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11:10BBT Now Renny is doing a Michelle immitation, (OMG it is Funny! :lol: ) They are laughing how she was making deals with April.....Now Libra and Renny are doing both april and michelle!

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11:12 am BBT

Libra making fun of everyone doing the comp last night... Ollie is laughing harder than everyone... (If only he knew what he looked like)... Now they are talking about how Ollie went down real quick. Renny saying that Dan was talking all kinds of smack and then "He was like, I am going out!"... Libra is saying "hmmmmm he is the smallest guy... hmmmm Americas Player? He was babbling like a crazy man!"...


11:15 am BBT

Libra and Renny whispering, Libra slips a quick nose pick in... they are saying something about Jerry knowing he is getting out. Renny now making fun of Jerry during the comp. Libra "Oh my God this house is crazy! This house is crazy Renny! Everyone in this house, including myself is crazy!"... Everyone leaves. Now just Renny in the room. Renny now leaves. They are heading outside... Renny says something about the col. and dry cleaning... Libra to the bathroom. Keesha taking a shower. Libra says she is going to sit on the back porch for awhile to get some air. Libra asks the guys if she can practice after 'y'all'. (They have gotten some hockey equiptment in the BY). April cam downstairs to the kitchen... Memphis just told Dan that he almost got smacked in the face.


11:55AM BBT: Keesha was outside talking to Memphis, he told her Angie's speech last night "was the bomb" and Keesha said Angie always knew what to say. She said that everyone inside was bitching about her being outside talking to Memphis.

Everyone came outside and you could see she wanted to say something but couldn't.

They've been told there is no food competition, they will be given food for the week.

They've been put on ID LD and everyone is filtering inside.


Michelle was telling Ollie that the medic came to her in the middle of the night. Her joints in her hands are numb. There is nothing they can do for her except ice it.

Libra, Michelle, April and Ollie are in the kitchen. Libra is imitating everyone from last night's comp. Everyone is laughing. Michelle is having a good time. Michelle and April say everything hurts, their backs, necks, arems, etc. Renny comes in and does some of her imitations. Everyone is cracking up. Libra said April is already in the magazine (Maxim) Said she had a little dirt on her face, but guys like that. Libra imitates some of April's poses. They all say April looked like she wasn't going anywhere. Renny goes to get a bean bag to do another imitation, but someone cames in so she puts it back. They all run into the other room so they can watch her. Got a brief FoTH.

Memphis and Keesha are outside talking, then Libra and Michelle come out. They are talking about everyone gets food this week. They ask for wine. They are happy there is no food competiton. As everyone gets outside, a lockdown is called, and they all go inside.


12:15PM BBT: April, Libra and Keesha are in the 70's room talking. April said they have her word, she isn't stupid. They have the numbers. April said they have proven they are strong. They can do physical as well as mental. Keesha is changing clothes under the covers. They start whispering because Jessie is right outside the room working out, but they think he is spying.

April said she wishes she hadn't made any deals. She could have stayed a lot longer. Libra said she was going to say something, but decided not to and stay cool. They want Memphis gone, he has already won the car worth $50,000. They said that is like 2nd or 3rd place. April said Michelle kept trying to get her to drop. Libra said she was getting mad, Michelle was saying her family needed the money, and wanted to see photos of her family. Libra said...don't we all!

After short FoTH, the three girls are talking about Dan. They think he is wierd. They said he reiterates the obvious, and does the strangest things. They think he might be America's Player (right!) or something. Not sure if they can trust him. Talk changes to Ollie. April was upset that yesterday Ollie said Angie was gorgeous. She said not just pretty or beautiful, but gorgeous. She gave him a look.


Libra said it is good April got HoH as she now has a big target on her. she has proven she is strong. Libra said you can't play this game half-assed. April said she needs to build trust so she isn't put up next week. Keesha agreed. They said it is hard when you are HoH, because you automaticaly get a target on you. Libra said April has Libra, Keesha and Renny all playing and they have her back. Dan came in, saying he has done 40 minutes. He has to give Jerry 3 hours (not sure why??) Libra tells Dan they have April's back, since she can't compete. Dan said him too, he would never put her up.

