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Memphis is up and laying out in the sun on all 4 feeds. Other HG possibly still sleeping.

Foth... seems BB may be waking the other HG up.

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12:00PM BBT

Memphis is up and tanning in the backyard. The rest of the HG's are sleeping.

12:02PM BBT

FOTH (Wake-up call?)

12:04PM BBT

April and Ollie are awake in HOH.


12:44 PM BBT

April, Libra and Keesha are in HOH having a discussion about the events from last night. Libra thinks it's strange how much Ollie seems to always favor Jessie. They never argue and always seem to get along. April said she has noticed that too.

A - When I'm with Ollie we don't talk about the game. I don't tell him anything, you can ask him! It's nice to have him here because he's a warm body to lay with but that's the extent of it. I can't tell you what is going on between the two of them.


12:48 PM BBT

L - Next week I just need to work my ass off and do what I can do. I just found Ollie's actions strange.

A - I'm not going to confront Ollie about this because now would not be the best time to do it.

L - I don't think he's going to admit to anything but it may be a good idea to confront him.

A - Maybe when it comes down to it he's trying to protect his future in the house.

K - It was you (April) who they were going to try to put out this week.

A - Yeah, I know. They (BB?) keep bringing me in.......(something about America, couldn't catch it) but Jessie wasn't my target this week until all this blew up last night. Now I ....... (LOUSY TIMING BB)


12:54 PM BBT

Ollie has joined them in HOH. Renny just walked in too. Everybody complaining they're sore. They're trying to figure out how late it was when they finally went to bed. They're all dragging.

A - It was interesting to have the comp in the middle of the night.

K - I'm going downstairs to replace my battery pack.

Dan walks in. He said Jessie approached him last night before the comp and asked him for his word to not vote for him this week. He told him he can't do that and Jessie got all pissed about it.

April said America is trying to get her to say Jessie isn't her target this week. (manipulations in DR)

Then we go to FISHIES again


12:58 PM BBT

April talking to group in HOH. She's telling them about the talk she had with Memphis outside earlier. She said he'll tell you how he feels and not be aggressive about it. She says Memphis is still her target because of the car. He's already walking away with a $50,000 car. It's making this week tough because Jessie is making it very difficult to not choose Jessie. She says she wants all the opinions of the people in her alliance in order to make the right decision.

A - If anybody thinks my mind is made up with Memphis they're wrong. We can't have somebody in the house who is constantly hostile and attacking the people in my alliance. It can't go on like this. When I walked in and saw that POV sitting on the chair last night.....FOTH

L - Renny took it upon herself to talk to Jessie and Michelle. She said she felt sorry for them.

A - Michelle wouldn't have hesitated to take the POV from you (Libra). I don't have any hard feelings about what went down.

L - I think I'll give Michelle a couple of days to cool down before I say anything to her about the red leotard. I even asked Keesha do you think I did the right thing? Everyone is telling you what to do but you have to go with your gut feeling.

A - This week it's you and Keesha taking the brunt of the crap from Jessie.

Libra just asked why Jessie doesn't go after Ollie. April whispered something which I couldn't hear. Ollie started to explain and Libra stopped him because somebody is in the bathroom. Not sure if it's Dan or Renny because a couple of people left when the feeds went down.

April tells Libra she should probably go get Keesha so they can discuss it between them. April asked if they have said you have to keep the lights on for the rest of the day. They said no. She's says that's sweet. We can lay back down and get some rest.

April says she wanted to drink a beer at 4 in the morning.

Dan walks out of bathroom. He says if you hear anything about him and Jessie to ask him about it because he's going to be making up stuff.

Ollie says he's probably closest to Jessie because they're both from Iowa and they work out together. April and Libra both say they aren't attacking him and Ollie disagrees.

O - What do you want me to do, go argue with them so it can look like I'm on your side?

A - You're part of our alliance and we want to know where you stand. We were all thinking it last night that Ollie is in with Jessie. How come he hasn't attacked you? We think it's unfair for him to be attacking all three of us and leaving you alone.

O - Has anybody in this house attacked me? I'm a non-confrontational dude. If you take my word for anything, I have nothing with Jessie. I'll swear it on my mother's life.

