mic in the pool. In the pre-season interviews Grodner said Chima was the biggest diva-pain-in-the-butt....basically translated..the fans were not going to/didn't like Chima and Grodner was not going to make a lot of money keeping her around. If precious Rachel had tossed a mic in the pool, Fairy Grodmother would have capitalized faster than you could say "ratings" on a "Rachel melt-down" (aka Rachel/fans-love or hate=$$ > mic cost Grodner/CBS can & did write for team Grodner/CBS). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brekkie Boy Posted June 15, 2012 Author Share Posted June 15, 2012 Stepping away from twists for a minute but if as I fully expect it's the same old rules this year with nothing more than a casting twist I would at least like to see them revamp the challenges and for HoH at least try and get a season of new challenges, rather than recycling the same old ones over and over again (which always end with a tie breaker). It would be nice to see more non-question based HoH comps too - they had a few in the early seasons which were more skill based but those don't seem to occur often anymore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest 6Borders Posted June 15, 2012 Share Posted June 15, 2012 Love to see POV eliminated or replaced, or at very LEAST I would like to see each HG put the ball with their name into the bag right before drawing.It would be nice to have more comps during the week so the lazy bums don't just sit/sleep all the time.HOH comps (and all comps) should be two-part.How about you can only be HOH once during the season.I still think it would be way more fun and interesting if the ENTIRE house completed for everything as a group, from food to prizes.Definite eliminates for me:Have-Have Not Comps & the stupid consequences which accompanyUnitardsStupid things like having to shave your head to save yourself Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Janis Posted June 15, 2012 Share Posted June 15, 2012 No golden key I don't want to have to watch another house guest like Porshe slide into the jury! Or in her case 2nd place I would like it to go back to the way it was when I started watching in Season 3. There were no vetos you had to work your butt off to stay in the house. I would like to see a new food for the have nots if they keep that. I think the slop is getting old and it does make people sick. It makes me sick just looking at it. I don't know the twists are usually not as good as they sound but I still wait in anticipation for July so that I can get my summer fix of reality tv. I did like the twist last year, I know alot of people did not but I thought it was nice to see house guests that I already liked and some that I learned to like back playing but I hope its all new house guests this year. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King123 Posted June 15, 2012 Share Posted June 15, 2012 I do miss the day where everybody competed in the POV competitons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KerriJ Posted June 19, 2012 Share Posted June 19, 2012 I do miss the day where everybody competed in the POV competitons.I agree. If the POV is stays (which I'm sure it will), I think the competition should be opened to all. That way everyone gets a fair chance at staying in the game. If they are then back doored, all well they should have won. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest 6Borders Posted June 20, 2012 Share Posted June 20, 2012 I'm sure we will see POV, Golden Key and whatever other safety nets Grodner has in place this season to protect her favs. Back in Season 2-3 Big Brother was just taking off and working your butt off to stay in the house meant something to both the HG's and the fans. Everyone in the house had an equal shot at the prize. Now Big Brother is just "Big $$ Business" to Grodner, which is fine to make money (obviously nobody is in it to lose) but she really does NOT care about anything past $$, including producing a "quality" show and just capitalizes. The feeds, the text voting...all produce the almighty dollar. It cracks me up every year when the voice has to let you know you can vote free and runs the words together at warp speed hoping you will not get it!!! I love to cite the example of the guy who whined all over the chat and internet about all the money he spent (I think it was in the 100's of $'s) voting for Janelle to get Prom Queen and she got it anyway due to an HOH win. He felt ripped off, and he was, but it was also his choice and stupidity to spend all that money. Grodner's been laughing on multiple trips to the bank over that one I bet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brekkie Boy Posted June 20, 2012 Author Share Posted June 20, 2012 Not quite sure on how it would work (or if it would) but how about some kind of Rollover Veto. If the Veto winner doesn't use it one week they can use it the next instead - or perhaps by not using it the following week two Vetos are available, so potentially both nominees could be saved.I quite like the idea of actually scrapping the weekly Veto competition and somehow awarding just 1-3 Vetos at the beginning of the season which the holder can use at a time which suits them - but not sure how that could work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bbjag Posted June 21, 2012 Share Posted June 21, 2012 I have watched a few episodes from BBUK this year. They do one thing I really like, the viewers get to evict someone!! Now that I can get into, three people on the chopping block and the viewers vote someone out!I am not a fan for America to vote someone out, but I think something like could in fact work. America is considered a houseguest this season, they get a vote on who gets evicted, but they are only one vote. So lets say there is 12 houseguests, two are on the chopping block and can't vote, the HOH can't vote unless there is a tie, America is one vote which makes 10 votes being cast. This will keep the strategy and will most likely make the nominees work extremely hard to get more votes. In this instance in order to stay they need 6 votes to stay instead of 5. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Team Jolie Posted June 21, 2012 Share Posted June 21, 2012 No golden key I don't want to have to watch another house guest like Porshe slide into the jury! Or in her case 2nd place I would like it to go back to the way it was when I started watching in Season 3. There were no vetos you had to work your butt off to stay in the house. I would like to see a new food for the have nots if they keep that. I think the slop is getting old and it does make people sick. It makes me sick just looking at it. I don't know the twists are usually not as good as they sound but I still wait in anticipation for July so that I can get my summer fix of reality tv. I did like the twist last year, I know alot of people did not but I thought it was nice to see house guests that I already liked and some that I learned to like back playing but I hope its all new house guests this year.agree...Golden Key is not right...don't know what twist AG is giving us this year...would love just pure BB..unknown to each other initally have to strategize...I too only voted for AC for Dan and for Jeff for the coup d'etat..Porsche did not deserve no 2 last year.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest 6Borders Posted June 21, 2012 Share Posted June 21, 2012 The only problems with America voting are 1. there is too much time (it should be 24 hours only) and 2. We have no idea if the outcome is really based on how America voted or if Grodner just picks what/who she wants for the game (which I strongly suspect would be true for something like voting out an HG)I really don't like the POV any more than the Golden Key....both are overdone and predictable. I still maintain that before POV players are picked (because I am sure we will continue to see POV), each HG should put the ball with their name in the bag to insure everyone's name is in there. This would really be a simple thing and at least prove one thing is not "fixed".I'd love to see HOH revised. If you could only be HOH once it would create a lot more need to strategize and make people think a little more about their decisions.I'd still LOVE to see 4 people on the chopping block each week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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