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It said on the feeds this afternoon the banner read "Keesha, Libra is a liar...Love, Steven."

But BB got the outside HGs back in before anyone had a good look at it. Memphis said he saw, "Libra...liar" which I can believe. No way did Steve send a plane saying that. First Steven doesn't have that kind of money to rent a prop plane. However, if Steven went to some bar and met a rich fan, I still don't think Steven would want to spare Jesse any grief!!!

I'm hoping Steven will hook up with Brian. He to me was the most attractive guy on BB10.

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Memphis told Keesha, he didn't see her name.. But saw Lib - liar -lo Steven.. 9( or close to that)

then he went to Angie and said He couldn't read it but he told the DR that he was lying and they were all laughing about it. It could of said that Libra we love you for all he knew. Then she asked Angie later she said yeah it was along those lines but she didn't see it all..

I guess I can't put a link so go to YT and look for this BB10 - Memphis tells Angie what he actually saw on the banner

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It would be nice if someone that lives in the area of the BB house took a picture an posted it on the net.

I am really curious. Another message board that I looked at that are Libra fans said the banner said I love Libra.

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I have the video of the Renny, Keesha and Memphis conversation about the banner. He first said sorry for the Jerry and him blowup (we missed it because of the FotH from the banner) then she asked about the banner. He told her it said Libra and someone are liars. He couldn't make out the whole message, only "Libra Liars" and goes on to say it had Love something.

I also have the video of Memphis explaining to Angie what he told Keesha about the banner. He then tells Angie that the banner could have said "We love Libra" and they laugh... He could have been joking.

Later, Keesha asked Angie what the banner said. Angie tells her the truth and said she was on the couch and didn't get a good look before being yelled at to get in the house but there was a banner.

Keesha and Renny then go to the kitchen and Keesha tells Renny she asked Angie because Angie wont lie.

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how dumb can angie be?

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I won't fault Angie for not lying about what she saw/didn't see...I think she's been pretty honest throughout the game...if nothing else. I just hope that she doesn't let on that Memphis was lying about what he saw/didn't see.

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yes, that would make it sooo much more interesting, stir up some drama,lol

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"Hey, does anyone know why last season they stopped doing the popularity polls? "

I think they stopped because the polls might have created bias in the America Votes kind of stuff. The only oddity is the polls are pretty much accurate, but do have some inconsistencies based on how CBS shows people through editing. Where people that were pretty much jerks 24/7 got rated high because an episode showed them in a good light, or likeable players having low popularity due to no screen time. There's a poll this year but they won't show the results. I liked those old graphs they used to have. They should bring them back.

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I think whoever sent the banner might have wanted to get Jesse off the block and have Libra backdoored.

I had read on the feeds page that the banner said, "Keesha, Libra is a backstabbers, love Steven"...I don't have live feeds and only know what I read online. BB sure got those HG outta the BY on the double!

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Late tonight (actually early this morning) Memphis told his group that the banner said "we love libra.......something........something.......Steven"

Obviously, they turned it around and tried to use it against Libra.

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