The three of them are kinda ganging up on Ollie and Keesha points it out. She said they all attack each other and they need to stop doing it.

Ollie said if you think I'm going to change how I act toward Jessie or anybody else you can think again. I can only be who I am. They all say they know and understand.


1:15 PM BBT

April, Ollie, Libra and Keesha still talking in HOH. April said they all need to start forgiving each other and not taking things so seriously. Quit letting everything get the best of us.

O - Are you kidding me? I can't even take a piss without somebody looking at me weird. This house is crazy and it's always going to be that way. I don't have anything with Jessie. If I did I would say so. I appreciate y'all talking to me about this. Whether you all know it or not we control this game right now.

A - You haven't even been attacked personally in this game yet. Wait until it happens to you. It's horrible.

Ollie says he understands where they're coming from and he's not worried about it.

The four of them are talking so fast it's hard to keep up. Keesha does congratulate all them for the things they won in the POV comp. They continue going over everything which happened during the comp. April said it's something the last three standing up there were her, Libra and Jerry. It shows the other side how strong we are.


1:48 BBT

April, Libra and Keesha are all up in the HOH talking trash about the HGs. They talked about Dan's erratic behavior, and how he has to be america's player and discuss all the actions that prove he's the AP. Libra says 'Busted'

Feeds switch to Michelle and Jessie talking in the 80's room. Michelle says that she'll be evicted next week if she doesn't get HOH. Jessie says no, he'll be there too to get HOH.

Feeds back to the HOH. The girls are talking about their problems as a group. Libra says they're like sisters who fight and make up. April says they're all very similar to eachother. April's telling Keesha how something she said last night pissed her off and April didn't say anything to her about it. Keesha's apologizing to April for what she said to April and explains that it's something she has to work on, yelling at people and saying horrible things and then immediately regreting it.


Keesha's telling them how there's always people in her ear talking shit and how you can try to ignore it, but after awhile it gets to you. April says that there needs to be no doubt in their group, and if someone is worried about something, they need to go right to that person in their group and ask them.

Feeds switch to Jerry talking to Ollie, who's lifting weights and they show Dan, who is in the pool.

Jerry to Ollie: No one will save Jessie next week, no one. Jerry goes inside as Michelle goes outside. She goes over by the laundry machines, says 14, 15, 16 and goes back inside.

Ollie moves over to the pool to talk with Dan. Dan says that if his name has been mentioned, he wants to know. Ollie says that Dan is fine. Ollie says how people are making him upset by the constant paranoia. Ollie says how the pov game last night was made to ruffle feathers with the HGs and within the alliances. He says that Libra made the best move last night.


Jerry is called to the DR. Memphis comes outside and joins the boys by the pool. Ollie moves back by the weights and Memphis gets in the pool. Not much talk going on. Dan's asking what BB will show on tomorrow's show. Memphis says the HOH and nominations.

Finally, feeds switch to Jessie and Michelle talking in the kitchen. Michelle says that she doesn't care what people htink about her. Ollie comes in and Michelle says nice workout. Jessie asks Ollie what he worked on. Michelle says that she doesn't need to eat any extra food this week, b/c it might show with the unitard on.

Feeds switch back to Dan and Memphis in the pool. They're talking about the pov comp and how Libra took first place with the prizes.

Feeds back to the girls bitching in the HOH. April says Ollie proved himself to her that he told someone to get out of the hOH room. April says she likes her time with him and her time with the girls. She loves painting toe nails, drinking coffee and talking about weddings together with Libra and Keesha. One of them says that they have had control of the house and they haven't even put that into considerations.

Again, back to the pool.


2:15 pm BBT A beautiful sunny day in the BB house. Memphis and Dan are in the pool. Memphis is lucky he's on the block with Jessie, because Jessie is making so many enemies Memphis might just be safe. Dan agrees. Dan says when he was on the block, he didn't say a word. Memphis says he'll campaign a little, but he's not that that crazy person who will go around to everyone.

Brief glimpse of Jessie in the kitchen.

