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BB14 - Golden Key, Veto and other twist ideas

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I think that the best twist this season would be for there to not be a POV every week, and it be random based on a spin of the wheel that the HOH had to spin or something.

Where that element is never a guaranteed. I miss season 2, where people had to actually interact/manipulate each other to get to stay -- and yet at times it was just so clear who was going home that week that it was boring -- so that uncertainty factor could spice things up.

I also don't really like this whole concept of the "waaaah it's not fair, I got back doored" kind of arguments the HG's make, because the original game never allowed them to be so spoiled to always have a POV that could save them. I don't like the mindset the house-guests get, that they have to be able to play POV to be able to save themselves.

I'm not real sure on the specifics of how to make it work so it didn't get exploited by the producers, but these house guests get way too comfortable sometimes and don't feel like they have to fight to stay alive. The last few seasons there have too many under the radar trying to coast people.

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Golden Key Comps instead of POV comps. I like the Golden key idea but let them compete for it. The key should only keep a person safe for the next eviction. I love Daniele but her being safe for 4 weeks last summer was ridiculous. The Golden Key comps should be played either before or after HOH comps and definately before noms are made. The idea is to avoid going on the block by winning the key instead of trying to save yourself with the POV. So if you don't win the key that week and you get nominated there are no more chances to stay in the house, one a yous has to go.

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I would like to see the POV winner pick the replacement nom.

But that would give the Veto holder even more power and devalue the role of HoH to the extent where the Veto holder is undoubtedly the most powerful position in the house.

Maybe if they change nothing else about the Veto they could at least delay the Veto meeting until the live show so the original nominees have to play it out for the entire week.

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Golden Key Comps instead of POV comps. I like the Golden key idea but let them compete for it. The key should only keep a person safe for the next eviction. I love Daniele but her being safe for 4 weeks last summer was ridiculous. The Golden Key comps should be played either before or after HOH comps and definately before noms are made. The idea is to avoid going on the block by winning the key instead of trying to save yourself with the POV. So if you don't win the key that week and you get nominated there are no more chances to stay in the house, one a yous has to go.

That's kind of a boring compromise though - basically a second immunity challenge which doesn't affect anyone other than the person who wins it.

How about rather than the Veto they have some kind of challenge that affects the voting - so the original nominees will stand, but either all HGs have to compete for their right to vote (with a maximum of 7 votes in early stages, then 5 and then perhaps even making it one vote in the later stages) - or simplifying it a bit just have one vote nullified every week rather than a nomination vetoed - so basically whoever wins the new Veto is obliged to nullify a vote of another voting houseguest. They would only confirm their decision after all the HGs have voted.

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Got a question......Does anyone remember the "Game" that was played when Danny

got to win the Golden Key and was safe for 4 weeks ?

lol... all I remember is thinking it was a little bit TOO much. HG's are not supposed

to be in there for a mini vacation while playing BB.

(it's getting more and more like a vacation anyway)

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i think that some of the twists were so bad, the one that comes to mind is Nakomis and cowboy who wants to find out they are 1/2 sister and 1/2 brother on national tv and especially big brother. I think it sucks that someone from one of their families must have presented that to the producers which is why they both made the show but that is just my opinion. I hope that we have all new houseguests this year and I too would like to see the veto go away every week it has become too predictable. If they don't do away with the veto comp then I think all houseguests should be allowed to play because in the end whomever wins the veto has all of the power. I don't like that if you don't play in the veto you could possibly be the replacement nominee. So having said that maybe they should make it that if you don't play in the veto you can't be nominated now that might get interesting....... I don't know I watch either way.

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Slowpoke there wasn't any competition involved in the keys, and Dani was not the only person with a golden key, she's just the only one anyone talks about. The twist was designed to keep the vets safe. Essentially you won the Golden Key by your partner being sent home. Dani got hers because Evel Dick left the game prematurely. Had he stayed in the game, whose to say if either of them would of even gotten put up for eviction/earned a key.

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Guest 6Borders

I do like the idea of the POV being random, however unless BB production were required to list for the fans what weeks those were in advance of nominations, Grodner would just put it in when she wanted to save one of her little fav's, same as she does her other safety-net twists.

