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Dick Week 9


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I'm not a Dick/Daniele fan and would probably cry if Jessica walked out the door on thursday but I've always proclaimed myself to like strategy... and strategically it's a lot wiser for Dick and Daniele to get rid of Jessica this week. I have to respect that and I'm not going to get angry that they are going to go back on their word. It's a game of lying and deceit. This is a critical move for them if they want to get to the final two and they should make it and I'll be dissappointed if they don't.To an earlier point, why was Jen stupid for getting out Joe instead of Dick? Joe had a deal with everyone, and the only consistent in those deals was to get Jen out right away. Dick didn't get rid of Jen just right away so it was a good move to get rid of Joe.

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I still think Dick is trash, BUT, I want to publicly say that he has (hopefully) changed my life.

I am on day 22 as a "former-smoker". That's cold turkey, no patch, no pills, no nothing after 25 years of a pack a day (sometimes more)

And my motivation this time was watching this piece of trash cough and hack and spit and throw tantrums....all because of his "smokes"

Will I ever support ANY laws against smokers? NOPE. Do I believe the lies about smoking that are spread by the media AND medical communities? NO. ( I have worked in the medical arena, my partner is in the medical arena....And we both know what we see)

But, I am 22 days smoke free. And I am proud. And I have to thank Dick and his disgusting self for pushing me to this.

He is trash, but he helped me.


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lies being spread by media about smoking? must be the medical community lying then, not so sure the messenger would be to blame here.

in any case, my hearty congratulations! it can't be easy. hang in there!

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I do blame Dick somewhat for going back on his word (if he does and he likely will) because he was the one always yelling at everyone else and making such a big deal of it. Like his word was golden and he's so much better than everyone else.

Now I think if it was just Dick left (and no Daniele) I think he wouldn't go back on it, but because she is there his game is different. I wish Daniele was gone so he could do whatever he wanted.

If he won it all I'd be fine with it, and be happier if he won over Zach or Jameka.

I just hope he doesn't end up sacrificing winning for Daniele.

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I do blame Dick somewhat for going back on his word (if he does and he likely will) because he was the one always yelling at everyone else and making such a big deal of it. Like his word was golden and he's so much better than everyone else.

Agree 100%!! and if Dick is sitting in the Final 2, it will definately be brought up. Who all did he call out for going back on their word:





hmmmm...wow that many? You would think that he really thought keeping one's word was important or something...

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I think Dick and Dani are playing the game good strategically.

Minus the Jen bashing, they have their eye on the prize.

I cannot stand how the boards attack the players personally.

This game is full of deceit , as we should all by now.

You do what it takes to win.

I am refraining from personal jabs b/c I have no clue how each players acts outside of thehouse.

I hope the jury votes for the best player, but I HIGHLY doubt that will happen.

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Agree 100%!! and if Dick is sitting in the Final 2, it will definately be brought up. Who all did he call out for going back on their word:





hmmmm...wow that many? You would think that he really thought keeping one's word was important or something...

I wonder if Eric will have a baby girl crying hissy fit like Dick does when he's not getting his way. Like I said last night, Zack should have nom'd Dick for that little speech he got from Dick on last nights show. Boy, Dick is like a trapped rat when he thinks he and his daughters positions in the house are jeaopardized.

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Ok, so Dick's word is worth a glob of spit. I'm still not sure how betraying an alliance is going to sway Jameka? She cannot trust Danielle or Dick will live up to any part of the bargain. Same goes for Zach. After D&D evict Jessica, their word mean nothing. They have nothing to leverage. All they have will be an irate Eric who already has a relationship with Jameka. If they bring a F3 deal to Jameka, don't you think she'll tell Eric, who will tell Zach? Dick has to be a better man than what he is displaying. For all of this rants and raves, he has demonstrated his integrity. After Thursday, he'll have zero redeeming qualities.

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nobody can trust nobody. everyone's word means nothing. especially when it comes down to the wire like this.

if dick and daniele dont go back on their word now, then jessica and eric will go back on their word as soon as they can. in the end, they will all be called liars and backstabbers. might as well be a good backstabber if thats the case!

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Dick and Dani should not go back on their word this week. They vote out Jessica, Eric is coming after them and since Eric can compete in the HOH comp and Jameka can't, why would you do that now? Plus, they automatically will lose 2 votes if they make it to the finals.

Sweet justice would be if they vote out Jessica, Eric wins HOH, noms D/D, Jameka wins veto, Dani sits on the plane next to Jess on the way to the house. That would be perfect!!

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Dick just told Jameka they are voting her out. Is he serious or does he think it's funny. No baiting, just asking. If they are planning on keeping Jameka, it just seems mean spirited.

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Technically this is D & D's game. They have mowed over everyone in the house, have played the best of all of them and we can thank ED for being old enough to know the deal. He is a master manipulator and Amber, as stoopid as she was, figured out the Eric spin. I can imagine that Eric will lay on the ground in agony after the vote on Thursday. Dick is smart about keeping this a big secret. This is game play, something none of them have had.

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