Michelle (wearing the red unitard, black microphone belt, yellow bandana and big hoop earrings) is doing laundry, then goes to hang out with Memphis and Dan by the pool. Memphis and Dan cease the game talk when she approaches. Michelle sits down on a lawn chair in the shade and asks the boys how their blisters are. They still have them. Michelle "YUMMMMMEEEEE". Dan asks if she has feeling in her hands yet? Michelle says no, you think it would come back after a few days but guess not. All feeds on the pool. Just a little chatting, Is this the same BB pool they've had every season? They'd get more girls in the pool if they had a raft.

2:25 pm BBT FoH...2 minutes.

Michelle talking about what BB said about the unitard. She can has to wear it 24/7, so she can't wash it. She can only change under garments. Michelle says she has to sleep in the unitard. It's very tight, and there is no air conditioning in the house. They are discussing ways it was worn by previous BB HG Sheila and Jen. Michelle wonders if she can make a halter top of it. She says her ass looks awesome in it though. There was a quick mention of being on Craig Fuergons's show with it on. Michelle heads into the house. All feeds still on the pool. As soon as Michelle leaves, Memphis and Dan resume game talk. Memphis talking about Angie and being nominated. The trouble with the game is people making alliance too soon in the begining. He knows he wasn't put up because he won the car. Sounds like Memphis talked to April this morning and mentioned that things being said are always taken out of context, like the big fight yesterday. Dan says when all that is going down, he doesn't say a word. Memphis is playing with the rubber ducky during this conversation. People say so much, they can't remember what they say and end up talking in circles. Memphis says he's very direct and has been direct with April. If there's anything he's got in this game, it's being up front.

2:37 PM BBT. All feeds still on Dan and Memphis in the pool. Memphis says it's crazy game because you want to think you know what's going on, but you don't know. Dan says in the DR, they ask you questions like who you can trust most in the house and it's very difficult. Renny comes and sits down by the pool. They discuss they are all sore. Talk turns to what will be for dinner tonight. Maybe they should cook the Albacore tuna and grill some steaks. Renny mentions that the colonel likes steaks. Memphis says they should cook all of them and use them up then. Keesha joins the group at the pool. They tell her the fish is for dinner, she likes fish. Libra comes to the pool. The group talks about the HoH comp, and Libra apologizes to the group for taking the week vacation. It sounds like the choice was a vacation or a Hawiian party for the house. Only an idiot would take the house party, it probably cost CBS $250.


2:45 pm BBT. Michelle and Jessie sitting on the kitchen stools. Jessie is sick to his stomach. Things are crumbling. April promised they'd be safe and now they don't know what to think. They are starting to talk like they are both already gone, talking about the jury house and getting the CBS stipend. Michelle says she is going to wear a differnt color bandana every day. Jessie has a green one. Asks if Michelle will wear it on the Late Late Show. No, she's going to look dumb enough. Jessie asks when they will be on the show? Michelle says Wed & Thurs. Jessie is cleaning up after his meal and Michelle seems to be making ice coffe, she spilled something on the unitard.

2:51 pm BBT. All feeds on Jessie and Michelle in the kitchen. Keesha comes in and snacks on some chips (Lays) and gets a drink (Sprite) . Michelle goes to the BR to fix her hair/bandana. No words between Keesha and Jessie. Michelle comes back to the kitchen and tells Keesha she can't believe how good her ass looks in the unitared. Keesha agrees it looks good. Michelle exits to BY.

BB: Ollie, please exchange your microphone with one in the storage room.

Jerry enters kitchen. Tells Keesha he already had a big plate of slop this morning. Jerry says it's a little better this time around, at least you know you're going to be on it. Jerry heads outside, Libra comes in. Keesha, Libra and Ollie in SR. Keesha saying that she snacks around sooooo much. Ollie says him too. Keesha goes back to the kitchen and sits at the counter with Michelle. Jessie is still in there doing dishes. (All feeds on the kitchen, but you can hear Libra in the storgae room asking Ollie if he's ok.) No talking in the kitchen. Ollie goes to BY and quickly comes back in. Ollie says that Jerry is following him. Keesha and Michelle talking about the HOH. If anyone took a prize away from Keesha, she would be so upset. Michelle said she would have taken the trip or the letter from home. If she was first, she would have taken the money, you could buy a lot of vacations with that. Or she would have taken the Hawiian vacation. Or the letter from home. Or the PoV. (??) Talk turns to the unitard, and Michelle's "cameltoe". Again, talk of wearing it on the Late Late Show. Michelle asking Keesha if she has any hats or bandanas. Keesha has a blue one that Michelle can borrow. Michelle has to wear the unitard until next Saturday at 3:00 am. Keesha says at least Michelle has the body for it. Michelle says BB loves that, the rating are probably going sky high.

