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Does anyone consider this a floaters season?


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I don't like the term "floater" thrown about too much as I think it is overused but in this case I think it fits. Kevin, Nat and Jordan all seem to have gotten where they are right now riding the coat tails of others. Of the three I would say Kevin deserves it the most. At least he played the game toward the end.

Natalie is terribile and not very convincing. Her lie about her age only stands today cause she wasn't the focus of attention hiding behind Jess.

Jordan, likable personality on the show but she rode Jeff's coattails most of the game.

I think this season was screwed up from the get go allowing Jesse to waltz back in the game and not have to earn that first HOH. Overall, this season had it's moments but really lacked balance in the actual game and that's why we are we where are now. Last season I was pretty well convinced that Dan was the most deserved winner that season. Wasn't based on who I liked (I felt the same about Maggie winning six).

I might be in the minority but this show has really gone downhill since All Stars. They've tinkered with it too much. My favorite seasons have been 3,4 and 6. This one ranks just a little higher than last seasons and the winter one (thought the winter edition was much better toward the end than this one).

Strange as it is, the ratings for this show have been excellent. Probably the best in the history of the show. Still, it needs to look back to it's former self to find it's roots again.

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good thread i am heading to bed or i may have put more analysis to this thread

but i thought bb went downhill starting in 6

the whole division that season and what was created out of it imo ruin the game

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I think this season was screwed up from the get go allowing Jesse to waltz back in the game and not have to earn that first HOH

Agree, no way that should have happened. Season of floaters, I dunno. Not too sure about that one. It sure seemed like a house divided more so than floaters.

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I think each fan views the "floater" term in different ways.

The HG who use what is termed a floater approach are usually the ones with a quiet personality. They sit back and let the people who are more boisterous put all the attention on them while the quiet ones don't make a scene. Most of the time the people who are evicted first have been very outspoken about something in the house. Not always mind you but the majority of the time that's the way it works every season.

Jordan has done her best to maintain her dignity in this game. There aren't too many guests who come out of this situation without several people despising them for something they did during the time in the house. Everybody likes Jordan and I don't view that as a bad thing.

Kevin has tried to go with the flow and the mood in the house at any given time. He's actually been lucky to have picked the right argument or fight to side with at the time. I'm surprised he lasted this long considering how much he hung out with Lydia. She put a LOT of attention on herself throughout her stay in that house. Kevin lucked out.

Nat has done a ton of manipulating and these idiots have bought it hook, line and sinker. I don't think you can call that floating, lol

I'm not a fan of the floater terminology. The people some consider floaters have played the game in a different way than the attention hogs. I don't get what's so wrong with that? Dr. Will didn't win a single comp and everybody thought he was great. Doesn't that mean he was a floater too? If so it must not be so bad if the dude most people call the best player in BB history did exactly that, it shouldn't be such a negative thing. rofl

And just for the record I did NOT like the clique approach to this season. It caused a rift in the house from day one which they could have done without.

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I think each fan views the "floater" term in different ways.

And just for the record I did NOT like the clique approach to this season. It caused a rift in the house from day one which they could have done without.

i agree

but think over the years what a floater was assumed to be has changed. kevin of the three listed is only one i would consider a true floater in the sense of what i thought a floater orginally meant. a floater was typical a hg who played both side , typical sided with hg in power or majority aka house & went with majority each vote, avoided winning comps by throwing them. a floater typical avoided trying to make big decision on their own. jordan while not a fan of her game never was a floater to me. she had her side from day 1 and stuck with it and tried to win hoh comps. now i see a floater definition is coined for any hg who the rest wont evict for any reason eg, weak comp player, not bright, older hg. floaters dont like to picked sides because it locks them into that positions.

cliques twist i think bb wants the big divisions every season i think each twist is cast for it. bb divisions bring out strong feelings in and out of the house . bb 4 exes, bb6 pairs that knew each other, bb7 different season, bb8 hg that knew each other , bb9 partners , bb11 cliques

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Floaters are people who don't commit to any alliance. None of the final three are or have ever been floaters. They have all definitely been alligned and have not deviated from their alliances.

Michelle was a floater, although I don't consider that a bad thing. The game needs a certain # of floaters.

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a floater season was bb 7 .

