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Official Dick Confronts Eric Thread!!!!!!!!


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he going call him out dani said it not me

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Which will be an absolutely stupid move on Dick's part. That will give Eric until Thursday to regroup his followers, and he will. I'd personally love to see Eric get the boot this week for not following America's directive. He'd deserve it. But I'm sure Dick will find some way to screw it up. He can't keep his big mouth shut.

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eric doesnt have no followers. these folks are all afraid of dick , i doubt they want to piss dick off by saving eric

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Eric is way smarter than Dick.

BUT, someone was making the phantom votes, and paranoia rules in the house...so they may all believe Dick.

Unfortunately for Eric, people may believe he's in allaiance with Kail...how, I'll never understand...but I feel bad for Eric.

They should'nt throw away Eric, they're gonna need someone to break up D/D. And anyone alligning with them 2 is guaranteed an early exit anyways.

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either way this should be one of the better bb week :party_smilie:

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eric looks depress

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If Dick can call Eric out and get him gone.....I'll like Dick again....Maybe not

the farting or spitting......but he'll be my hero!!!!

Eric has done a terrible job as America's Player! He tried to be everyones buddy!!!!

He didn't try that hard to get Kail out.........he wanted Nick gone!!!!!!

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anyone remember Eric, stating in the DR that he had not heard his name mentioned one time concerning the 2nd votes, well......wonder what his DR sessions will say now

Hopefully, he will say that his exit is a direct result of the banner that was seen by the houseguests.

When you're rich and have access to planes with banners, you can pretty much influence the outcome of this game. CBS REALLY owes it to the audience to work the banner into the storyline. That banner was a brilliant move to save Jen. And I've said before I wouldn't be surprised if it was a chilltown move to save Jen. Notice how all the heat is off her now?

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Don't blame it on the banner

He told way too many lies and they were catching up with him. He had deals with everyone in the house. I am sure that him being AP that the feeds did not choose to show a lot of his deals. The other HG matching notes can see that he lied to them all and they all thought he was their #1.

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There was really no way around the banner. Because of the live feeds, viewers knew when the comp was outside and endurance. For that reason, someone obviously sent the banner at that time. The HG were told NOT to look, but it appears Jen is the only one that listened. What the heck else could anyone have done to prevent it or undo it? Nothing. In the words of the HG, "It is what it is". We can't change a thing.

Maybe there wouldn't have been a banner had Eric done what he knew America wanted him to do. Now there's a thought. Eric pi$$ed off America and America sent a banner. Now America pi$$ed off Eric. What's done is done. :animated_scratchchin:

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They all have deals with each other, they all lie to one another.

Don't make Eric out to be any worse than any of the others.

Dick screams at people and he does exactly the same thing as what he yells at others for.

It's pretty entertaining actually!

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Don't blame it on the banner

You're kidding, right?

Eric was doing an unbelievably good job before getting outed by the banner. Danielle, Dick, and the rest would never have been able to put it all together without the help of the banner.

Dick himself mentioned the banner in his discussion with Danielle in HOH today. So according to even Dick the banner DID play a role in figuring out Eric.

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Eric was doing an unbelievably good job before getting outed by the banner. Danielle, Dick, and the rest would never have been able to put it all together without the help of the banner.

Daniele hadn't seen the banner when she started figuring it out. I'm sorry, I mean she didn't know what it said. Eric and Amber were on the hammock late night and Eric said that Dick/Danielle hadn't seen the banner.

Also, like I said, I don't think there would have been a banner if Eric wouldn't have gone against what America wanted.

eta: clarify my post

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