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Live Feed and BBAD 7/19


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Britney just told a lie to Rachel. She said Andrew was the one that came up there and she came out and hid the room from view. Hey dummy, Rachel was there. She knows it was Matt, and not Andrew. Andrew came up and asked to use the bathroom.

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I definitely think Rachel is thinking in terms of maximum camera time for herself...fame-whore.

She'd be a fool to not put up Matt, it's obviously the only logical decision to guaranty Monet is evicted. Everyone in her group is telling her to put him up. Everyone in the house already knows where the lines are drawn, however...Rachel is an idiot and will continue to discuss every scenario to death...resurrect it and then discuss to death again...ack!

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I definitely think Rachel is thinking in terms of maximum camera time for herself...fame-whore.

She'd be a fool to not put up Matt, it's obviously the only logical decision to guaranty Monet is evicted. Everyone in her group is telling her to put him up. Everyone in the house already knows where the lines are drawn, however...Rachel is an idiot and will continue to discuss every scenario to death...resurrect it and then discuss to death again...ack!

Amen. The stupid ditz is driving me nuts flip-flopping on a decision. If she puts up Andrew, surprising the hg's in her alliance, she's doomed and she should be.

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I really don't like the way Enzo thinks he runs the house. He just said "who are they to write the rules of Big Brother 12? We run this thing".

What has he done to run this house except lose in the competitions? If that's running the house then he must be doing it telepathically .

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Guest 6Borders

I think Rachel's "island size" implants are cutting off oxygen to the logic area of her brain.

Methinks her intended speech which will (her exaggerated opinion of herself) "shock the fans" (yeah, right, like that is really going to happen) is that she will put Matt up and tell everyone Matt came to her as asked to be put up because he wants to go around pretending to be shocked...assuming BB actually lets her do it and the fans will actually care. Helloooooo Rachel...the fans have the feeds, BBAD and each other...what could you possibly do to shock us???

Now, being a fair minded person (hehehehe) if she put Brendon up in place of Britany, then I really would be shocked but that's about the only thing that could do it!!!!

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Matt has replaced Britney on the block. Sad for me, as I want Matt to succeed at this game. But volunteering as a pawn is just STUPID. Rachel was smart to pick him over Andrew, though. This should secure Monet going home.

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Matt has replaced Britney on the block. Sad for me, as I want Matt to succeed at this game. But volunteering as a pawn is just STUPID. Rachel was smart to pick him over Andrew, though. This should secure Monet going home.

Very stupid on his part.

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I knew she was considering putting up Matt but I thought FOR SURE she was going to nominate Andrew... I want to see what she says in her DR on Wednesday. Good move on Rachel's part. The brigade probably would've sent home Andrew with Matt's, Lane's, Enzo's, Britney's, and Hayden's vote over Kathy's, Kristen's, Ragan's, and Brendon's vote to evict Monet... with Hayden probably deflecting his vote off on Kathy to make it seem like she's a traitor. This way, the votes are locked to send home Monet because the brigade won't vote against their own... (of course, no one in the house knows this).

So, I'm predicting the split in the house (not alliances) will probably be between Rachel/Brendon/Kathy/Kristen/Andrew vs. Enzo/Britney/Matt with Ragan, Hayden, Lane trying to balance between the two sides. Reason I say those three will try to balance is because Ragan has friends in Rachel, Kristen, and Matt. Hayden has friends in Kristen and the brigade. Lane seems to stay in the background and even told his alliance he wouldn't nominate Rachel and Brendon next week. And if those three had to choose sides, Hayden and Lane would side with Enzo/Britney/Matt and Ragan would side with Kristen/Andrew/Kathy/Rachel/Brendon. However, there is a wild card. Rachel considered nominating Andrew who is Kristen's ally. This might make those two suspicious and peel off from the larger group and just float between the two sides. If Kristen has an ally in Andrew and Hayden does not know it, I don't believe Kristen will join Enzo/Britney/Matt. It may make Hayden distrust Kristen and go after her. I can't wait to see how this plays out. animated_shocking.gifanimated_bouncy.gif

The third week always seems to be the game changer week in BB. Then again, this week was a game changer with Rachel winning HOH.

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OMG. Are you guys listening to Britney and Monet's pity party? LOL. It's hilarious. They sound like two jealous 15 yr olds.

They certainly spend a lot of time trash-talking the other houseguests.

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I just can't believe everyone wants Brittany and Monet out. What purpose does it serve? They talk trash but its entertaining us. Last night I watched BBAD and all they kept talking about was Monet having 10,000 dollars.. Ok so whose fault is that. This is the worst group ever. Brendon and Rachel make no sense at all. This is week two and they are talking about FLOATERS.. Um its week two.. What has Kathy, Ragan, Andrew and Kristen done.. They are floaters as well. Brendon wants Monet and Britt to go home because they don't clean up.. OMG are you serious.. How is that affecting your game play? I am just shocked at their game play,and Kristen she is only safe now because of Hayden.. I barely even new her name until Rachel won HOH.. now all of a sudden she is a game player..Hello your are just like Britt and Monet... its ok for you to trash talk them with five people but when they do the same they are need to go home.. Is this jealousy or a game? Its going to be boring without Britt and Monet's commentary.

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Oh and for Brendon to say they are entitled and privileged just shows where his head is at.. Some girl just like Britt or Monet prob broke his heart previously. He is worried about stuff that should have no baring on his game play. Now you get Britt and Monet out... What next dummy? They are playing on emotions instead of strategy.

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Glad Rachel nominated Matt instead of Andrew. LOVED BBAD last night. Ragen was explaining AGAIN, why it was a risk to put up Andrew. R or B would say, Yea, But... & I would yell at the tv, only to hear Ragen say what I was saying! LOL He was right, it was one of the best BBAD thus far (like there has been anything to compare thus far. ugh.) & viewers (like me!) were saying, NOOOOOO, do NOT put up Andrew! They FINALLY got it through their heads. If they all had paid attention to Hayden, it was painfully obvious to me how uncomfortable he was up there with them. Mind you, they were all talking about paying attention to people in the game! LOL Oh boy.....

Wish is was Bitchney leaving, but Money will do for now. I cannot believe how much those 2 talk crap about the other HG's & are so apparent about their dislike for just about everybody, save themselves.

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Last night was unbearable with Rachel and her constant talking to people with game play. She knew what she had to do yet she kept rehashing the whole calling out people thing. She was told how happy Andrew was when she won HOH, so why would she think that he would go against her so soon in the game.

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Awwww, not last night, really?! There was more than R & B slobbering over one another. Was thrilled to see some actual gameplay begin & the sides of the house present themselves for what they were. Yea, she did keep rehashing, gotta admit that, but it was nice to have input from the group too. Rachel is not one of my faves, but I can tolerate her long enough to see Money, Brit & Enzo leave. I think she would be thrilled to be the 1st to the jury house, which is fine with me too! lol

Ragen is my fave thus far.

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