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Other Bb Fans Are Fed Up With This Season.


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Some newbies got it hard.

But this thread isn't about Dick, it's about the continuous influencing on the part of the producers.

I want the game to be fair from beginning to end and that is why they need to cut out these twists.

Expect the unexpected really means that the producers can throw any curve into the game to benefit themselves.

Some folks might actually go on the show to win (and not for a acting career-though I highly doubt it) and what chances do they have if the playing field is unleveled.

They dice and splice to their liking. Kail never had a chance with viewers due to her "disappointment" comment and they managed to make Dustin, Jameka, Amber look like fools while playing up other houseguests who also had their foolish moments.

Not fed up, but disappointed the game gets more biased year after year.

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UPV, I could NEVER think you are like shock, really he is crazy, I totally understand what you are sayin, but I have drunk the cool-aid, I love ED and his daughter, but The ED haters are allowed to have their feelings as well, I do not take it personally. I will always watch BB even if I think CBS is riggin it. None of my pics have ever won BB, maybe in season 3. Tonights show was sweeettt!!!!

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"Expect the unexpected really means that the producers can throw any curve into the game to benefit themselves."-- "Gingersnaps"

Totally agree, but we still love the show! and they know it from all the sites that are devoted to this show..its funny how when I mention this show to people other than my family, they say in the sound of Astro Jetson (or whatever the dogs name was) " Woowahh??"

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IMO..........they have shown them all looking like fools at one time or another and they have all acted like fools at one time or another.........maybe when we really like on of the HG, we're more sensitive to their being shown as a fool and when we don't like them, it doesn't bother us (?)

just a thought

and, I don't know about acting desires, but it seems to me that the majority (not ALL) of these people signed up for this because they have going no where jobs and, in some cases, needed a place to live for awhile.

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UPV, I am laughing really hard :animated_bouncy:

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Well I am off to the After Dark, see ya all later xoxo

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We're fed up? omg... I clearly missed the memo!!! I can't get enough of BB.. I love it, love the game, love this board and the chatters, the buzz, the hype, seeing moments happen like tonight with Dustin's reaction. It's all of this that makes me come back year after year... frig, i never leave!

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I respect yalls opinions BUT Im not fed up I love it. Any time someone I like does good in a reality show Im happy but if I like the show to me it doesnt matter who laves I will still watch it. Someone else said it If I could sit through the last 2 finales then this one should be easy cause I dont see 2 of the 3 I dislike making final 2. Watch it will be Jen and Dani with Dani taking it ( I hope) Prob be Jen though.

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uvp..actually i have agreed with you for almost the whole season..so not disagreeing with you at all, fondly, your friend kittyb........................there was just something there for a minute..oh my

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uvp..actually i have agreed with you for almost the whole season..so not disagreeing with you at all, fondly, your friend kittyb........................there was just something there for a minute..oh my

still friends?

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I am NOT fed up and will be keeping my feeds - they're on right now as a matter of fact.

I am THRILLED that it isn't one alliance -v- the other alliance this year. It all gets so darned predictable and the number of people in sequester from each side determining which floater wins. No, this year, even the HGs don't know from week to week what's going on with all the flip-flopping going on. Dick has been allied with everyone in the house @ one time or another, and Eric is a close second, but only because AMERICA told him to.

Love the season, love the twist, and love the show. The ratings are up and that is CHA-CHING a guarantee the show will be back next summer.

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how are the ratings up?

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ratings arent up

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'Shaping' the show, is not new, and it doesn't bother me at all. It just happens. I remember the 2nd season of the 'design the clothes' show, I joined the board at Bravo, and everyone felt the producers already had picked their two favorites to the end. It turned out to be 3 at the end, but along the course of the show, it was pretty obvious who the faves were. Posters there predicted who would get the 'aufwieder sahn' by Heidi, based on how much camera time the evictee got on the show that week.

Top Chef is the same way. Survivor, there is alot out there that explains how CBS shapes that show. Design Star will probably follow the model this year that it followed last year, where a good looking guy, will be up against a savvy women, and the good looking guy will probably win. Unless they are looking for balance. Last years winner was a good looking gay guy...

This stuff happens. Watch, or don't, it won't change. It's a business.

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The only people that are saying this crap are the people who are Dustin, Amber, and Jameka fans plain and simple!!!!!!!!!

I would be willing to bet just about anything that Dustin was easisly picked by America to go out. He was the orginal target America wanted Eric to get out for pete sakes. And there's actually fans that want the show possibly ended because it might be rigged. I have to say you guys are pathetic if thats the case. This is highly laughable in my book! :animated_rotfl:

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I'll admit that I complained some about this season...I was disapointed

with Eric.....BUT now I take it all back!!!! Tonight's show was great! I don't

have live feeds, all I have is Morty's and BBAD...I logged off early so I

wouldn't see any spoilers and squirmed until BB came on....WOW!

I loved it! The look on Dustin face was priceless!!!....So in answer to the

topic question: Heck no I'm not fed up with BB!!!!

This season started off alittle slow and boring....but now its Great!!!! :animated_bouncy:

Remember folks its just a game!!!!!

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The only people that are saying this crap are the people who are Dustin, Amber, and Jameka fans plain and simple!!!!!!!!!

I am not a fan of any of those people, and I am fed up with how this season is going. I don't think it's correct to make such blanket statements. But, like I said before, it's not likely to stop me from watching or reading the LFUs or Morty's forum... until my disinterest and apathy finally outweighs any spark of interest that may still flicker from my diehard fandom.

And there's actually fans that want the show possibly ended because it might be rigged. I have to say you guys are pathetic if thats the case. This is highly laughable in my book!

Wow, that's sort of inflammatory and rude! :animated_shocking:

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