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Sunday & Monday, July 13 & 14


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Yeh...I recall one of the house tours they mentioned no microwave. I wonder if one could be won in a reward challenge or something?

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I forgot all about the ben and jerry's cravings.. and they have it on sale at Walmart..

Wal-Mart has the cool little single serving sizes of B & J's too. Fudge Brownie or Cookie Dough. YUMMY!!!

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Well I think I'm going to put the laptop to bed and just watch BBAD. I didn't get a nap today. (I really really tried but, I was more excited about BB than I thought I would be. :lol: )

Nite all! :animated_wave:

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Wal-Mart has the cool little single serving sizes of B & J's too. Fudge Brownie or Cookie Dough. YUMMY!!!

I had couple of those and it wasn't the same.. LOL.. it's something about having the entire pint of ice cream and a spoon. I never finish the whole carton at once, but it taste better that way lol..

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I don't know which one it was, but it was either April or Keesha that said that they are an alternate... They were talking about not knowing what the original person did or what they found out about them to make them change their minds about them being on the show...

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According to live feeds, Jerry just this minute told Libra was a fine job she was doing cooking all the food..."some of these HGs are gonna wanna take you home with them"...what does this mean? Libra can leave her life and family and become somebody's live in cook?

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OMG I'm so glad you heard it too! I thought I was losing my mind.

It took me by surprise and I couldn't find a way to rewind it! WoW!


According to live feeds, Jerry just this minute told Libra was a fine job she was doing cooking all the food..."some of these HGs are gonna wanna take you home with them"...what does this mean? Libra can leave her life and family and become somebody's live in cook?

I didn't take it that way.

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Oh, Jerry meant it as a compliment. But if I'm not mistaken Libra has a husband and two small children. It obviously didn't phase Libra she just laughed and said, "I sure hope so!" It's posted on the Live Feeds section.

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No it's not acceptable.

So I guess he wouldn't mind someone dropping an 'f' word about him?

Showing the true colors so soon. Does he not know that *everything* is on the feeds?

Who in the world says COLORED anymore. I swear they find some ignorant people to go on this show. I am sure he wouldn't like it if someone used a gay slur to describe him. I am officially ready for him to go now. GOOD RIDDANCE

Gmta Trice! He can go on home.

I bet one or both of the other guys will use that against him at some point.

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They don't think that many people are watching. I don't remember seeing or hearing Libra say half of the stuff he said she did.

I haven't heard ANYBODY use the term "colored" since I was a small child! If Steve said it behind her back she may never know before the end of the show.

If he said it once, he'll say it again. If someone needs Libra's vote. She'll hear about it.

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Yes he was exaggerating about Libra. She was on edge about her white wine and I could see why she might be annoying people but it wasn't like he said. I don't know who I want to root for right now. Angie might be interesting and can hang with the guys but there is something about her that is making me suspect. Keesha looks too much like Danielle and thats annoying. I think Jessie might be alright. I will have to wait and see I guess.

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Did you guys see the convo earlier when Steven was telling his story about how it came out that he was gay in the house? Was it Keesha or April who was talking almost simultaneously with him/for him? She was driving me bats**t crazy! She also dimed out Libra and then kept saying to him "I'm sorry".

I can't believe I'm confusing the blondes!!

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That was Keesha. Steven said he had been warned by BB announcer not to be specific about his first gay boy friend. Keesha was paraphrasing him. But it was confusing. Apparently, Jerry brought it up to Steven in the kitchen. Then later Steven and Keesha were outside with Brian and Dan (conservative school teacher), who both were curious about it and not annoyed.

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WTH, none of these HGs look like are interested in doing porn. After BB9, I was sure this season we'd see our first BB orgy in prime time. The moment I saw a 75 old granddad in the cast, I knew this season producers weren't going to be suggesting that the HGs strip in the hot tube and tell weird sex stories that include farm animals :animated_bouncy:

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