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Other Bb Fans Are Fed Up With This Season.


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This thread was to show that some people are annoyed with CBS. Now why do some people feel the need to come in here and borderline insult the people who are fed up?

I'm so sick of the back-patting that goes on here. I almost said something when people were doing it to me when I started sticking up for Dick. It's SO incredibly obvious. Agree with the majority and you're welcomed with open arms and praised. Disagree or post a thread the majority doesn't like you're ridiculed, told to stop watching or even to stop posting and get on with your life.

How about sticking to the topic and just stating you are perfectly happy with the show? Why bring anything personal into it whatsoever? Why feel the need to get rude and tell people if they don't like it to basically bugger off?

I state my opinion, whether it agrees with the majority or not. If I agree with someone else then I say so, regardless of who they are. I've liked Dick from the very beginning of the show and am rooting for him to win. Other people agreeing or disagreeing with me won't change that.

Uvp's post says that he/she is speaking for the fans when uvp is not and has never been a fan of the show. My comment to stop watching and get on with life wasn't to people that didn't agree with the majority but to people that don't like the show. Why would anyone bother wasting their time posting when they never want to see the show again? I hate Survivor so I don't watch it and don't check out the message boards for it! It wouldn't make any sense for me to do so.

How can Uvp be fed up with the show when he/she has barely watched it and never liked it?

IMO Survivor doesn't compare to Big Brother, not to mention these were hardly the first of the reality shows. The Real World, for example, has been on way longer than BB or Survivor.

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I think the AP thing takes away the realism of members strategy. Take Dick it helped him but it was not his doing it was all AP .You take away AP and ED would have been adios amigo.

That's not necessarily true. Take away AP and Nick would probably still be there. (Since he was blamed for those two votes cast by Eric). With Nick still there, Dick had a strong allie.

You can't say one specific thing would've happened had there been no AP this season. A LOT of things would've been different and would've affected the game up til this point.

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It's true that you can't say everything would have been the same except for Dustin's eviction, every AP vote had some sort of effect on the game. Is there a list somewhere of tasks and targets?

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I think some of the confusion was because uvp posted a lot of stuff from other message boards and did not give the poster credit. So it probably appears to many people that those posts he copied and pasted in Morty's were from him.

None the less it is true that uvp is fed up with Big Brother and has been over the years that I have seen him post here.

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I've noticed that with uvp, he has certain expectations which when not met, regardless of the Reality show, he cries foul or is "fed up". Think back to the last season of Survivor as one example.

I can't tell you how many times I've sat through an episode of TAR, Survivor, The Apprentice, BB or any of the Bravo shows and at the end, shaken my head and wondered why I waste my time even watching. Fed up, frustrated or whatever, I'm always back next week to see what happens.

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