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Live Feed and BB After Dark 8/8


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Guest 6Borders

Can Rach and Bren get any more pathetic??? (thats rhetorical btw!!) Seriously, demanding an apology from Kathy for cheering because she finally won something...hello Rach, Kathy has not won anything and has totally sucked at comps and she was happy SHE won. That was a new personal best low for Rach!

I think it's hysterical that Rach is coaching Enzo (she's pretty good actually in my opinion) to help him win comps to help Brendon. That one alone will keep me entertained for a while! As for the show being boring without them, what has really been so exciting with them???

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Rachel is really nuts. It was OK for her to put BFFs Monet and Brit on the block and it was OK for her to put alleged showmance Hayden and Kristen (and work hard to be sure the noms stayed the same)but HOW DARE THEY PUT UP HER AND HER MAN!

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Isn't it too bad that the HG's can't see the other's goodbye tapes, so they could all tell Rachel "Buh bye, guess we came between YOU AND YOUR MAN" <snap 3 times> animated_wave.gif

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Rachel is really nuts. It was OK for her to put BFFs Monet and Brit on the block and it was OK for her to put alleged showmance Hayden and Kristen (and work hard to be sure the noms stayed the same)but HOW DARE THEY PUT UP HER AND HER MAN!

Not to defend Rachel or anything .. (Cause she gets on my nerves) but it's pretty much human nature to view things that way. People always justify their own behavior in their minds. In Rachel's mind -- it isn't personal it's business when she has to put someone else up. But when someone puts her and Brandon up it is personal (to her!) so of course she's going to be upset.

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Guest 6Borders

To a certain extent I think that is true, but Brendon and Rachel totally cross the "poor me" line. Lots of HG's whine about stuff but I really don't recall any of them going on the way these two have (well, maybe Jessie) about how great they are, everyone is just jealous of them and how everyone wants them out of the house...doesn't matter if they are winning or losing...it's the same.

I think this goes way beyond "human nature" and normal responses!

Not to defend Rachel or anything .. (Cause she gets on my nerves) but it's pretty much human nature to view things that way. People always justify their own behavior in their minds. In Rachel's mind -- it isn't personal it's business when she has to put someone else up. But when someone puts her and Brandon up it is personal (to her!) so of course she's going to be upset.

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To a certain extent I think that is true, but Brendon and Rachel totally cross the "poor me" line. Lots of HG's whine about stuff but I really don't recall any of them going on the way these two have (well, maybe Jessie) about how great they are, everyone is just jealous of them and how everyone wants them out of the house...doesn't matter if they are winning or losing...it's the same.

I think this goes way beyond "human nature" and normal responses!

Perhaps I miss a lot, I don't have the live feeds and only see the live show/the paraphrased feed recaps. So it doesn't come across as over the top for me. :) But if it's really that bad you have my sympathies madam.

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It's Show Down at the OK Kitchen Table!

Who will draw and shoot first?

Kathy and Roachel both holding strong...everyone else ran for cover. Fun!

Oh, Matt - you spoiler! Who do you think you are, the sheriff?

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It's Show Down at the OK Kitchen Table!

Who will draw and shoot first?

Kathy and Roachel both holding strong...everyone else ran for cover. Fun!

Oh, Matt - you spoiler! Who do you think you are, the sheriff?

Rach looks like one of those creepy portaits in a house of horror (not whores, I know what you guys are thinking) where just the eyes move.

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Rach looks like one of those creepy portaits in a house of horror (not whores, I know what you guys are thinking) where just the eyes move.

Haha! I know! She's got her weapon going now (spoon). Kathy's got her protein shake. So it's rattling spoon versus shaking ice. That spoon is really clanking now. I wish Matt would run for cover.

Oh, no! Kathy walks away, unwounded though. I guess the real battle begins with a word: KIDDO!

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Remember she is fighting for her LIFE! :hahohi:


Matt's working the jury! No way does he sincerely care about her. And the wonderful irony is: IT IS PERSONAL, (in part) cause she's such a beotch.

You'd think such a game afficiado like Roachel professes to be, how is she shocked that people will hate her and talk about her behind her back. Why is she so surprised she's a target? How can she be so stupid?

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She can't understand why bitchney didn't take the money. She has serious issues if she thinks $5,000. is worth ruining your chances for $500,000.

As someone mentioned earlier, Rachel didn't want Ragan to give her the $5000 either. So what's not to understand? There is something seriously wrong with this thing.

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Well for everyone's game play it is the best choice to put up Brenchal. In that respect it is not personal. But yes she has made a lot of enemies.

She just threatened that she can't wait until everyone comes to her town to see how personal it is.

OMG what a threat.

Is there a Vegas mafia?

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Well for everyone's game play it is the best choice to put up Brenchal. In that respect it is not personal. But yes she has made a lot of enemies.

She just threatened that she can't wait until everyone comes to her town to see how personal it is.

OMG what a threat.

Is there a Vegas mafia?

A group of beautiful, slightly aged, big-boobed escorts will bar the door of certain champagne-serving clubs and refuse them entry. SCAAAARRY!

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So Rachel lies to Brendon, who goes to yell at Matt, but chickens out. Bwahahaha.

Just more evidence that Brenden will pretty much be a non-factor once Rachel is out of the house. Cut off the head of the snake and all that jazz.

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I guess BB will be doing a segment this week on Brendon/Rachel and their families. Seeing how this is the last week they'll both be in the house!

The way Brendan has talked about his conservative mother do you think she will let them interview her? hmmm

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