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I can't understand someone being insecure about working as a bartender. They make good money and great tips. I can't even pour water without spilling it..or remember what I did yesterday. He has all those recipes to remember... it's not something to be ashamed of.

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well we can agree on something,lololol

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If Memphis can get over Brian's "Memphis is going home" stunt (dumb dumb dumb) and comes around to keep Brian in the house, that could be an interesting group. If it's Angie, Steven, Dan and Brian, I think Memphis can fit in without being too much on the outside (and if he continues to succeed in competitions could really control things). i think he'd be less of the odd man out than if he sides with the other group, just looking at numbers

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Yeah but Memphis won't get over it because he is too ego driven, he is in that f him attitude.

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And Memphis should be that way, imo.

I just want Brain to stay for selfish reasons. ;) I realize it's the best gameplay for everyone in the house except Dan and Angie.

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Do you mean it's not good for him to stay for anyone except Angie and Dan? He's an ok guy... He reminds me a little of Matty from last Season...kinda. If Brian stayed...Everyone would be in an uproar! Like Who turned and kept him and blah blah blah... If Brian does leave I hope he spills everything he knows on the way out...for what much he does know...

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I like Brian because he's funny. I just wish the sock puppeteers would all vote for Brian...that would be....Dan, Steven, Memphis, Angie...then get Keesha...that would be five, enough for a tie and at least make Jerry the hatchet man. Is Brian campaigning anymore?

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Memphis won't change his mind and vote to keep Brian. Memphis is in solid with Jessie right now. Brian actively campaigned to get both those guys on the block. They want Brian out...but that doesn't mean they are in tight with Libra and her little biatches. I think Memphis will be aligned with Angie, Steve and Dan...but only after Brian is gone.

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I can't take man-boobs. He comes off condescending, IMO. I was a little surprised at his POV attempt. It seemed like he just gave up. Because he won the car, he will easily be the default nominee to those HoHs that don't want to rock the boat. Unless he makes a power play, he really can't afford to be a floater.

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I don't remember him being condescending... but I don't watch the feeds so maybe I got a different impression than those that do watch them. Man-boobies really aren't an issue for me.. no one is perfect. :)

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well hate to say it but he is really condescending in his every movement, the looks he gets, the way he looks down at everyone, he fancys himself as quite something, just not wanting to be called a bartender says a lot, mixologist??? that is a far fethch. I just cannot take him or the other guys, jesse is right up there with him, they are both a cpl bone heads. to me any way

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jerry took easy way out noming renny

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