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Libra - Week 2


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I remember other Hgs in past seasons bitching about being on slop. Hell, I remember a chick quasi-faking a fainting spell due to slop. To each his/ her own. It would still SUCK to be on slop for more than a few weeks.

Yes, a person could survive on water for a few days. it doesn't mean they would be really happy about it. Jeez. And I'm sure even the great Bear Grill would bitch about smelling all kinds of good food while he was eating bugs.

LIBRA, If Dan stays in the house and teams up with Bubblehead, Wallpaper and Grandpa Balls, he has a very good chance of winning HOH. Then he WOULD put you up. Keep Steve and make a f*ckin' deal.

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Yes, there have been past houseguests who have cursed, threatened, had sex, lied, backstabbed, ate slop and etc and they've all been discussed. Now, it's Libra's turn (in her thread) and the other hg who have chosen to repeat bb history.

That's what we do here, discuss hgs. It's all been done before and if it doesn't get discussed here as seasons before, then Morty might as well close down the BB section.

To each his/ her own.

Very true!

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Yes, there have been past houseguests who have cursed, threatened, had sex, lied, backstabbed, ate slop and etc and they've all been discussed. Now, it's Libra's turn (in her thread) and the other hg who have chosen to repeat bb history.

That's what we do here, discuss hg.

Again I have to agree with you... What past houseguests have done isn't really relevant to what is going on right now in the house... These are different houseguests, which makes the circumstances different too... No two houseguests are the same...

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agree Ginger, Marty Yana, agree and agree, what can I say, I am hard pressed to defend anything I have an opinion on, just as I would expect none of you all to have to defend your opinions. Why is it every time a new season rolls around and the comments start someone has to jump in here and try to slap us all down. I think Libra is over the top with her deserving amd self- important attitude.

Don't know why Jerry is such a big issue in the Libra thread, and who gives a flyin f if he talked about masterbation, because he is 75 that makes him a dirty ol bastard? Give the guy a break, just sayin

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Yes, lying is part of the game. She was lying about an event and then went around to tell those people something that really didn't happen. She even lied to the girls that were sitting there talking to her when he came in which just makes her a real fool. The thing is in a nutshell...she said it over and over so she could convince herself too.

What makes you think I would trust any of the others, but this is the Libra thread and it is she we are discussing?

So did Jerry about her saying that April and Keesha lost the comp for them. So did Jesse about Renny not apologizing to him. So did Angie about not being in an alliance with Brian. And so on... They all lie and to each other's faces even in the face of the truth, so that doesn't make her any worse than the rest.

Yes it is the Libra thread, but the point is she hasn't done anything any worse than the others in the house.

Find me the post where I said that? Of course you may have to look through at least 400(or maybe more) posts since the beginning of the game. If you wait a day or so, it could double.

The post you responded to was asking the question why she was being demonized and your reply was, "I call them as I see them" or something to that effect. Hence my question of whether you thought she was a demon.

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that is the point , noone said she did, All anyone did was state what they themselves think of her and evidently that is not much, but the point is is that it is each and everyones opinion, and it should not be taken apart and tried to make it anything but what it is ,an opinion. I state my opinion, "I can't stand Libra", then you say "I like Libra", then I do not come in and say why, she is not bossy, she is this and so good and that and your opinion is wrong here, and on and on, that is what you are doing and it needs to stop , seriously, and that is the last I am sayin about it.

I definately think Libra is a demon,lol a big fat she-devil, good grief!!!

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She musta gained quite a lot, and really if you don't like get up off your booty and exercise, you will go to flab, I have had 4 children, I never let myself get like that, I always worked on it after giving birth to get back to my old self. Libra needs to quit cryin about the slop and sayin she will not move unless her waterbed moves, get up off her ass and WORK OUT,lol take this time while on slop to lose a bunch, but we all know she cannot do this, it would take not being so controlling for one minute and concentrating on something else

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No joke - perfect time to work out and get in shape. What the heck else do they have to do in there anyway, other than back stabbing and screaming fits, that is! :animated_rotfl:

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omg, I just watched that clip Marty, first time I saw the fight, Libra is a the biggest fattest liar in I don't know what, seriously, I heard the bitch say that they had the old people on their team , she is soooo full of sh*t. and Renny stood up to her which I loved, then she tried to say she was not the one yellin and instigating, OMG, is she nuts, uh yeah, she is worse than I suspected, and I know damn well she runs thru her house at home yellin at everyone prolly, those are her true colors, she is certified.

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Yes it is the Libra thread, but the point is she hasn't done anything any worse than the others in the house.

See the thing here for me is...you state this as if it is fact...opinions vary. I may think Keesha is a perfect angel (and yes I know she's not) but that's my opinion. I love Keesha and blinded or not, I think she does very well (hell I even like her laugh)

I think it is fantastic what you think about Libra. If you can stay strong with her even in the face of everyone hating her...more power to you. Some of us however don't like her at all. That's fine too. People hate Keesha in here and I keep on trucking. The main point I am making here is because someone says she has done anything worse than the other doesn't make it rue for the reader. Hence...opinions

I think she is terrible witch....my opinion. I am MORE than willing to see all views here. A bit ago I got into a tiff almost about Evel Dick and Jen. I made a mistake and failed to realize a point that he did actual do physical wrongs to her and thus I conceded my point. (still hate Jen BTW) I am reasonable but at this moment I think Libra is a waste of space.

The big thing I notice here (and I am NOT stating this as fact) is that is alot of these Morty's folks see and issue with her and a couple don't, typically it means some portion of it is true. I highly doubt any of these arguers got together in private chat and said, "let's oust Libra"

Personally I think it's more than likely that the vast majority has a pretty darn good point. However...that doesn't mean you are wrong either. You could be totally right and we could all be wrong...but I offer you two things...

1. right or wrong...these are just opinions

2. You can't prove an abstract such as an opinion. I can't say, mmmm NyQuil has a good taste (my wife and I argue this alot) and consider it a fact. I cannot say Libra is evil and it becomes true and you cannot say she is a saint and have it become true

phew...time to go talk about Keesha a bit...she's an angel (IMO anyways)


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Thanks for the update, higgy! I can look forward to FFing that when I watch BBAD!

I too like Keesha. I liked Dani in BB8 because I thought her comments were hilarious. And she was not trying to be funny or put on a show for YouTube, Dani was just a naturally funny person. I hope Keesha will start winning comps! That's all important here. Since Keesha has a slightly larger build than Dani, I think Keesha could do well in endurance comps! And I thought Dani was a good looking girl but had no need to flaunt it.

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I have to agree. I can't remember which show it was, but they were showing how some people would earn their living by making these mud "cakes" to sell for eating. These people literally were surviving on dirt/mud that had baked in the sun. To hear Libra, she is apparently DYING there by having to eat something that is filled with lots of nutrients and vitamins. All for the chance to win $500,000. It might be her strategy to appear "weak" but all it is, is annoying.

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I was one who was not too fond of Daniele, though I will say that perhaps it is due to her being whiny with her dad there. Maybe without him there, she might have behaved like Keesha is. I kind of like Keesha so far. Not excessively, but she's not driving me nuts yet. Thats a plus. LOL

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