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Hayden - Week 9 HoH & PoV


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Nah, he's gotta take Lane out. Pull Britney off so she has a chance to stick it back to him and potentially lose his vote. Take advantage of her feeling of betrayal by Lane and roll the dice.

Hayden could guarantee final two that way, because I think if Britney's gone Lane will try to get Hayden out. I think Britney truly believes she's playing for second place and would essentially choose the winner by who she took to the end if given the choice. She'd be more comfortable with Hayden beating her than that clownshoe, Enzo.

Hayden just needs to decide if he wants to win or split up Brigade votes and have the vote results be too close for comfort.

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I hope the dr doesn't get it in his head to keep Britney because Hayden will be gone then. If the jury doesn't give the money to Hayden they are idiots because he did play the best social game and he was good in the comps to so he has both on his side. I hope (I hate saying this) Enzo gets the $50.000 because Lane makes me sick the more I see how he is. I think he enjoyed seeing Enzo rub the Brigade in Britney's face.

Hayden has his mind made up and the DR could not sway him at all ;)

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Hayden is as big a scum as Enzo. I hope he gets 2nd place behind Lane.

IMO, Lane's a bigger scumbag for stringing Brit along in order to have 2 options. At least she always knew where she stood with Enzo & Hayden.

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Funniest line of the season:

When the 3 amigos are discussing their futures on BBAD, Hayden says,

"I would even take a job being Matt McConaughey's double" :animated_rotfl:

dream on....... :animated_rotfl:

OMG, that IS funny. I thought he was happy making copies for the BB Production Company. He's already looking upwards. Good for him! Hahah!

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no one is going to take him to final 2

he has to win out to get 500k :animated_bouncy:

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I give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he is being sincere and it is up to one that does not think it to provide evidence against that he would not ;)

He also said because of his Native American background the family is entitled to gov't support and that includes free school. He said they never took advantage of any of that because his mom didn't think it was right.

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I wish for drama, use the POV on Lane, putting Enzo up. Let Lane decide on who. Enzo and Hayden have already mentioned getting Lane out to go to F3 with Brit. If Hayden doesn't use it and Lane still goes, I see Brit making F2 and then winning against Hayden or Enzo. Won't happen this way but I can dream and wish right?

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That damm name slays me still. Meow Meow. What the hell? Anyway, back to Hayden. A friend of ours has a teenage son that screams like that he has been in therapy for it cant help it has problems modulating his voice. Everything he says is viva voce and he is learning the value and power and existence of sotto voce. Hayden reminds me of him. Hayden seems like a nice guy kinda normal and I suspect that he is a family kid. I hope that he wins. I hope that Lane wins nothing but a flight home.

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