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Other Bb Fans Are Fed Up With This Season.


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folks are fed that why they bailed

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jem is a fair mod

i didnt have to bribe no one

she one of my fave mods here

Jemmy is a sweetie!!!

uvp walks the line, but no more than I do, well not very much more anyway... It's his gig to say the fix is on... Always has been!!! I really woudn't be shocked if it has some truth in it... I don't trust that Alison whatever her fugly face is... Or these handlers, whoever they are...

Iv'e said it before, it's all smoke and mirrors...

Scripted/Manipulated or not, it has been entertaining this year... I still don't like the twists though...

But I will still watch...

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I am fed up with all these haters. If you don't like the show, then do not watch. Why waste your time complaining over and over at an online forums? Just the point that you are putting forth the effort of complaining and making a big deal out of this shows me that you will continue to watch/care. For me just the look on Dustins face made this weeks episode worth it.

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even if you cancel the feeds, you dont get a refund, you keep the superpass until the end of the paid peroid, so if you paid for the 3 months, guess what, you still have your feeds until the end, your not really canceling anything. kthx


eric had a choice to be the AP or not and he choose to, do i don't want to hear it, go cry some more about it

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Ok. Guys, relax.

There is little need to lambaste someone for coming out and saying something...

Everyone has the right to critique a show, comment on it, and threaten to stop watching of they find it unfair.

Take your own advice, and twist it a bit: 'if you don't like reading about people complaining, don't come to forums'

Thank you.

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How do you know that Eric had a choice? If the choice was to be AP or to not be on BB than for Eric that was not much of a choice. Even if he did have a choice, I seriously doubt that he could have predicted how much he would get screwed by the whole thing.

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Thanks for posting the pic of Dust.....Shhximx....

Getting to see that look again is priceless!!!! :o

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OK. I read this post and I can't believe that the producers have scripted this like a sitcom. Every vote that Eric has had to do, has been the way I voted. I don't think that they are changing the vote. When I read the posts it seems for the most part that everyone is somewhat on the same America's Player page. I don't think it is scripte dat all. :animated_wave:

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Sorry but I believe Big brother AKA CBS is controlling the show for ratings. They needed Dick to stay and Eric gone would ruin their Favorite thing. Show is not entertaining for me anymore. This board however is very entertaining. A lot of sick puppies who can condone a sorry person as a father as well as all the yelling at the women as well. Cannot believe anyone can condone it as a game tactic. May you have a Dick in your life as a father, husband or boss.

BTW California has very strict laws about smoking- wonder how they get away with it with Dick. Oh yeah- they want him on the show.

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I had an Uncle a whole lot like Dick.....he's dead now...

he sure had alot of friends....I miss him.....LOL

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BTW California has very strict laws about smoking- wonder how they get away with it with Dick. Oh yeah- they want him on the show.

They can't control what happens on the CBS lot. He's only allowed to smoke in certain places outdoors.

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I remember when they had a very long LD and that Dick couldn't go

outside to smoke.....So he had to wait until LD was over before he

could smoke.....BB and CBS has smoking rules!!!!

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Sorry but I believe Big brother AKA CBS is controlling the show for ratings. They needed Dick to stay and Eric gone would ruin their Favorite thing. Show is not entertaining for me anymore. This board however is very entertaining. A lot of sick puppies who can condone a sorry person as a father as well as all the yelling at the women as well. Cannot believe anyone can condone it as a game tactic. May you have a Dick in your life as a father, husband or boss.
That's your opinion. I haven't heard any Dick fans saying that they look to him as an example in the areas of fatherhood or treatment of women. He's entertaining and if you don't like that we find him entertaining, go ahead and judge us. As King said above, it's silly when people use the same tactics that they are protesting.

BTW California has very strict laws about smoking- wonder how they get away with it with Dick. Oh yeah- they want him on the show.

What part of California do you live in? California law states that there is no smoking in enclosed places of the workplace, indoor areas of public venues, and medical facilities. The Big Brother house is on a lot that is privately owned by the CBS corporation. Although privately owned, it COULD be considered a place of work, so smoking inside the house could potentially be unlawful. However, California law provides that it is perfectly legal to smoke in outdoor areas (aside from parks and certain other such places) and designated indoor smoking areas. The only city in California that has restrictive outdoor smoking laws is the city of Calabasas; the BB house is in Studio City, which is part of LA and not subject to regulations that prevent a person from smoking outside.

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It is a workplace not a private property. As you know smokers are allowed a small area outside the work place that are for smokers only. Cannot be a common area. My guess is there is a release they signed. Have a nephew and other friends who would have major breathing problems with Dick smoking in a common area.

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The patio is the only place he's allowed to smoke. It's private property so most rules don't apply. It's always been like this. Every year there are smokers.

It gets complicated because although the CBS lot is private property, employers are legally obligated to provide a smoke free environment to their workers. In court, the HGs are employees of CBS as long as they're in the house and under contract, plus there are the producers and other show staffers that work behind the walls in the house. Because of this, there can be no smoking in the house, whether CBS allows it on the lot or not. But out in the yard, there's absolutely nothing wrong with smoking (aside from the obvious health risks, of course). I wouldn't be surprised if the backyard is actually a designated smoking area.

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The CBS lot is private property as in nobody is allowed that's not supposed to be there. The lot is a workplace, but the problem is that the BB house is also a residence since people are living in it, so the house might not fall under the workplace rules.

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It is a workplace not a private property.
It's both.
As you know smokers are allowed a small area outside the work place that are for smokers only. Cannot be a common area.
My understanding is that a "common area" is defined as an area through which neither side can avoid passing. If that's so, then the backyard is exempt from this label.
My guess is there is a release they signed. Have a nephew and other friends who would have major breathing problems with Dick smoking in a common area.
I think you're probably right here; my guess is the contracts are airtight just so that CBS can keep all bases covered. The last thing they want is a claim from a disgruntled former houseguest who got kicked out in week 2 or 3 that CBS is liable for their development of lung cancer or something.
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