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Sunday, August 16th


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As BBAD ends Kevin and Natalie are chatting again about how they should approach J/J about the lie they thought of... telling them they heard M/R saying they were going to get Jeff out next week... they agree it's best for Kevin to approach Jeff separately like he's just trying to look out for him and tell him what is being said behind his back? :rolleyes:

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Jeff tells Jordan.

Jordan tells Michele.

Michele tells Russell.

Russell yells at Kevin.

Kevin calls for reinforcements.

Russell blows up, also letting go of the treasured white-stain-nugget.

Jeff, Jordan, Michele, Russell laugh.

Can't wait!

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well good morning all, here I am with my coffee, and I can actually be on here, yea!!! I did realize after I thought about it that the "go away" message prolly was for the guests that bombard this place only when they want to see what is happenening, and then laughed at me getting upset,lol It is just that when you go to another board and you see how yuk they really are and hard to navigate also. I sooo appreciate Mortys that much more.

I was disgusted with Satans Children last night tryin to cook up another lie. Nasty is a peice of work talkin bout how when you tell a lie you have to stick to that lie come hell or high water as if you come clean noone will believe you. I think she is wrong in this instance, for her to admit to a lie at this point would be a breath of fresh air for her, none of the other side is going to believe her no matter what she says at this point but I think they are headed into really troubled waters if they cook up yet some other bs lie to tell

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Do these twits ever learn? Why the heck would Jeff/Jordan believe a word they say? In every fight in house there sits Gnat in the middle. Jeff/Jordan won't give two shits what they come up with. After all the crap they pulled when Jessie left, do these morons really think Jeff/Jordan would join forces with them? They can't win any damn competitions, why would they ever align with them?

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well it won'tork because Michelle already said to Jordan about having to make a final 2 with Russ to shut him up, their lies will go nowhere,lol and I cannot wait for them to bust out the hand jive, uh job info,lolol

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fatcat i found mortys i think season 3 of bb and been here ever since. i was amazed at how nice and devoted everyone was. i havent looked for another site nor ever felt the need to. i used to get the feeds till i got suckered in by hughes satalite then found out their high speed was a total lie and i couldnt watch videos(which is a huge part of the internet) so im dependent on the lfu's here to keep me informed and they do a wonderful job. i have bbad but as we know bb tells them not to do anything special for bbad which i dont understand . it looks like they would want to encourage some ecxitement for the viewers.

now to the rat pack. it looks like it will be shooting fish in a barrel the next few weeks. kevin is the only threat at all. i mean natilie may trip and fall on the right button but lydia is trying to figure out the quickest way to loose so she can get to jesse first. so kevin seems to be the only possible threat in any way at this point.

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well it won'tork because Michelle already said to Jordan about having to make a final 2 with Russ to shut him up, their lies will go nowhere,lol and I cannot wait for them to bust out the hand jive, uh job info,lolol

Anyone know what date and time this was on the live feeds?

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i used to get the feeds till i got suckered in by hughes satalite then found out their high speed was a total lie and i couldnt watch videos(which is a huge part of the internet) so im dependent on the lfu's here to keep me informed and they do a wonderful job. i have bbad but as we know bb tells them not to do anything special for bbad which i dont understand .

Dude, I'm in the SAME boat, with Hughes satellite, IT SUX!!! Only 5 months left on my contract, and I'm getting rid of it!!! As for the LFU's, yes, they do a fantastic job, and I have been counting on them because of the same situation that you are in!!!

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I think definitely need to get either Natalie or Lydia out this week. Kevin is much easier to deal with. He's going to get exposed as a liar since he is getting himself tangled up with Natalie and Lydia's big lie they're making up. Dumb move on his part.

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ITA that Kevin is easier to deal with BUT I also think he's a tougher competitor than either of the twits..........he's done well at some of the comps where the other two are useless. I would rather put up with their BS than lose to Kevin in a comp.

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Kevin made a good point last night to Nat....Jordan would be smart to put him up against Nat....because if he wins POV he will take down Lydia (if she wants ) then who would they put up? Russell? And risk ticking him off before an HOH? Or worse his paranoia will stir up and then he will act crazy. If Lydiot doesn't want to be taken off then he will save Nat. Best thing she could do is put up Nat and Kevin so if he wins POV he will save himself, then put up Lydia. More than likely he would not take himself off, knowing he is safe against Nat. Nat winning POV is a long shot at best.

Last night Nasty and Kevin asked Lydiot if she wanted to go to the JH and she said she didn't care.....WTF?

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Lydia doesn't care about going to the jury house because she wants to be with Jesse...........but then when Lydia finds out that K/N may be plotting to STAY in the BB house, she's not so sure............why doesn't Nat want to leave & go be with Jesse? should I be trying to stay here? where are we???

I would hate to be inside Lydia's head.

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Kevin made a good point last night to Nat....Jordan would be smart to put him up against Nat....because if he wins POV he will take down Lydia (if she wants ) then who would they put up? Russell? And risk ticking him off before an HOH? Or worse his paranoia will stir up and then he will act crazy. If Lydiot doesn't want to be taken off then he will save Nat. Best thing she could do is put up Nat and Kevin so if he wins POV he will save himself, then put up Lydia. More than likely he would not take himself off, knowing he is safe against Nat. Nat winning POV is a long shot at best.

Last night Nasty and Kevin asked Lydiot if she wanted to go to the JH and she said she didn't care.....WTF?

Kevin would be an idiot not to use POV on himself. I think you're underestimating him; he's no Marcellas.

I think best bet is to put up Natalie & Lydia. Regardless of who is up the 3rd (Nat/Kev/Lyd) would use POV on somebody. Russell would go up as a pawn, but Jordan breaks the tie so all is well.

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Kevin would be an idiot not to use POV on himself. I think you're underestimating him; he's no Marcellas.

I think best bet is to put up Natalie & Lydia. Regardless of who is up the 3rd (Nat/Kev/Lyd) would use POV on somebody. Russell would go up as a pawn, but Jordan breaks the tie so all is well.

I think chances for Lydia winning POV is slim and not very good for Nat. I worry how Russell will handle being a pawn. Maybe Michelle would be a better pawn...then she would have some satisfaction of beating Natalie in the elimination. JMO

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