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Who Is Getting The Boot This Week?


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i just don't see dick as trustworthy at this point. he has outed every piece of information that came his way. that, more than anything will be his ultimate downfall. no reason for eric to go save him just because america likes dick. (ha)

eric has his own problems if this vote comes up henke this week.

i would suggest putting myself up against dick or danielle if AP knew what was best.

he's not that smart though. as proved by his campaign against nick.

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I truly believe that Eric is doing the best that he can and that he IS trying to play for us. I hope that BB will never try this twist again because it is virtually impossible. Eric gets the information from America too late, it is never aligned with his alliance, and I think that so many people hate him and are purposely voting to make it harder on him. Not everyone in America reads the online threads like us. Most do not even realize the timelines, rules, complex strategies,etc. of BB.

AC has just made Eric look like a liar. I have a feeling that this week is going to be another week that will put Eric in a compromising position, as far as his alliance and his strategy goes in the house. America is not thinking about the long term. They are voting on who they like best based on the small amount of coverage they see on the tv! It is really a joke.

BTW, I hope that Zack goes up and that Dick goes home. Daniele will cry in her bed and they will all leave her alone. She will no longer be a threat after her dad goes home. She will be all by herself. She might just possibly make it to the end. The Nerd Herd will begin to turn on each other very soon. I just say GO JEN,GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't think it's a matter of trusting Dick, I think it's just that America seems to like the play from that side of the house more at this point. Dick just happens to be a very loud part of that side. Not that I'm that much crazier about Dani, she whines tooo much! I think the thing with America is just opposition to the judgement and self importance of the LNC.....

I started the AP Strategy thread if you are interested in continuing there....

Thanks for the chat!

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TML........You do know what 'integrity' means, don't you? As long as he tells his alliance what he plans on doing, they cannot complain. He can justify it with whatever reasoning he has. Yes, he will make them all mad but at least he will not set himself up to look like a liar! What else is he supposed to do?!! It seems to me that he is screwed either way.

What do you suppose he does? or are you just an Eric hater?

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Sorry if you think that honesty is a stupid idea. I think the stupid idea is to continue to cast phantom votes! He needs to hold on to his integrity. If he is honest with his alliance, he can't betray them! Amber is going after Eric anyway. The worst thing he could do is to cast another phantom vote. He would be headed for home for sure.

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Honesty has no place in the Big Brother House. Ask Kaysar.

It's hard to be honest when the battle lines are drawn. And its very hard to think up of a logical reason. Think how awkard that would be.

Alliance: We're voting out Dick, because we hate him and he's going to make our lives miserable.

Eric: You know, even though calls me a weasels, calls me out in front of you guys and basically tries to expose me, I'll vote out Zach because...because...

How do you fill that void?

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Remember that it is America's Choice who he should suggest to go on the block (based on the threads, it was Dustin). He has been trying to talk Jess into putting Dustin up on the block. Also, Dustin has offered to be put on the block as a pawn and I have a feeling that Eric is going to run with his offer and continue to try to talk Jess into this plan. Once he is there, I have no doubt that America will vote to evict Dustin. He is on everyone's bad list right now. If is it Zack or Jen on the block, I have no idea which way it would go. If you look at he favorites poll, Jen is just as liked as Dick. I guess we will see............

My point is that there should be no more casting of phantom votes. He will screw himself for sure if he does that again.

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I agree that lying is a part of the game! I am saying in this case, Eric must prove to these people that he is honest because of what has been revealed in the past week. The microscope will be on him if he casts another shady vote.

This America's Player stuff is for the birds. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes!

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I think CBS is loving this week. This morning wake up call from Dick heard on some sites he could hear the camera men laughing so you bet your booty CBS will want to save Dick if he takes Dani off and Jess does put Dustin up letting him say his little speach. Their side don't know about AP. and Eric not gonna tell them so they think Dustin up their safe even if Jen, Zack and Dani vote for Dick, i can see their group telling Jess this will make even better tv as she will be able to give a nice little speach and break the tie and send Dick home not knowing that AP - Eric will more than likely be casting the vote to send Dustin home..............OMG can u imagine the look on their faces, Dustin be sitting there all smug in his Queen robe as Julie says, by a vote of 4 - 2 Dickkkk u are safe, Dustin you have been eliminated..................lol Eric will be looking everywhere but at them as it will be so clear to everyone he cast the vote, Amber will be screaming and crying,,,,,, Jameka will be calling for her magic ping pong ball as she didn't see this coming........that side will be totally messed up when it comes to playing HOH so the other side will walk away with it.........and i can't wait for Dick to yell KARMA BABY F.........KARMA!!! :party_smilie:

