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Wednesday, July 25th


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It's my hubby's birthday... just thought you'all would like to know. :animated_rotfl: j/k

On topic: Ick has been rocking out in the HOH and then lots of general chit-chat, eating, funnin around.

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i notice neither mike or kail has gone to bed early the last few days

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I guess these two equate staying up late to getting to know their other HG.

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must be lol :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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Dick is SO MUCH more fun to watch when he isn't being mean.

I get such a weird feeling about Nick. Am I the only one? He has talked about his darker side before, in the hammock with Dani. But now he's shared it with more people, and he talks about himself in the 3rd person (which I hate) and talks about him being "chill Nick" or "Nice Nick," but "Bad Nick" is going to come out, and crap like that. It makes me a little nervous, considering the mental health background he shared with us tonight, and everything he's confessed in the hammock talks. Tonight, he again confirmed putting his fist through a door in the past.

He freaked me out tonight, because he was lying down on the couch having a casual, fun, backstabby conversation with Dani, Amber and Dustin. So, he was happy and everything. Then, he suddenly slams the beer can he just emptied into his face to flatten it! It stunned Amber and Dani and Dustin so much that they were silent for a while. He tried to laugh it off, but it was odd. And then later Amber mentioned that it was a scary moment, and he questioned her saying "scary," and she changed it and said "not scary, just weird."

Very odd. Something about Nick screams "problem" to me.

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I agree there is something odd about Nick. He elluded to some violence untruths he told during the psych pre-BB tests. I don't think we will ever know what is really up with Nick til after BB is over. IMHO he is a big gamer though.

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A couple of nights ago he was telling someone his dad broke his nose and he woke up in the ICU after he ate the last of the cookies. True??? I doubt it as I'm sure family services would have stepped in. I think his violent past is him playing the game.

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I don't know--how old was he saying he was? If he was older, Family Services might not step in. Plus, someone has to call them. Nick did talk about head butting his Dad and then putting his fist through the door and leaving (tonight on the couch).

I think he is either troubled, or he wants everyone to think he is, for some reason. It's like he is desperate for them to believe that he has this dark side and he might be capable of violence or of being "bad."

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I completely disagree about Dick being entertaining with his air guitar concert. He is a complete dork. He totally did that whole thing for the camaras to I guess in his eyes look cool. I wanted to fast forward through that whole thing....then the camara just started following him around like what the heck! I would have liked watching Eric and Jessica playing quarters because Eric is at least funny. I wish you could choose the screen you want to watch we would get less Dick and Jen's butt crack that way!

AND Nick is still a young boy that thinks crashing things on his head is funny.....I don't think he is violent at all. DICK is violent.

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he definitely said he was a kid....BB did take away the beer because of him the other night but all in all I'm saying his "dark side" is all talk for sake of the game....because who would want to put up "big bad Nick". Kinda laughable...

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I agree that Dick is the one with the violent temper, but I can see how Nick's brooding poet persona could have a dark turn to it. I've dated a few guys like him in my time (shudder).

I totally missed the air guitar, and I'm thrilled about it. I can live my whole life very happily without ever seeing Dick do that. Here's a hilarious thought--Tonight Dick was griping about Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie, and saying they would do anything for attention....

Pot, meet kettle!

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No kidding! He talks about Jen always wanting attention and he is just as bad! and for Gods sake PUT SOME FREAKING UNDERWEAR ON!!!! Seriously does he think he looks good with his thing outlined in his pants? I am getting to where I can't even look at him he is so weird.

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Feeds are so boring no game talk..no campaigning..you'd swear no one was on the block this week..

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Looks like AP was Kail. Eric just suggested that just because one person says we should vote Mike out doesn't mean we just follow that. He wants to have an open discussion about it later tonight. Should get interesting! I think if Mike stays, he is going to get HOH next! Just a feeling...

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I believe that Nick has serious issues. Look at how he's fallen head over heels for Daniele and she doesn't give him the time of day. I don't think they've had an adult conversation yet. I think his behavior is somewhat of the behavior of a stalker.

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Then, he suddenly slams the beer can he just emptied into his face to flatten it! It stunned Amber and Dani and Dustin so much that they were silent for a while. He tried to laugh it off, but it was odd. And then later Amber mentioned that it was a scary moment, and he questioned her saying "scary," and she changed it and said "not scary, just weird."

You're telling me this didn't make Amber cry? Hmmmmm :animated_scratchchin:

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Ya, Nick is...odd.

I have no idea what to make of his relationship with Dani--it happened so quickly into the season that I'm skeptical.

But aside from the relationship, I don't know what to make of Nick either. There's something weird about him.

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i have noticed that ever since Dick one HOH that Nick has become... uhhh... bad? all of a sudden he has a potty mouth, telling everyone that "bad Nick" is coming... and bla bla bla...

i have to say, i do not like it.. it seems kinda wacko to me.

someone like dick doesnt scare me.. i expect his outburst and potty mouth and whatever... but NICK? they had to take back all the booze the other night cause they didnt know what the hell was gonna happen with him. Nick is a walking time bomb. something is not right with him and i dont know what do expect with him. so yeah, he is creeping me out a little.

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Is it me or is Nick looking more like a 70's porn star with that hair and his mustache?

He would look so so much better if he shaved and did something with his hair. He would look so much better with his hair combed back.

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I've said it for some time now, Nick is a spoiled brat, who thinks too highly of himself. This whole handed everything on

a silver platter, has made him think he can "F&ck Things Up" declaration last week finally show his true colors..

I'm not a Zack fan by any means but I'm sure he didn't sign on for a show, that he'll feel physically intimidated by a house guest every day...

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