Now talking about making deals before POV is played. Dan said he gave Jessie his word he wouldn't vote for him to leave. He said if Keesha would have changed her mind, he would have been stuck. Now talking about the voting order. They said it is for TV. They show one group, then another, and Dan was last becuase he was neutral. Keesha said they only show a couple of people voting, because they don't want people to know how the vote is going. Libra thought all were shown (they are) but Keesha was adament no one knows the vote until Julie announces it. (Survivor).

April is going to tell Memphis he is going up. Sounded like she is going to put Jessie up as well (not sure). Keesha said she listens how people talk to her to see how they are. Jessie kept trying to get her to break her word, so she knows his isn't worth much. Keesha said until Jessie came up talking crap, she wasn't going to target him. Jessie runs and tells people stuff that isn't true to make drama in the house.

Glad Keesha was HoH first, so she knows what to expect. Libra said she only has two coming up to her to change her mind. She will have Memphis trying to keep himself, and Jessie and Michelle coming in trying to save Jessie.


12:26 PM BBT

April, Keesha, Libra talking in bedroom.

April said she is going to go eat lunch and relax a little bit then tell Jessie she's going to put him up. She said there's no reason to blindside him. She doesn't care if he goes off on her or not. She'll tell him she's doing him a favor because there aren't too many people in the house who like him anyway.

Libra says it can be fun to push some issues with Memphis and watch him throw Jessie under the bus. Just for kicks.

April says she'll just tell Memphis he's going up because he won the car. There isn't much he can say about that.

April says her decision isn't final about Memphis. If Jessie starts doing the same stuff he did this week, she can easily change it to Jessie being the one walking out the door because she's not putting up with his crap.


Feed changes to Jessie, Michelle talking in kitchen. They're talking about some dude who is darker than the kitchen table and shaves around the perimeter of his face. (?) Michelle says he sounds like a freak.

Memphis in kitchen with them now. They're all talking loud and acting silly.

Back to bedroom. Libra thinks it's funny they aligned themselves with the people who had the best amount of decency instead of being with "them". She tries to not get in these situations with Jessie where he'll sit and talk with you then go into the house and twist your words to whoever he's talking to which he has done many times.

Libra says the reason they won't eff with her is because she stands up to them and doesn't show any weakness. When you show them weakness they start to attack you.


April leaves the bedroom. Libra has put on her shades while laying in the bed. Keesha is still putting on make-up. They're still talking about how to handle Jessie if he starts one of his verbal assaults again after nominations.


Renny came in and was singing Girl from Impanema, so we got FoTH. Feeds come back all 4 in the kitchen with Michelle, Memphis and Jessie talking about a guy from Equador that was a freak.

Back in bedroom with Libra, April and Keesha. April said she didn't need to make a deal with Michelle, she had her beat. Libra said if April stays strong, they will back off. If she shows any crack or weakness, they will dig in. Libra said they leave her alone. Jessie doesn't mess with her because she won't stand for it. She is cordial to him, but that is all. Keesha is putting on some make-up, while Libra complains about her stomach. Libra tells April what to say when Jessie throws evryone else under the bus. Keesha said it is always something in the house. Some small thing happens, and it blows up. April called to DR. Feeds keep switching for short times to kitchen and Jessie, Michelle and Memphis, then back to the girls.

April comes out of DR (in for only a couple of minutes). Michelle asks if they told her about the competition, she said no, she's got nothing for them. Michelle wonders what is going on, why the LD. Jessie just flexing and complaining.


Dan and Jerry in LR. Dan tells Jerry he needs to talk to April soon. Jerry said he talked to her last night, then asks if she is in the HoH room, as he needs to talk with her. Keesha walks by and Dan said that is her color. (She has on teal) She asked blue, and he said it brings out her eyes. She says thanks.

Dan asks Michelle if she knows the BB theme. She tries, and we get brief FoTH. Jessie finishes eating and cleans up his plate.

Feeds on Jerry flexing (all 4 feeds) He does a Popeye type fles, looks at the camera and says "eat your heart out". He said someday he is going to have to use that muscle. Jerry goes back into the kitchen and asks Jessie of he played football or basketball. Jessie says basketball. Jerry talking about playing sports, and BB tells him to move his mic higher. Jerry's grandson played for Tulane when he got a 5 year engineering degree. He was on the team when they went undefeated and went to the Liberty bowl. (football) Jessie keeps cleaning and says nice.


