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I was shocked when he threw the pickle juice at Natalie. I mean he threw it full force - As much as I hated ED for dumping the tea on Jen he didn't try to harm her but just embarrass her. James had so much anger when he did that and then HE RAN TO THE BACKYARD LIKE A NAUGHTY LITTLE BOY! :smilielol:

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I'm sorry to see the only one playing the game is leaving. I hope he and Josh can encourage Shelia and Adam to keep James. With J&J still in the house, Adam and Shelia can float to the finals. if James leaves, chances are that Adam & Shelia would get nominated and/or pawned just to keep some level of peace with the remaining HGs.

Adam keeps saying that he's not played the game yet. Well guess what you bug-eyed goof...time to play the game.

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James told her. It was Matt that first brought up Chelsia and James said yes. He told Chelsia he wanted to show that he was playing the game and not tied to a partner.

Yes Chelsia knows all about it.

On that note I will be glad when James is gone.

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I was shocked when he threw the pickle juice at Natalie. I mean he threw it full force - As much as I hated ED for dumping the tea on Jen he didn't try to harm her but just embarrass her. James had so much anger when he did that and then HE RAN TO THE BACKYARD LIKE A NAUGHTY LITTLE BOY!

Sorry, but pickle juice wouldn't harm anyone either. It's the act itself that is mean-spirited; hurling something at someone is usually done out of anger or a fit of rage.

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OK someone clear this up for me please!! IS JAMES just giving Chelsea the boot to stay in the game? Did I just hear her say that if he wins POV next week ( given the guys let him stay) if he would give it to her and he said " NO" DID I miss something? He's turning on her that easy??????????????

WOW he just told the camera you gotta do what you gotta do? Poor Chelsea WOW! What a #@$(*@$(@$@($@($!!!

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WOW, my heart dropped for her how frikin sad, she really likes him, game or no game I mean wow that was harsh! I'm sure this is what BB was hoping for keep the drama going. Is it bad I feel sorry for someone on reality TV? =(

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I have been reading all these posts for a while but this is my first time posting. I really liked James from the beginning. I think that he had a Chelsia moment when he threw the pickle juice at Nat. I don't think that anything that Chelsia did in this house will affect her one bit once she gets out of the house. She has no class and acts completely trashy. James on the other hand seems to be a really kind hearted Man who is trying to find his way in life. I agree that some of his past is quite unpleasant, but I think that it will be James that will be wishing he'd never have hooked up with the house tramp.

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Chelsia is just as skanky as James......she deserves as much! :devilish: I hope James does go! Then Josh, Matt and Chelsia!


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LOL....Nat did not have another woman's finger in her "rancid" southern areas, and she did not act half as bad as Chelsia. I think Nat sort of redeemed herself later on in the game. I still like James but unfortunately his biggest mistake was taking his head out of the game and worrying to much about finding some sauce for his big asparagus :animated_rotfl:

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I guess I'm alone in this, but I don't think James is that bad. He hasn't done anything too gross while in the house. I don't think he should have lost his temper and threw the pickle juice on Nat, but that aside, I can take him. He's not rude, crude, and offensive like the others have been.

As for suggesting they put up Chelsia that night, I think in his delusional way, he was hoping that by targetting her, he would make it seem like they were no longer a team even though they were. I don't think he ever would have put her up or voted her out. I do still believe he likes her alot. Why... I just don't know.

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Nat did not have another woman's finger in her "rancid" southern areas,

Ok.....I've only been reading a little of the updates.....do I even want to know what this is all about? Can someone direct me to it on the updates? Thanks!


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I looked around and found out what the above statement meant......sick017.gif I read about it in the Chelsia thread! sick017.gif God I hate these people! Allison has turned out to be a skank too!

Thanks Marty! ;)


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