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Shall We Beg Again For Live Feeds In The Jury House?


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bb listen :lol:

they still havent given us a two hour finale

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you're right about that

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I've always been PO'd that we don't get to see the HG's form the first part of the relationships

that will follow.

Sooo much has happened by the time we get to see the feeds.

Seems to me like it's one of the main elements of the show and what may follow.

Big Brother is watching.... be WE aren't :angry:

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grodner sucks :bash:

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stamp that

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i think that would work :lol:

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I would love love love to see them from the time they walk in the house.. Missing that first week is hard.. you actually miss so much.. the roots start on the first week..

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I agree...I really feel I miss a lot by not seeing the 1st week in the house...and I really don't understand the logic behind BB as to why they don't allow us to view it. They have to know we're still going to watch all the televised episodes anyway...so it can't be due to show ratings.

I'm not as interested in feeds the jury house though...don't really care to see a bunch of losers sitting around being bored and bitchy. I wouldn't mind a few more clips of them while in the house...on the show.

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they dont show first week because bb needs time to see which hg to cater the show to in a good or bad light and plant seeds so once feed start there will be action

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