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IMO a floater rides someones coattails without contributing squat ( JORDAN 110% ) or someone who flies under everyone's radar again, not doing much of anything. The two I see as the biggest floaters this time were Jordan #1 and Kevin because he let Natalie make all his decisions.

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While Kevin did do everything that Natalie wanted.. I don't see him as a floater, since he actually did the dirty work.... just because Nat was coming up with the plans, she is more of a floater IN MY OPINION, since she did none of the actual work herself

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While Kevin did do everything that Natalie wanted.. I don't see him as a floater, since he actually did the dirty work.... just because Nat was coming up with the plans, she is more of a floater IN MY OPINION, since she did none of the actual work herself

at that point of game he wasnt a floater. eventually a point of games comes where a floaters has to give up being a floater. a floater typically plays that role until she/he has to absolutely commit to a side. once jeff used the coup was when kevin stop being a floater and team fully with a side

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I think BB wanted floaters this season by making all a part of a group, they had to rely not only to themselves but to others in their group (Athlete, Popular, Offbeat, Brains) in winning. In the end the final four consisted one of each.

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As someone mentioned floater means something different to each fan.

I think of a floater in two ways. They ride coat tails or they bounce with power shift.

I don't see this season as a floater season but I think it was ruined day one when they gave Jessie HOH for doing nothing. I don't have a problem with a houseguest coming back but to just hand over HOH makes not sense. Now if you look at it that way Jeff was also handed a power for doing nothing. So really this season just became more and more messed up. I am glad Jeff won to help balance things out but then he turned around and made yet another dumb move. This pains me to say it but Jessie and GNat really had been the only ones making smart moves for themselves.

Either way this season was entertaining but messed up at the same time.

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floaters are & will always be a part of the BB game. the game itself causes some people to have to float in order to survive. i can live with the floaters.

i don't like the couples or group things that forces people to allign with people that they don't want to group with.

bottom line is the cast. if you have a good cast then you have a good show.

This was the "season of Liars"

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I don't think this was a season of floaters, nor do I think it was a terrible season--(it's just hard to see evil triumph). It is what it is. There were more volatile people involved this year than I remember in previous years. And let's face it, Jeff gave us what we wanted to see and the majority of us were hooked on him. And with him being evicted, our season fizzled out. Michele was a bright light at the end, however. And it wouldn't be such a bust if Jordan were more of a competitor. I don't fault Allison G. or anyone associated with the casting, either. However, if there was some sort of cheating for that last pov, that I do not condone. Losing gracefully should be done the same as winning gracefully. If I were to blame one person for the way this season ended it is Jeff (I love him to death, though). I blame him for momentarily losing his mind when Jordan and then he, became HOH. Why oh why oh why he chose to go with the dark side is something I'll never be able to understand. I don't care what he heard about Russell coming after him......he chose to believe Gnat, a person who NEVER had his best interests at heart and sadly, this was the axis of GOOD's downfall. I blame Jeff.

Let this be a lesson to us all.

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I love watching this show as well as Survivor and both have what I call "floaters". I always saw them as people who try to win by "flying under the radar)

Don't stand out, don't make any noise, agree with everyone, lose comps as not to draw attention to yourself, let others make decisions, appear as non threatening to anyone as possible.

At some point in this game K/N/J have all done that, some more than others. I guess if someone does the above for a prolonged period of time I call them a floater. Always letting someone else do the dirty work and keep their hands clean.

I guess that's a good stragety, look what it did for Dr. Will, a person who floated and I admire. And it's working for Natalie now, a person who I do not admire.

The difference is Dr. Will showed class and carried himself well. Natalie, well, you know the story

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Kevin until recently was a floater. Natalie lied and floated through the game with the help of Jessie and Chima and then Kevin.

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Floaters are people who don't commit to any alliance. None of the final three are or have ever been floaters. They have all definitely been alligned and have not deviated from their alliances.

Michelle was a floater, although I don't consider that a bad thing. The game needs a certain # of floaters.

This is my idea of a floater as well, someone who floats from side to side whenever the power shifts. These three have never been floaters, they have had solid alliances all summer and never flip flopped. I don't have a problem with floaters, I really love Michele, and Jun is one of my favorite players.

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