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Libra - Week 3


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First of all I think Libra will think America loves her giving her a grab at #20,000.

Second of all I think the winner will be Renny according to a lot of the voting at other forums.

Regarding Libra and being greedy for a mere $20K when she has a chance to win the whole thing or $50K, we'll see.

I hope people are voting for Renny or Jesse. I voted for Jesse, because he's stupid enough to do it and get buried. I hope it's Jesse and he accepts.

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Libra may be many things, but stupid isn't one of them. As a fan of Big Brother, she probably knows that AP screwed Eric's game (as well as his alliance) and benefitted someone else. For $20,000 (pre-tax) and no guarantee of your safety for up coming eviction...she wouldn't take it. There's no win for the situation.

But it wouldn't be unlike BB producers to give her an accept the deal or get evicted on the spot, deal.

I don't think there's anything wrong with believing America loves you. But I love Amercia, so who knows.

So, I wish someone would explain to me how Keesha was so weak to listen to Libra tell her to put Angie up, and she was the biggest pusher and so persuasive in getting Angie put up, but not get Jesse evicted this week.

Very good point. It's been said repeatedly that Keesha desperately wants a "showmance". I would think she would be persuaded by Jessie, not Libra.

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Very good point. It's been said repeatedlt that Keesha desperately wants a "showmance". I would think she would be persuaded by Jessie, not Libra.

Now you know good and well, Keesha would not have Jesse on a silver platter. But, good point in that Jesse couldn't even persuade her.

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I wonder............... if Memphis would have pushed as hard as Jessie did for Libra, if K would have relented?

The only reason Jessie went up is because Memphis talked K out of putting him up. That was supposed her original plan, because "she didn't want Angie to get Memphis' vote"............I'm wondering how hard it would be for Memphis to get K into an alliance once Angie's gone........I'm thinking NOT very hard.

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Libra back stabbing and being two-faced like other HG isn't why I don't like her I have other reasons that I'm sure others may agree on some of them if not all of them.

1) She comes off as wanting to be the boss/leader of the alliance the head b!tch.

2) (Jesse HOH week) Jesse said he wanted Renny and Dan and if you re-watch the show you see Libra very loud say NO! (bossy/controlling)

3) (Keesha HOH week) Libra was outside talking to Memphis. Memphis said to her something about the conversations in the HOH and Libra said "on my kids I don't know what has been said in the HOH. (clearly a BS she can't stay away from the HOH and has to know what all are saying to Keesha and to say on my kids full well knowing you just told a lie and this is not the first time she has said on my kids which I don't think is right to do.

4) I don't know any Mother that would leave 5 month old babies for 3 months. (yes this may be a once in a lifetime chance but babies need their Mother and the bond between Mother and child one baby is a handful twins are a lot more to leave at that age no one I know said they would do it) My children are more important to me then any amount of money or any once is a lifetime reality tv game playing.

5) The faces and expressions she makes when others are talking, like everyone is stupid but her.

6) She does not want her alliance to associate pretty much with the others. (Libra seems like the friend you had that wanted to be your only friend and didn't want you to talk to or have other friends)

7) Libra clearly said they had the "two old people" on their team and then when Jerry confronts (and she was awake in bed not sleeping like she said) she flips out and lies trying to cover her ass saying it should be balanced out when she clearly said two old people. (If you are big enough to say it then be big enough to admit it when confronted.)

8) She clearly runs her mouth to much and doesn't know when to shut up which causes her trouble and others to not like her.

So these are my reasons I don't see things she does or says that would make me like her.

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you said it well and I have those same reasons, all of em, well said!!!!

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3) (Keesha HOH week) Libra was outside talking to Memphis. Memphis said to her something about the conversations in the HOH and Libra said "on my kids I don't know what has been said in the HOH. (clearly a BS she can't stay away from the HOH and has to know what all are saying to Keesha and to say on my kids full well knowing you just told a lie and this is not the first time she has said on my kids which I don't think is right to do.

She tends to lie alot, not the run of the mill lies that try to get someone ahead in the game, but things she says many times--trying to convince herself it's true.

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There are a lot of misconceptions about Libra. I believe people see what they want to see. I have a couple of HG's I don't like, but I don't make things up about them or take any minute thing they say or do and blow them up way out of proportion. I believe this happens about a lot of HG on BB, inside and outside the house.

Just like someone said they would lie about the banner, just as Memphis did. I believe that is true, just as some lies have been told of how some things have transpired in the house. But, that's just my opinion about the hate spewed about this woman.

I don't think her personal life about her children or her husband are fair game, because no one knows what goes on behind closed doors no matter how much she shares her personal life with us on camera or with the people in the BB house. I think calling her a bad mother, etc. etc. is petty and has nothing to do with the game. Again, that's just my opinion about the hate toward her. I've heard the JAMM alliance saying things like this and to me, it's ignorant.

I like Libra. I think she's playing a good game, but getting a bad rap by some people resentful of how she started playing the game. By one upping Beloved Brian the Boy Wonder and getting the house flipped, she turned some people off, accompanied by some quirks she has that are no worse than any other HG. I think that in particular, pissed a lot of people off, expecting her to be Jameka 2.0. I'm glad she came to play this game. I'm sure if she were as bad as she is depicted by her detractors, Child Protective Services would have taken the children away by now. So, when people say that, I stop reading because to me they lose all credibility.

It just seems the more she is hated, the more I like her.

:party_smilie:GO LIBRA :party_smilie:

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Denise thank you for that post, but honey it is useless to debate the merrits of Libra on this board. I too like libra, I do agree that she started the game on the wrong foot. I do think she is trying to tone it down a bit. It is funny that Jessie blamed Libra for the Steven eviction, but he could have taken Steven down by asking Michelle to use the POV. It was Keesha's decision to nominate Jessie. Everyone was suprised at the nominations because they thought Memphis was going up. Anyway that is my rant for the day.

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I cannot stand her - just looking at her makes me ill - I wish she was leaving next, but, unfortunately Keesha is a dillweed!!!

I kinda hope Libra gets the chance to NOT stab Keesha in the back, but rather right in the Front, where it cannot be missed!!! Then I want Jessie to laugh his arse off, right in Keesha's face............ ahhh, that would make me feel better. Keesha is stupid stupid stupid for trusting her!!!!

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