Memphis called to DR.

All feeds switch to spa room. Jerry said he was so proud of April. She said she appreciated to positve feedback. She said she would look at Libra, and she would be smiling, and Keesha would wink at her. April said they were all equal on this comp. She said she is smaller, but Ollie has more muscles. April said she used different muscles to rest others. Jerry explaining he didn't understand how she did it, but she had her knees bent, and still had everything in balance. Ollie said she arched her back. They complemented April. She thanked them. Jerry said she will be on a billboard in Phoenix having to stay up there, like a pole sitter. Ollie said he didn't know they had crew members with chains making the wall move. Libra again complaining about her stomach huring, and April said hers is upset too.

Feeds switch to Michelle and Jessie whispering in the storage room. They are putting a bandaid on Jessie. Ollie comes in for a minute, so does Jerry. They get what they want, then leave quickly. Michelle and Jessie resume their whipsering, but can't understand a thing. Michelle talks in regular voice and asks if Jessie wants to play chess. They leave the SR and go to the bathroom, where Renny is talking to Keesha. All 4 feeds switch to spa room, and Ollie with a broom while Libra is in recliner. Libra talking to April said they aren't even talking to be cordial. Said they don't say hi, how are you, nothing. She wonders if they can see her through the window of the gym.

Libra said that is what is good about their team, they put themselves out there, and they take care of each other. April said she shaved her legs this morning. She said the lights went on, and she didn't think she would be able to lift her leg. She said it went right up, so she took advantage and shaved her legs.

Now talking about cakes, and ghetto icing, and frosting which is different than icing.


12:50 PM BBT

All four feeds on kitchen. Michelle sitting at bar with her face resting in both hands. She looks tired or frustrated. Jessie is doing dishes.

Switch to sauna room with April, Jerry, Libra and Ollie. April saying all her group made her feel so good when she was up on the wall. Keesha, Jerry were smiling at her and Ollie was right across from her so she couldn't miss his glances.

April talking about how her small frame helped her on the wall. It was too difficult for those with more upper body weight. Ollie is clipping his toenails and April gets on him about dropping them on the floor. He says he's going to sweep them up! She just laughs.

Jerry talking about how those who were on the wall were in good positions especially April. Jerry saying something about they're going to have April hanging up on a billboard doing her wall act. She says she doesn't want to be up on a billboard, she'd just be happy being in the magazine and making $10,000. (?)

April says this was harder for her than the honey comp.

Jessie, Michelle in SR whispering. Jessie says as soon as they started talking about it I told them it wasn't going to happen like that. (no clue). Michelle getting some band-aids out of the first aid box. Jessie making fun of Jerry walking in on them. He says he's just spying on them. They leave the room. As Michelle is walking out the door Jessie accidentally kicks her.

Camera is bouncing all around the house. BB can't decide who to watch, lol

Libra, April in sauna room. Libra says she believes Ollie is ready to have her back. Libra respects their game because they put themselves out there. They don't hesitate to do what needs to be done. If their family members are watching them they wouldn't recognize them if they were just kicking back not doing something in the game. Ollie walks in. April saying something about not shaving her legs this morning.

Libra says what do you think your family thought about how well you did last night? She said she thought they would be proud of her. Libra says they need to make a birthday cake for Keesha's birthday. Libra says Keesha is nervous about April letting Jessie know ahead of time he's going up. April says she shouldn't worry about it, it'll be OK. They know he could pull some crazy stuff so they should be prepared but they shouldn't worry about it.


Jessie and Michelle in bathroom on the lounger. Renny is drying her hair. Jessie said he is going to take a nap...lays down. Michelle tells Renny she can give her all the kisses she wants. Renny asked what???, and Michelle repeats it. April went upstairs when Keesha came down. (Keesha used the HoH loo) April comes back down after getting a sweatshirt.

(I am out for a while, can someone take over?)


1:10PM BBT

They can now go outside. April goes out to the fridge outside to get something to drink.

