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Dick Week 9


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Don't let Zach win this Dick!!!

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I was a little worried!!!

I put a pic in the pictures thread of the corpse!

Dick, rest easy man.

you're safe for another week...


I p*$$ed my pants tonight when they asked Dick about his

spitting! lol :animated_rotfl:

My Mom said:" what the heck?" She doesn't watch BB much. lol

She couldn't believe all his spitting. I told her she should see

BBAD when he's in the BY smoking, or paceing back and forth.

He didn't give much of an answer.

Note: The few times my Mom has watched BB she say's Dick is

her favorite. She said all that spitting was gross, but she still

likes him. lol


Yah, Dick is definately still my man. I just find it incredible how he has attitude has changed this past week. I was kinda expecting him to go off on someone else, and he didn't.

Go Dick! Dick to the final two!


Dick is in the best spot right now. Nobody is going to put him up anytime soon. Zach won't this week, and Jameka can't get the first HOH Thursday. Everyone else is in his alliance.


He told both Danielle and Dick that he's trying to decide between the other 3. He said to both of them that he is not putting either of them up.


Thats definatly good. I hope he puts up Jam and Jess. Jess needs to go up for the simple reason that she hasn't been up and that if 1 of the people from the 4 are gonna go it needs to be her because the other 3 can't win against her.


So who does Dick want out? I keep thinking he wants to stay the course and evict Jam, but I don't know. I know he would like Jess to be the first out, but before the F4??


Dick's goodbye message to Amber was nice because she is on the jury. Don't forget what he really thinks of her: "fat, drug addict, bad mother, did you burn you daughter? etc."


If Dick and Dani go back on their word and vote out Jessica that will make him the biggest hypocrite this season. I don't see how they could do that after this last week when Eric and Jess could have easily taken one of them out and they didn't do it. Like I stated under Eric's topic earlier, Eric has got to win HOH this Thursday since America can't tell him who to put up this week.


So what does that make Eric and Jessica... They were the first to bring up breaking the agreement...


Only cause Eric knew that America would be mad and could hurt his game again... If it weren't for that they would have in a heart beat... Jessica was a little upset that Eric didn't do what she wanted with the veto...


Did anyone catch when Dick was talking to Zach about voting off Jessica. He was worried about Eric winning HOH the next week and putting him and Dani up, so he said he'd corner Jameka before the vote on thursday, and tell her that if she wins POV the next week, she has to use it on whoever they say, and she has to vote however they say. Zach was totally agreeing....but consider this - if Eric is HOH, and put up Dick/Dani, and Jameka won POV, then basically Dick's saying she has to use it one one of them, and vote how they want i.e. vote out Zach. Zach didnt seem to catch on tho.

Only cause Eric knew that America would be mad and could hurt his game again... If it weren't for that they would have in a heart beat... Jessica was a little upset that Eric didn't do what she wanted with the veto...

Eric would have never made a deal with them in the first place if it wasn't for America's votes, they would've been gone all ready.


And so would Eric... It's not the point... They made it this far because they are good players and sometimes players have to turn on each other for their own best interest... Your favorites wanted to go back on the deal first... Dick has been pushing for things to stay as they are...


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