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this is a great week for Eric to convince her to put Dustin, then tell zack, jen & D/D he's voting out Dustin... then his nerd herd will be pissed and it would be great for Eric to then get HOH and we get to decide who goes up! Eric will then have a whole new alliance with D/D and he would be able to go further in the game because America is guiding him from what he cannot see!


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I think they Dani and Dick can work on Zack and Jen to get their vote by telling them look what are the chances the other sides getting HOH this week, its us against Eric and Dustin really, Amber wins nothing, Jam can't play, Eric yet to win so lets give Dick vote as show of support lets not let them think they run us. Where bottom of their list anyway so why do what they want and give vote to Dustin they think they have it let them use their own votes.

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this is a great week for Eric to convince her to put Dustin, then tell zack, jen & D/D he's voting out Dustin... then his nerd herd will be pissed and it would be great for Eric to then get HOH and we get to decide who goes up! Eric will then have a whole new alliance with D/D and he would be able to go further in the game because America is guiding him from what he cannot see!


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And I agree, Dick is bad says some downright mean things and vulger but he does it to their faces, he's not like weasil Eric up hiding behind the women's skirts in HOH saying .......im just gonna blow on him gonna take it to him he's a little man with big words no action,,,,,,,,and down right disgusting with his comments about Dick and Dani because Dick made her dinner last night and he asked Dick what's his ideal woman and Dick said petite blond,,,,,,,,,did it not once enter Eric's mind that Dick may have been thinking of Dan's mother im sure she's prob a petite blond,,,,,,,,,,oh no Eric and his sick mind jumps right to Dick wants his daughter if you ask me Eric is the sick one.

And the things that came out of Jameka's mouth even if provoked her calling Dick's mother a bi tch was low of low, Dick never attacked her family still hasn't.

Dustin that another one plenty to say behind closed doors or screaming thru open door then running, or attacking Dani every chance he gets as long as her father not there.

Frankly only one i hope wins now is Zack or Jen

I do hope somehow Dick and Dani stay this week, mainly because they were spot on about Eric last week they weren't going after rest of group they were going after Eric because they found him out to be the lying and the player their taking the brunt of it this week so im for the underdog.

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I don't know the nerd heard is all into making great little speaches. I can see Jess letting dustin go up so he can put his Queen Robe on and make a great little speach. I can even see them look at numbers and say hey Jess wouldn't it be great if its a tie then you can make an even greater speach live........convinsing Zack and Jen to go ahead vote for Dick we want a tie so we can make another great Speach Jess will save Dustin

lol then low and behold AP votes out Dustin so we have Jess wiggling in her seat going over in her head her little speach waiting for Julie to say its a tie but wait what is Julie saying " by a vote of 4 - 2 Dickkkkkk you are safe Dustin you have been evicted. The stunned look on Dustin's face will be priceless. Eric will be looking at the floor cause he know his goose is cooked with everyone,,,,,,Amber will be screaming and crying,,,,,,,,,,,,Jameka will be asking for the magic ping pong ball as she didn't see this coming it wasn't in god's plan,,,,,,,,,,,that side will be a total mess going into HOH compitition the other side will walk away with it and Dick will be yelling KARMA BABY F..........ING KARMA!!! :party_smilie:

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If Eric was smart he would work with D&D since he knows from the voting that at least Dick is liked my America and as AP it is to his advantage to complete as many tasks as possible. If Dustin goes up he needs to tell Zach and Jen to vote Dustin out and somehow let them know without saying it but have it go back to D&D that Eric will be voting Dustin out. This way next week once Dustin is out he can blame the phantom votes on him and act like Dustin was setting him up. If he doesn't then if Dick stays and wins HOH Eric won't have Dicks ear to try and get whoever we decide we want put up.

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Eric's playing for himself. He's spent too much of his life watching reality tv, not to want to go all the way. Look at how angy he got when he got caught. I'm not sure he'll really go along with AP directions, when it doesn't benefit him.

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