Libra was putting an ace bandage on Dan's arm with something under it? Didn't catch all that but he walked into bedroom to get his Bible and while there stopped and pointed at it for the camera with a big smile on his face.

People moving all around the house, doing different things. Libra, April, Keesha, Ollie in kitchen fixing something to eat. No game chat.


1:13 PM BBT


1:15 PM BBT

Jerry has joined the crew in the kitchen, fixing a sandwich.

Jessie, Michelle laying on couch in bathroom just chatting. Renny is there also drying her hair.

Keesha asks who is the best player at chess? Jerry says it's Jessie. Keesha and Libra are sitting at bar and each one has their own bag of potato chips chomping away. Ollie says he's going to SR to get the M&M's. He comes back and says it's time to fix some trail mix. April is fixing grilled cheese sandwiches....asked Dan how many slices of cheese he wanted and he says just one, thanks.

April gives Libra a sandwich and she says it's so pretty, it isn't burned! (lol) Libra says she's going to weigh herself today because BB had a comp where they asked HG how much they weighed and they didn't know because they hadn't weighed themselves. She's not going to be caught not knowing.

Keesha, Memphis talking outside. Keesha saying she's been worried about Gizmo. She knows he's gonna be fine but worried JJ isn't going to be there with him enough. He said he would take him to work but she worries about that because he's constantly getting into things. He's just a puppy. She would absolutely die if something happened to him. Memphis said he's sure he's fine, don't worry.

Memphis says his dog is too big to take with them everywhere but Keesha doesn't have to worry about that with Gizmo. Keesha is glad they have pizza and stuff in there now. Memphis says he knew there was pizza in there last night.

Memphis says this is what he's going to do. He's sure April is going to put him up against either Jerry or Dan. With Jerry the only ammo he has against him is this is the last week before sequester. Keesha says you should wait and see who she's putting up. Then Memphis asks her if she isn't putting up Jerry or Dan then who? Keesha shakes her head. Memphis says since she promised not to put up Michelle or Jessie......Keesha gives him a wicked smile. Memphis says, "ah, the truth comes out."

Keesha said she didn't know about any promise being made but he should just wait and see who gets put up with him. Keesha doesn't think she made that promise. Memphis says well maybe he just heard wrong. He thought when they were up on the ledge there were a lot of promises made. He thought he heard her say she wouldn't put up Michelle OR Jessie. They both say now they aren't sure and they go back to being silent.

Memphis says if he's learned anything he realizes sometimes things aren't the way you think they are. He says it's ridiculous for everybody to agree on an eviction. Keesha says it's because people are afraid to go out on their own.

Memphis says he realizes during the first few weeks it's better to just go with the flow but now that the game has moved on it's kinda ridiculous to go with what everybody else does.

Keesha says when you take out a whole other alliance, who's left to go after? Memphis says he agrees and that's why he wanted to see if he could count on her vote. He thinks they could work together.

Memphis says when you tell five people exactly what you're going to do it may sound like a good thing to do but that may not necessarily be the case. She says believe me, I know what you mean.

Memphis says he has a terrible time trying to get any game talk out of Dan. He doesn't want to make a decision because he's scared. He's not going to go kiss April's ass. He's not going to change who he is. He'll be cordial and nice but why beat on a dead horse? He could tell her he could help her later on in the game but why bother? He doesn't trust April like he does Keesha. He's not trying to bash Libra but she's the weakest player in the house. When she fell off the ledge in 15 minutes time don't talk all this crap and not have something to back it up.


1:38 pm bbt

Memphis wanting to know why do they all have to eat dinner together? Memphis says he doesn't know if he should eat another piece of chicken when there's more on the table. Keesha said she noticed the guys don't eat very much.

Memphis says being cordial in this game doesn't help you win it. Look at ED. He was up front with everybody and if he told somebody something you knew he was telling it like it is. He thinks it made people trust him. This is what he doesn't want to see this week. He goes up on the block and everybody black balls him. He hates it when everybody goes with the group decision and doesn't speak to him because he's on the block.

