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Mystery Door Twist - Part 2


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Here's what it says Marty...

Pandoras Box Spoiler (Additional Prizes to be Earned)

More news in on Pandora's Box. It seems that BB has raised the stakes on Pandora's Box. The cash prizes that the HGs won on in the Pandora's Box event were only a teaser leading up to the real and amazing prizes and twists that are in the near future. Pandora's Box is not over. Even though the HGs will be lead to believe it is. Thursday night's episode of BB will be full of ups, downs and twists. Enough to make every viewer wanting more.

Jeff will win something for his kindness of unlocking Kevin and freeing him from Pandora's box. He is going to be given an unprecedented gift. Jeff is guaranteed a spot in the final two. He is also winning an additional $6,000. This is good news for all of you Jeff fans, but wait there is more. There also has to be a replacement HG to be nominated for eviction. BB has thought of that and the key also gives Jeff to offer any HG $100,000 to leave the show and go to the Jury House. This is a very profitable twist to the game for one very lucky HG. It is also rumored that the key may go to a Hybrid that Jeff can drive home with when the show is over.

There is even a twist to Jeff's winnings though. Unknown to Jeff, Kevin will win a Diamond Veto that you may have heard a rumor of. The Diamond Veto will give Kevin the power to trump Jeff's offer and either keep the $100,000 for himself and go to the Jury House, or choose who he wants to go, excluding Jeff, in place of Jeff's decision. This in fact gives Kevin the power to choose who he wants gone. Kevin is also winning an additional $4,000 for his confinement in Pandora's Box. Things are getting interesting, bit more is still on it's way.

BB is not done with this. For all of you BB fans that do not like Natalie, you will enjoy this. For being the greedy one and not trying to free Kevin, Natalie is going to be awarded a Penalty. Natalie is going to receive a cat costume (whiskers, ears, tail and all) to wear for the entirety of her stay in the BB house. To me that is just funny. Who says BB doesn't have a sense of humor.

Other house guests left are also winning prizes of their own. I guess all of the griping, crying, and moaning in the house has paid off. HGs have been saying the more they complain the more they receive.

Michele is going to win a phone call to her hubby and an additional $2,000. Not to shabby if you ask me. Some would say she needs to hear from a friendly voice by now.

Jordan gets maybe the most unusual prize of them all. With all of the publicity if Jordan and her cookie dough obsession Jordan will win a lifetime supply of Pillsbury cookie dough. She is also going to win a contract for an undisclosed amount of money to be a spokes model, doing adds and commercials. It is unknown how long the contract is for, but Jordan will have cookie dough whenever she wants for now on as I see it.

All of these prizes, penalties, and powers are rumored to be awarded Thursday before the live eviction. Big brother is keeping all of the HGs in the dark until then to really mix things up and make them think on their feet. They will all be told of their awards separately before the show. Natalie will not have to start her penalty until the HOH competition if she remains in the house.

BB fans this is a major change to the outcome of the game. HOH will be important next week and everything is going to be more insane in the house than it usually is. Who will win and how will everyone react to the news. I guess you will just have to tune in on Thursday to find out live with everyone else.

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Quite an interesting spoiler, if it's true. Only thing not mentioned is that Michele is not one of the house guests that can be nominated. Wouldn't make sense to even play the PoV comp if she didn't secure her safety. :animated_scratchchin:

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So gsn, basically you're saying that if Jeff won $20.00 in the BY comp that the person who won the least amount of money would recieve the "mystery door" power? Or the person that has a tattoo on his wrist will get the power, or the last male in the house that isn't gay will get the power? Is that what you are saying? Just because it wasn't mentioned in the promo Sunday or Thursday night?

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What I am saying and have been saying is that if BB holds a competition..then decides what they will do, or what they will award the HG's AFTER the competition....then BB and the producers can decide ANYTHING they WANT ! They can make ANYTHING mean ANYTHING. If they didn't make it UP after the comp why did we not find out what it all meant Sunday night, like they said we would??

Instead we got a FLUFF show about nothing.... FILLER!!!

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I get what you are saying, gsn. But I think that they have some pretty strict rules about any kind of show that awards money that their lawyers make sure they work within. They probably have some amount of wiggle room because of the type of show it is but I don't think they can just make it up as they go along. But then, I may be wrong, too.

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