3:05 pm BBT. Unfortunately all feeds are still on the kitchen. Keesha still snacking, Michelle still talking about the unitard, and Jessie is still doing dishes.


Looks like Memphis in hat & reddish shirt. Towel around waist. Quiet.

All four feeds watching April rake her hair.


3:10 pm BBT. Michelle talking about all the ways she is going to 'pimp out' her unitard. Michelle telling Keesha on the Late Late Show she is going to wear red earrings. On eviction day she is going to borrow April's diamond shoes. She has a green beret from one of the compititions. She wishes she could get a tan through the unitard. She says she can't go in the jacuzzi or pool. She is going to run later and pull a 'Baywatch'. She had the cherry apron on this morning. Jessie goes outside and Michelle asks him to check on her clothers in the dryer. Jessie says they are done so Michelle goes outside.

All feeds on BY. Renny, Memphis and Dan are near the pool. Jessie is rinsing something off with the hose, I can't tell what it is. (His jeans?) He hang them over the fence and continues rinsing them with the hose. Michelle is at the dryers. Memphis says he has to wash his shoes. Jessie wants to wash his too.

Feed come inside. Memphis in using the bathroom, with Dan at Renny at the BR sinks. Jessie wandering around, goes into pink room and tells Michelle he is is going to go lay down unless she wants to go outside. Michelle says she does want to go outside, so Jessie waits while Michelle folds her clothes. Michelle and Jessie leave the pink room and head outside. Michelle stops in the hallway mirror to adjust redo her bandana.

Dan is making turkey burgers. He goes to HoH to ask April is she wants one. No, she's good. He goes back to the kitchen and asks Renny if she wants one. No, but he's sweet, he's asked her 3 times she says. Dan says they are out of turkey dogs. Michelle needs to use the restroom, she asks Jessie to unzip her. April goes into the BR, Michelle asks her if she can wear the diamond shoes eviction night. Laughing. (Michelle is really amused by herself today.) Jessie waits for Michelle at kitchen counter, while Memphis and Dan are cooking. No conversation in the kitchen.

Meanwhile in the bathroom, Michelle adjusting her bandana (again). April blow drying her hair.

3:28 pm BBT. Michelle and Jessie in BR. He's washing his hands while she's trying to get the coffee stain out. Whispering briefly, I couldn't make it out. Michelle starts blow drying the unitard.

In the BY, Renny and Keesha sharing a lounge chair. Keesha says that April said Keesha hurt her feelings. Renny says April hurts everybodies feelings. Renny said swim class will be in a little while. Keesha says Libra is starting to see the way Arpil is, but that Libra doesn't want to accept it. Keesha would rather have Libra around than April. Keesha says there is no way in hell she is jealous of that girl. Renny says anytime she talk about April she is going to use the code word "Babs". Renny goes inside to put her swim suit on.


3:35 pm BBT. Jessie and Michelle sitting silently on BY sofa.

Renny, Dan, Memphis and Keesha are in the kitchen. Turkery burgers are almost done. April comes down from HoH and gives Memphis her Gatorade bottle. Memphis doesn't like to drink from a cup so April says he can dump out the Gatorade and use it for a drinking bottle. Keesha and April wonder where Libra is. No one knows, she was called to the DR along time ago. Memphis asks Angie what kind of water she drinks. Only Aquafina. April usually drinks 1 cup of coffee from Starbucks (that she drinks with a straw) and then the rest of the day she drinks water. Memphis usually drinks Smart Water. April says Smart Water isn't that popular in AZ. (Note: I live in AZ and Smart Water is pretty popular here too, so I'm not sure why April said that. - bacla) Memphis says Smart Water is huge in LA. April starts drying dishes. April eats the little mini cans of fruit all the time.

