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POV Discussion

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kywildcat, no, I'm going to look back at some of the info on past seasons because I just can't remember them. I'll call my daughter. She remembers everyone from all seasons.

Remember Janelle, Howie, Kaysar? Bye-Bye Bitches? :) Same season.

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The pack is, seemingly, working itself up into a frenzy of no return. I actually believe that Ronnie may redeem himself and nominate Pustule...pardon, I meant Russel. :hurray:

That doesn't help him REDEEM himself! He is beyond redemption,slowly but surely everyone is figuring Ronnie and all his LIES out! ;)

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Yep, can't get too excited, cause Rat Boy could change his mind three or four more times before the POV ceremony.

Oh so very true!!

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That doesn't help him REDEEM himself! He is beyond redemption,slowly but surely everyone is figuring Ronnie and all his LIES out! ;)

Hmm. You're right! This turn of events was in no part due to Ronnie at all, it was about Jeff winning veto and forcing another option. Ronnie didn't suddenly lift a fat roll and unexpectedly find his goodwill along with his stash of LoTR action figures.

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This house is way too confusing...

So now the plan is Russell? How did this come to be?

It seemed a little sudden and convenient to me.

Almost like there was a DR influence involved somewhere...

Like if they were telling him to go make nice with the other side while asking his team-mates what they thought of his shmoozing with the enemy.

The way BB influenced the HGs before with Evel Dick, it wouldn't surprise me at all. :disgust:

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Come on.. Ronnie everybody wants you to backdoor russell except for natalie and jessee... dont you think they are more worried about them self, and not what you want to do?


Last night I was getting pissed.. cause Chima kept saying how she was scared if they didnt get russell out now she thinks he would win HOH next week..

Jessee said "Dont play the What if game!"

then 10 mins later he gets mad and says "Fine, you do what you want.. I support you.. but I see Laura winning next HOH if she stays!"

He is a freaking Hipocrit!!

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Shipp, one of russell's first "hits" will be Ronnie. I'm sure Jesse (when he's not busy eating, sleeping, looking in the mirror or on the crapper) will clue Russ in so he can schmooze the ever terrified Ronnie.

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Shipp, one of russell's first "hits" will be Ronnie. I'm sure Jesse (when he's not busy eating, sleeping, looking in the mirror or on the crapper) will clue Russ in so he can schmooze the ever terrified Ronnie.

LOL "on the crapper" Anyway I'm at the point I want to see Ronnie nom Russell just to see Russell terrorize the Rat Boy all week. That would make me happy! :hurray:

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