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Sunday & Monday, July 13 & 14


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This has never happened like this for the feeds for me. They better fix the audio. grrr.

Afterdark comes on here in 3 more hours and I have to get up at 5 am for work. poop

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It seems like everyone is in good spirits and getting along. Maybe the "house" has already decided who they're getting rid of... my prediction is Renny cause she walked into the kitchen and no one said a word to her. :animated_scratchchin:

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SueZ, same here!!! Glad they got all the kinks worked out before they went live!!! I've closed and re-opened and I get the same thing...

edit: and Afterdark is on 12AM - 3AM on the left coast

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Seriously? Brian is nominated? LMAO - he must have gotten too cocky with the old guy.

ETA - I can hear BB announcing just fine, and the dumb music when it comes on of course.

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No not kidding :(

I'm not getting the whole picture on AD but, Brian and Dan are alone in the BY and the feeds keep cutting away but, so far I've heard Brian say the following 3 things.

1) He has an "ugly" dance and he'd like to "re-tape" a certain meeting that they can't talk about right now. (There were a lot of people around when he said that and a few chuckles were had but, no one made a big deal about it and the convo. just went on.)

2) Brian tells Dan (while they're alone) that if they don't get "it" to happen then Dan should just vote with the house. Dan cried foul and that he refuses to do that.

3) Dan tells Brian that he had a private convo. with "J" (Jerry) and asked him if he swore on the Sempa Fi (sp) with Brian and he J said yes. Dan asked him if that was like swearing on the Marines and J said... he didn't have to honor his agreement with Brian since Brian didn't honor his agreement. (Something like that.) Then Brian started explaining what "all" 'happened" and the camera's cut away.

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Brian vs Renny...interesting! If the house were smart...and I'm hoping they are...they'd get rid of a potentialy strong player...that'd be Brian. He came off way too cocky and sure of himself in ep1...I won't miss him if he goes!

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