Keesha thinks they'll pick her for POV comp this week. She thinks it's always too convenient for the ones who get pulled from the bag. Memphis tells her everybody's name is in that bag. There's no way they can rig who's name gets pulled from the bag. He says all they'd have to do is dump the bag to see which names are still in bag. She says that makes sense.

April comes out to get a drink of water. She says she'll dump the bag this week to make sure everybody's name is in there. Memphis says this house is going crazy. Keesha said the one thing about her is she'll talk to anybody she wants to in this game. She doesn't care. Memphis says he doesn't understand why these people are so insecure they don't want this person talking to that person. It's nuts.

Memphis says if he goes up against Jessie it's a whole other story. But if he goes up against anybody else it will be totally different.

Renny comes out and asks Keesha what she would like to have to eat for lunch due to her birthday. She said she'd like some guacamole. Renny starts to walk away and Keesha asks her if they're talking sh!t about her in there. She says no, they were talking about something Ollie did. (don't know who "they" are). Renny says she needs to go fix Keesha's lunch.

Keesha tells Memphis not to worry about Renny, they're both on the same page. Memphis says he knows he doesn't have to worry about Keesha because she's always a step ahead of him.


1:45 PM BBT

Memphis says he knows Dan is a good person but he can't trust him. He had a conversation with him the other day and he told him he couldn't trust him because he lied to him. Then about five days ago he said the exact same thing he did before and he can't trust what comes out of his mouth. He told Dan if he wins HOH he knows there's only one person they want to put up. If there's somebody else you'd like to get out of this house just say so. He didn't say a word. He wouldn't talk to him about the game. He's making every decision to not get involved in this game. He believes Dan is throwing all the HOH comps. He hasn't had to make a single decision since he's been in that house.

Memphis can't get over how little he'll speak up about anything. He's trying to play it too safe and it's going to work against him. Keesha says he's always been that way and everybody in the house notices it too.

Memphis says when it comes down to numbers, he's going to be the past person to win a POV or change a vote. Keesha says he never puts himself in a position to make a choice about anything! Memphis says when he does finally get in a position to have to make a choice he isn't going to know what the hell to do. Everybody in the house wants to keep him around for the numbers but you can't know if he's going to have your back or not.

Keesha knows Jessie and Michelle are coming after her. She heard an exchange they had when they were on the wall. They were using words she didn't understand but at one point Jessie said "kee" and Michelle responded with "sha". Memphis said they're actually gunning for April and Libra. The two of them know they can come to Keesha and talk to her about the game when they couldn't do that with the other two. Keesha also said something about how aggressive Jessie gets with her when they have a conversation. Memphis says he gets aggressive with anybody who doesn't agree with his point of view.

(I'm out for now. Someone else can take over.) :)


3:25 PM BBT: Michelle is up in HoH talking to April and Ollie. Michelle is pleading for her man. April is telling Michelle that Jessie might be a pawn and he needs to trust her. April tells Michelle that if April didnt win HoH (besides Michelle) he would be gone. They are saying that april and Ollie are the ones who saved Jessie's ass last week. April said that she will tell them not to hint at Jessie that he will leave, and that Memphis will be the one leaving. April tells Michelle that she doesnt trust Jessie, but she will keep him safe. Te conversation is basically going in circles.


3:30 BBT - While the upstairs crew April, Ollie, and Michelle talk about Jessie being a pawn downstairs in the sauna Libra, Dan, Keesha, and Renny talk about taking Jessie out. Libra quick to try and take credit for trying to get Jessie out last week.


3:30 - NOTE: Dan came up to HOH room to use bathroom and was denied. After he left people started asking about why he needs to use a private bathroom and April said "I don't know, I think he's part of America's Player or something and he comes up here to snoop" !!!


4:23 BBT Michelle and Jesse outside whisphering about April....April may put Jesse up, Michelle is telling Jesse to chill....She says that April and Ollie want to work with them. Jesse says if he gets put up then he wont work with them. THey say Dan has been acting weird. Jesse is a little angry and says he doesnt want to talk about now, they will talk about it later.........Jesse says he wants them to stop talking to Memphis about the game for a while...feels that something is up with him

Jesse is mad that April is still going with the house....Jesse keeps bringing up the subject then gets mad and says lets talk about it later (What a loser!)


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