I would rather see no POV and no HOH and have the whole house put in their keys for voting someone out on eviction night. It would keep the HG's on their toes all week. They need to work to stay in the house, and they also need to remember that they are SAG paid people required to entertain.

The game definitely has gotten to be a vacation and the HG's either have it figured out or have help from Fairy Grodmother.

Like Casper, I pretty much lost all respect for Team Grodner with the "Howie's button malfunction", because Janelle was eliminated on a WRONG answer, the house was going to vote her out and Grodner didn't want that because Janelle had an almost cult-like fan base of idiots who spent tons of texting & phone voting money like they were Donald Trump.

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Casper Sabe...

Thanks for reminding me how that went.

Can't believe I'd forgotten how that happening allowed Danny to gather up

her troops.without worrying about getting booted for 1/2 the summer.

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and then she totally ruined it, by attacking the vets straight off, she went from best position in house to worst lol

The reason she gave still cracks me up. She said she got "bored". lol

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Guest 6Borders

I admired Dani for going against the vets...being "bored" just made it funnier. I really don't think she had a shot at being a part of Brenchel & the J's after her dad left the show.

She's another one I totally liked the first time and could not stand her after that...just reason 812 for not bringing people back (yooo hoooo Grodner...ya get all that???)

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Evil Dick even thought Dani turned against the vets way too early in the game and I agree. I understand her wanting to go bawls to the wall as her strategy. I just didn't think it was very good timing on her part. She knew how to play that game and to do what she did at such an early part of the game was foolish. For me it's never been if I like or don't like the returning HG. I'm burn out on having the same players play this game.

Give me fresh faces, fresh twists and finding ways to engage the HG in activities where they aren't constantly lying around doing absolutely nothing. After all, this is suppose to be a fun game for the HG and viewers. Take a chance! ;)

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I see a few good results from this idea. First, it would change the way everone plays the game which could break up some of the monotony. Second, this would completely change the backdoor scenario. Third, we would hopefully see less of tools walking around feeling safe because an alliance member wins HoH.

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But what is the purpose of the HOH then except to provide that person immunity for the week, because whomever they put up is not guaranteed to stay, and if the POV winner gets to pick the replacement all the time, why even have an HOH? I think as a once in a while twist to have the diamond power of veto or something along those lines is a nice twist, but to have a POV holder always have more power than the HOH? No thanks. Part of the reason why HOH is so entertaining is to see whether the HOH honors their alliance wishes or their own. The most effective HOH's I believe are able to do both, without making themselves larger targets.

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Exactly. The Power of Veto needs to be less not more - which is why there should either be a consequence for using it or how it is implemented needs to be rethought. And as the Veto is ten years old this year they could even do something as simple as taking it back to the BB3 format of a nominee not being able to save themselves, so they're still reliant on support from others to secure their place in the house.

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That's kind of a boring compromise though - basically a second immunity challenge which doesn't affect anyone other than the person who wins it.

How about rather than the Veto they have some kind of challenge that affects the voting - so the original nominees will stand, but either all HGs have to compete for their right to vote (with a maximum of 7 votes in early stages, then 5 and then perhaps even making it one vote in the later stages) - or simplifying it a bit just have one vote nullified every week rather than a nomination vetoed - so basically whoever wins the new Veto is obliged to nullify a vote of another voting houseguest. They would only confirm their decision after all the HGs have voted.

Of course it affects everyone else, isn't the point of this game to play to stay and win the money.. So why not secure your safety before you are even considered for nomination? New and old Hg's are a little to comfy with the veto.. We have heard it plenty times before "well at least we have the veto" we need a season where everyone competes for this money, not just a handful that eventually get voted off by the lazy ones.. Seriously do you really think Enzo, Jordan, Ollie and many other poor players deserved to stay as long as they did? Hell, Jordan won her 1st season and she did zilch to earn it, and to take it a step further as a spin off of your vote idea let them start announcing their vote right in the living room, at this point after all these years,voting in the DR is getting old.. Let them stand up and say who they want out, it would also be fun if they pointed at the person too.

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Guest 6Borders

The new "twists" didn't say anything about POV...maybe with 3 ppl on the chopping block and two going to be eliminated there will be no POV...that would be refreshing!

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