Renny and Keesha in 70's room whispering. Renny is visably upset, eating cereal from a plastic bag. Renny says "She is so manipulating", Keesha "She is so FAKE!". (Seems like they may be talking about April giving Memphis the Gatorade.) Keesha says "She thinks she if fucking it. She can't stand me." Renny tells Keesha that she'll use her. Renny can't stand her, she's obnoxious and has hated her from day 1. Keesha agrees and says she should have gotten rid of her last week. All feeds on Keesha and Renny, April bashing. Renny repeates she can't stand 'that woman'.

BB: "Keesha, please do not obstuct your microphone."

3:50 pm BBT Keesha tells Renny that April told her she knows what she said about her, and it's the 2nd time now Keesha has said those (mean) things about her to people in the house so it seem like that is how she really feels. Keesha mentions again that she is not jealous of April. Keesha says if Michelle or Jessie get HoH, she is going up. Renny says Keesha will have to influence them to put April up. She said she will try. Renny says April was seeking the spotlight after the (POV) compitition. Keesha says April is always seeking the spotlight. Renny says Keesha has a gift, and is powerful at influencing people because people respect her. Keesha says she just can't be around April. Keesha tries SO HARD to like her, but she can't. Renny says it's impossible.

BB: "Keesha, please do not obstuct your microphone."

4:00 pm BBT Meanwhile...Dan, Memphis, Michelle, Libra and April are in the kitchen. Libra's birthday is Wed. Michelle eating hummus and chips. Libra thanks Dan for cooking the turkey burgers. April has never had a chick pea or a gyro.

Dan announces that swim club starts at 4:25 pm. April starts to clean the kitchen and Dan said he is going to clean up after he eats. April just wanted to clean a few things. She needs some saltines or chips, her stomach is upset. Camera person is taking some unattrive shots of Michelle smacking with her mouth open. April is trying not to swear as much. Ollie comes into the kitchen. Dan offers him the extra turkey burger, but he says no. Keesha is now sitting at the kitchen table eating out of a bag of miniature chocolate bars. April asks Keesha how she requests something special from BB, if she will get it. April needs face wash, she's not using Dial or Irish Spring on her face. Keesha said she asked for lotion when she was HoH, but didn't get any.

Libra tells how she was outside saying "I know who American's player is" and BB immediately called her to the DR. Dan asks Libra about American's player. Libra says something is going on around here. Feeds cut for a moment but Libra says someone isn't the smartest apple on the tree?

4:10 pm BBT Dan doing dishes. April asks if he needs assistance. He says no, he is going to wash, dry and put away. April saying she spoke to someone (therapist) about her cleaning habits and she was told to work on it as a progression. Put 1 thing out of place before she goes to bed and learn to live with that etc. BB calls April to DR.


4:15 pm BBT. Jessie and Michelle on BY sofa. Jessie saying Jerry would be stupid not to use the PoV on him, because Memphis is going after Jerry and April and Jessie is not. Michelle mentions that part of the deal was that Jessie was safe this week. Michelle says that Libra won't look her in the face. Michelle makes fun of Libra saying she's talking about 'her diet plan' to Dan while she's making herself a big turkey burger on a bun with loads of potato chips. Michelle tells Jessie about Libra's 'America's Player' story. Michelle thinks America's player is Libra, because when BB called Libra into the DR, Libra took her sweet time and then she went to talk to Ollie and then she finally went to DR. Jessie doesn't care if Libra is America's player. Michelle says that American's player gets special things, like news from the outside, information on who America wants voted out etc. Michelle says it's production that really says who they want voted out, not who America says. That's why production never yells at Libra no matter what she does...we get FoH...

4:20 pm BBT. Jessie says the other alliance really hates the fact that Jerry won PoV. Michelle disagrees. Jessie says it's only Keesha and Libra that want him out, everyone else wants Memphis out. Jessie tried to talk to Ollie last night to find out what's what, but Ollie said he was too tired to talk. If Michelle gets the chance, she's going to approach April to see if she has the votes to keep Jessie in. Jessie thinks he might have done something since the PoV to make the other side mad, that no one has really talked to him since then. He said something about how are 'they' going to ration out her money...and as they are talking about production we get FoH again...


