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Sunday, July 27th


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Not much going on tonight. I think everyone is tired of talking game... it's been a looong day for most of them.

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..............................................so very very bored...............................


....................................have BB conversation............................................

........................with someone.........................

................................................... I ..............................................




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I'm glad I usually DVR BBAD and watch it later! Jesse is what the FF button was made for. He is the whiniest little girl I have ever seen on this show. He hold so many grudges. Does he care he's just a pawn? He acts like he's being evicted. I hope to God Keesha gets him out. Angie is beyond indifferent. What I don't get is why is Memphis allies with this nut? If Jessie stays, it's Libra's time to win. Otherwise I Jesse gets HOH Keesha will deserve what happens. Although I think Libra would go over Keesha. Libra would get votes from both sides to go. Also Memphis said he won't vote Keesha out earlier (could be BS) and supposed Michelle said she's her Keesha's "friend"....Jesse said, "If Libra leaves, I'll tell Keesha we're even." Yeah, right, Jesse, how to win friends and influence people.

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Damn, why doesn't this group of HG's try to have some FUN instead of just sitting around talking game? Isn't it about time to just chill for an hour or 2 and come up with some game that the whole house can play to pass the time?

In past seasons the HG's come up with a game or 2 during the first week. We are on week 3 and nothing. Come on kids, lets get cracking.

Also, have you noticed how obsessed they are with a twist? Guess what, no twist this year. They need to stop worrying about that actually create something for us to remember them by. Duck ball anyone?


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Most of the others have been very off game topic except for Jesse, and he is going to be like this day in day out until Thursday. Why they don't get him out I can't understand. But if Keesha makes this decision and leaves Jesse in she deserves to be up on the block. And she'd better win the Veto Comp if she goes up next week. Although if Libra is up against her surely Libra will go home.

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I'm so glad that all the people that were fun and funny are getting voted out and all the people that scurry up in the HOH room and sit on there asses and talk constant sh%! about everyone all the time are taking over. It makes for great BBAD. I can get through it in like 30 minutes. YAAAAAAAAAAY!! I'm ready for a new HOH already and i'm praying to god that the other side of the house wins it. PLEEASSEE!!! If Libra wins i'll be suicidal. Maybe Angie can pull a James and come right back in the house.

By the way, they are all talking about putting Jesse up next week and how bad it's going to be having to listen to him all week. Then moron April is talking about how strong ANGIE is in comps and how Jesse would suck in an endurance. Um, hasn't he won 2 things already and by the way, one other small thing. HAVE YOU SEEN JESSE??? He is 0% body fat and huuuuggeee. HE'S A PROFESSIONAL BODY BUILDER. He's prolly gonna be really good in all comps. How stupid can they be to not get rid of him now?? I don't get it. Okay I feel a lil better.

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I'm hoping Jessie, Memphis and Michelle get together and decide as a team who needs to go( if they win HOH).. I'd like for them to put up April and Libra then if April wins POV, put up Ollie. then if Libra wins put up Keesha.. I would love to see them fight it out and decide who is really loyal to whom.

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april is useless

i dont see her as much of a threat beside her showmance

she has been one of worst in comps

i would put up keesha and libra if one win pov i replace them with ollie

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I'm glad I was busy friday evening and all day saturday...looks like I didn't miss anything new. Seems from the updates and posts here that the stupids just kept droning and bashing on and on about the same stuff for the past few days now.

I think Keesha's decision to keep noms the same and not use pov is best for her...(although for me I'd prefer if she made a bone head move and took Angie or Jessie down and put up Libra...but I know that won't happen.)...the stupid seven will break apart as soon as Keesha's reign is over...unless Libra, Ollie or April win hoh and then the same stupid mentality of just going after JAMMers will continue...( on the bright side to that horrible scenario...I'll be able to enjoy some summer instead of being glued to the boring and predictable feeds)....but Keesha has got a few side deals and friendships that could work to her advantage depending on who next hoh is.

Where I think she is making a D-U-M move is in targeting Angie instead of Jessie. I know it's the stupid mean girl jealousy and revenge thing...it's just not a rational decision...it's an emotional one and this game should not be played on emotion. Keeping Jessie could hurt her...not LOA as much. JMM are still strong competitors and could easily win a challenge...all 3 have already won one....Angie hasn't won anything yet nor has she shown a glimmer of winning anything. That is going to be her big mistake of the game...and I can't wait/hope for that "doh!" moment when Keesha realizes she f'd up bigtime! I love to see the high and mighty fall...and right now want to see princess with Jessie's footprint on her backside as she's booted out the door.

My dream scenario next hoh would be for any of JMM to win hoh...put Keesha and April up. I think Libra and Ollie would side with April and Keesha would go. Jerry and Renny would side with Keesha...split the stupid 7 up and then we could get back to a real BB game and not the predictability that we have.

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I know many of you don't like Jessie, I don't like him either but just imagine if Jessie wins HOH next week. I want to see Keesha's & Libra's faces. They realize how dumb they are when they vote Angie off. It will be priceless!

If he wins, he probably put up Libra & Keesha, not April. April is weak player. If either win POV, put up Ollie. That would freak April out!

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for that reason alone, mee too

Hey Ginger, I have a totally off topic question, I know you watch The Tudors, do you know when the season premire will be?? I am dying for it,lol

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I also love that time period, but I had no idea that the series ended, I got a late start on it, and it is emmy nominated, great show, and it ended on an important note, hello!! I think Jane Seymore was the only wife to give him a son.

Tonights show will be interesting to see if they show any of the fights,lol

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My dream scenario next hoh would be for any of JMM to win hoh...put Keesha and April up. I think Libra and Ollie would side with April and Keesha would go. Jerry and Renny would side with Keesha...split the stupid 7 up and then we could get back to a real BB game and not the predictability that we have.

This scenario would crack me up. Yes April is a weak player but it would break up the alliance of 7. (unless Ollie votes with the house and votes to evict April)

That would be so so so funny.

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OT - I hate waiting so long for the Tudors. Love it.

I'm sure Keesha will be put on the block next week if Michelle or Jessie gets HOH. They'd be smart to get rid of Libra though.

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I would like to see what would happen if Dan gets an hoh, will he be true, like to Memphis or turncoat and do what the hell he wants, I would love to see him do what he wants.

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I would vote his ass out of there so fast. What is wrong with these people. Can't they tell Keesha this is the way it is.

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Jesse keeps tryin to say that being on the block does not bother him, well right when he first got put up, but then he runs around pleading to people, it shows that he is weak and desparate

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well, I think a lot of them do see what is going on with a lot of the stuff that is constantly being said and done, but so far noone has any balls to take action and do something, look at Schreesha, she is weak.

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Joyami....I think they just may vote off Jessie. If you noticed, Dan wouldn't commit his vote to Jessie and Ollie is being non-committal as well. I think they are sticking with the plan until after POV ceremony. Then they will go to Keeshaand tell her they want to change. After that....her power is done.

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