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Eric Week 6 - America's Player


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Duckie there are still threads that are bashing Dick... Yes I was the last to post and I said it should be closed, and I also told the person that closed it that it should be merged with the other Dick bashing thread... That's what is going on... People just aren't taking the time too look and see that the posts are being merged...

I will always stand up for the mods and hosts around here... They are more than fair... You have no idea what they go through doing this job and none of us get paid for the job at all... People should be more understanding about things really... If there are 5 threads bashing Dick it's not hurting one thing to move them all into one thread and it helps with bandwidth as long as the threads don't get really large... Is that so hard to understand?

And just so you know I have nothing to do with closing threads in this forum... The only forum I have any control over at all is my interviews forum...

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Anywho...the pics on Jess's myspace...I have to say I like her with the darker hair much better! More flattering for her.

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I will always stand up for the mods and hosts around here... They are more than fair... You have no idea what they go through doing this job and none of us get paid for the job at all... People should be more understanding about things really... If there are 5 threads bashing Dick it's not hurting one thing to move them all into one thread and it helps with bandwidth as long as the threads don't get really large... Is that so hard to understand?

AMEN!!! ::::inmybestJamekavoice::::: :giggle:

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I just can't cheer for Eric/Dustin/Amber/Jameka. They are the NERD HERD 2 PERIOD!

I am a die hard Dani/Dick fan to the end!

I sooo agree Nikkie that what me and my boy's who watch with me call them "the new Nerd Herd"

Sorry to break it to you, but they send out new stuff everyday about how cute they are and asking for people to support Eric...

No way, for reals???

Is it just me then??? Am I the only one that actually sees this?? I know I lightly embellish the odd senario, but I'm totally on the ups for this one...

No I deff. see it to!

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Thank you for baiting Dukie... You might want to read the rules before posting something like that... If you want a pro Eric thread start it... Just don't turn it into a Dick bashing thread, because it might get merged...

By the way, show me one, just one pro Dick thread...

As far as forums go, this is the BB forum and there is no need to make a forum just for AP support... A thread is fine, but a forum isn't needed, then we would need for all the house guest and that is just too much, when they all already have their own threads...

Maybe you don't know the difference between a forum and a thread...

Forums are sections of this website devoted to certian things... We have the BB forum, Survivor forum, interviews forum, Off Topics forum, and many more devoted to other TV matters...

Threads are sub sections within a forum that are related to the topic of the forum... IE: Eric Week 6- America's Player is a thread, not a forum...

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To all Eric fans. Be careful how much you bash dick on here. Seems any thread that goes against Dick is closed. I'm shocked this one is still open.

ohh please. threads get closed because people start bickering back and forth and baiting (like you are) and the mods have to close them to clean them up. they are then re-opened or merged together with other threads that are alike. i had a thread that was merged yesterday even though i thought i should have stayed seperate, but oh well... thats life here and i dont mind.

if a thread is 12 pages long and only a total of 1 page worth is about the topic and the rest is posters arguing and putting each other down for their opinions... well.. then its time to close it up and let everyone catch their breath.

and not for nothing, you can go into any thread and find dick bashing. it doesnt even need to be a dick thread. so to say "any thread that goes against dick is closed" is totally BS. the whole BB forum would be closed if that was the case. they would have to close the whole darn forum... and throw away the key.

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Okay...if eric wins Veto, will we get to chose if he can use it?

yes, I know, I'm not bashing I'm actually trying to get a new dicussion going :animated_bouncy: A nice, ahppy, conspiracy theory question...

One more question: Because double evictions are coming soon, saying they're going to happen at all, will we get to vote? I mean, aren't they pretty bam-HoH--bam-nominate--bam-Veto--bam-eviction (like in less than an hour??) Or have I been conned by the on air show making my timetables all screwy?

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As far as what I read that Eric asked Zack to ask Jessica to put up Dustin as a second nominee. That is not anything I can confirm just something I read on one of the threads.

I don't think we know if Eric has done his task or who he was supposed to get nominated.

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francis. the double evictions happen fast.. but not in an hour.. :giggle:

the first eviction would happen on sunday and then the second on thursday.

so say this coming up thursday they start the double eviction.... they would do the HOH comp and whoever wins would emmediately announce their noms. then between then and saturday they would do the pov comp/ pov cerm and any other comps. and then they do the pretend live show and then the HOH comp before the show on sunday.

make sense? then between Sunday show and thursday they do all the comps they need to do before the live thursday show.

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Eric isn't good at comps. He's good at persuading when he doesn't overdo it.

My point was that I didn't want Jess to win but I'm not going to say things are fixed everytime someone wins that I'd rather not. People seem to be on that kick.

It all seems mostly fair to me other than people talking about being possibly persuaded in the DR about voting.

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Actually, there's no way to know if Eric is good at competitions or not as he does not have the balls to compete for them. He'll throw them all if in position (buzzer comp when Dustin won) because he's afraid if he's HOH, America will make him nominate people in his alliance, or if its POV, that America wil make him either use it when he doesn't want, or not use it when he wants to do so.

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I don't things are "fixed" but I do think that when BB is ready for a certain person to win something, the comp is geared toward their strengths.

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