4:30 pm BBT. Feeds are back. Keesha and Libra sharing the BY lounge chair. Tension in the house is frustrating. Libra thinks it all Jessie. Keesha has proved herself to April time and time again and she still doubts her. Libra says she doesn't know what Keesha said about April last night, and Keesha recaps it for her. Libra thinks that's a problem, but their formula is working. Keesha is happy Libra won the trip. Libra says she is not happy she got it. Renny comes into back yard, and Keesha and Libra say Renny looks like a movie star. Keesha says she has lost the weight she gained. Keesha says there are people in the house she trusts more than others, that have her back more than others. Libra says she's proven herself to be that type of person and Keesha says she has too.

Renny jumps into the pool and Dan starts walking around the edge of the pool reciting the swim club rules.

All feeds are still on Libra and Keesha in BY. Libra says she's glad she met Keesha. Keesha says me too. Talk of the jury house and how it doesn't matter if you make it to the end if nobody votes for you. Libra says Michelle has not said one word to her today. (Hinting that it's because Libra took the trip away from her.) Girls are lauging that Michelle has to wear unitard. Libra says when she (Libra) got the unitard Michelle was laughing, but Libra got the last laugh. Libra says Michelle said she wanted the trip for her birthday in December, and Libra's like how do you think I feel my birthday is this week.

4:40 pm BBT. All feeds still on Keesha and Libra. Random bashing of the HG's. Keesha and Libra recounting what happened yesterday, Jessie's lies and Keesha calling him names. Libra admires Keesha's nails. They think Ollie is doing good in the swim club today. Libra says eventually they are all going to have to turn on each other. Keesha says you'll be able to keep one person with you. Libra asks Keesha if she has a deal with Renny. Keesha says no, they don't have any deal; she just likes her.

Feeds change to Dan in the pool with Renny and Ollie for swim club. Renny is using the basketball to help keep her floating while she swims. Ollie just went underwater. Dan says they will work on floating to give their muscles a rest. Dan puts his arms out and Ollie falls backward. Dan helping Ollie float, telling him to kick his feet a little bit and relax. Dan is now teaching them the free style breathing, with your head in the water, hands cupped, arm position etc.

4:50 pm BBT. Swim club continues. (It's fun to watch. Dan is doing a good job teaching, and Renny and Ollie really want to learn.) Dan says there will be another session tomorrow at 11:30 am. Renny and Ollie both swim one length of the pool without assistance and all the HG's cheer thier success!!


5:40PM BBT: Michelle griping about the leotard again. says she asked DR for another one because she can't do anything in that one. She isn't allowed to take it off so she can't do the saunna, work out or anything or it will get stinky.

April,Libra and Jerry: talking game in the BY not too far from Michelle

Jerry tells April and Libra about convo with Memphis earlier regarding why he put Jerry on slop...Libra interjects that she bets if Jerry took Mem off the block he would give Jerry his slop pass..

we had a little fish and when we come back Jerry is talking about eating some slop. He said something that grossed out April and Libra and they both jumped up and said eww and walked away. Jerry followed them inside so they went to their rooms

Libra Keesha are laying down and Renny comes in after swim class. Now April comes in and is whispering with them.

They are talking about Jerry and the slop - feel bad since he is so old to be on slop again. April says she told him welcome to the 2nd week slop club. Only Keesha, Libra April and him are members.


6:17 PM BBT: I jump on the feeds and see April and Libra telling Dan that he is Americas Player. He deinies it and says they never do a twist more than once. (EX FACTOR!!! HELLO!!!) They are now picking out couples.



then at 7:21pmBBT feed return with April & Ollie yellin,cussing each other and say 2 each other their stabbin each other in back. April is really talkin down Ollie. Being a total BITCH! April sayin Ollie;s goin behide her back she says she readin her mind and knows what Ollie really thinks of her

7:45pmBBT still thos e2 goin at it. April says Keesha humilatin her family every time she says I(April) am i liar. Im the most geniue person in the house, i dont curse like her, I dont act & trow fits like her.

April says soryy 2 Ollie


8:00 PM BBT Michelle brought alcohol out and told everyone that they did not know what she had to do to get it....lol

Looks like they got 2 bottles of wine and someone said 6 beers. Everyone is eating dinner except for April and she is cleaning the kitchen.


8:30ish BBT: April, Libra, Keesha are in the HoH. April is telling them about the conversation she had with Ollie. She explains Ollie was insulted about the way the talk went down this morning and he


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