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Sunday, August 5 - Live Feed Discussion Thread

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I find it funny how easily influenced people are by others. They spend time with certain people more than others and with certain groups, yet when someone they don't trust that much and maybe don't even like that much says something to them, they treat it like the gospel and get all confused. I think spending time in that house makes people go a little crazy.

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What I wonder (and maybe I'm just dense)...

If ED thinks ERic is responsible for Nick leaving, how is it that he also believes ERics is the rogue vote? That doesn't make sense. Also, don't they remember their own conversations when it was clearly AMBER who brought Nick's name up.


I think that we need to cut Eric some slack as the AP. When you think about it, we have to vote way too early in the week for us to know what the house is feeling. Like this week, we didn't even know who won HOH and we had to tell Eric who to get nominated?

At first I liked the idea of AP, but there are definite flaws. We don't suck, we just don't have all the current info when we have to vote.

Does that make sense? :animated_scratchchin:

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So Dustin is spinning the Eric thing to Kail right now with his own version. Dustin calling Danielle a vicious bi+ch.

Dustin need to go. He is such a weasel.

I don't know why Kail is crying just last week she wanted to DOR.

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In order to save Kail, Jen and her have to jump on the Eric is a liar bandwagon. Jen has info that can save her. Eric told her to wait out 2 more weeks and Dick would be gone, and that she wasn't a target. If the rest of the group hears that, Eric will go home.

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Dustin is a weasel Marty! He was just trying to pump Kail for information ...it was pissing me off. I hope he goes SOON!

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All the while, if he had his way, D & D would have been on the block this week. I love that last night in Daniele's conversation with Jen. Jen told her the whole house would want D/D out first. Then Daniele pointed it out to her that she's not stupid, and course she noticed that no one was specifically cheering for her (except Zach and Dick).

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9:20 BBT: Dick just headed into HoH to try to pump up Danielle. He's saying what a good job she is doing. Danielle is laying in the bed looking lost. She says that every day is borning because she has no one to talk to.

I just read this in the LFU... I am so aggravated... I am just sick of Dani's whining about not having anyone in there. So get off your butt and go talk to someone.


Furthermore, I hope her boyfriend dumps her cheating bony butt after all that Nick business.


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lol at jessica distancing herself from eric. i cant believe folks think eric would be safe he goes on the block smh

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I feel kinda bad for Eric wrt Jess... I think he might sincerely like her, and all this BS is biting him in the butt. But I guess you don't go in the house to make friends.

I am still all "grrrrr" about that banner plane, I think it seriously messed up his game and I think it "isn't FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIR!"

I also think that D/D have some serious selective memory problems.

I'm soooooo FRUSTRATED!


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Dustin is a nasty Bi*ch, and I do not like Jessica spillin her guts to Eric, it is not in any ones best interest to be an open book, for Gods sake, they all need to learn a little restraint.

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I would really like to know what BB said to her that made her demurely walk out of the diary room and sit quiet and content with no further mention of the DOR.


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I hate that Dustin is brow beating Jen. She is very uncomfortable. He is insisting that Jen tell him everything. He is twisting stories.

Jen is sort of denying she told them anything about Eric.

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Someone needs to just make a deal with Dani. Walk in to HoH and tell her that if she will put up her disgusting father, he will be voted out, she will be able to keep her promise to Kail, guarantee her safety from everyone in the house for at least 3 weeks, and will take the "pairs" target off her back. If She and her dad have been distanced for the past 2 years, she should have no problem kicking his gross ass out. She needs to start playing for the end instead of jumping from her safety blanket Nick, to her safety blanket daddy.

Why is everyone hating on Eric? I just don;t get it. He is in the house to win first and forermost. He has been given the task of trying to play out our every whim and has had a positive attitude about that excpet for one task last week. Cut the guy some slack. As someone earliesr noted, we have to vote so early on stuff, we are not sure how things will end up by the end of the week. He at least tries to do what the vote says and still stay in the game. Man, he has the hardest job in the house and I for one think he is doing pretty good. Remember, this is unknown territory. No one else in BB has had to play for themselves AND us. He is playing 2 games at once and dealing with the BS. Cut the guy some slack and get behind him instead of trashing him the moment he feels we have just made both of his games harder.

I LOVE the dumping on yourself thing that came from the POV. There should be more stuff where a buzzer rings and the hampsters have to dance. THAT is what BB is about.

Stop hating on Dustin. He is definately sneaky, but he is playing the game hard and deserves respect for that.


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I'd love if Eric teamed up with Daniele and somehow made her believe that Amber was the phantom vote so that she goes up because Jessica would vote with Eric.

And Jen has to say that she didn't tell Jessica anything because she asked her to promise not to mention a word.

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