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Worst final 2


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James & Dani. It would be a living hell watching those 2 talk about themselves endlessly, pat themselves on their own backs & offer their condescending views of reality to the world. Face it -- it's crazy boring when it comes down to any final two, but that would be my view of a never-ending hell. There's not enough Vodka & Vicodin to get me through that nightmare!!


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James and Danielle I too couldn't stand to listen to them that last week. I'm sick of Danielle acting like it was Janelle that "started the war" when if I'm watching the same show she threw the first punch week one. And James acting like it is all Janelle and Howie's faults that he had to go to the other side when he came in the house on the other side. I know BB makes these people say thing in the DR but I'm sick of listening to them. LOL I guess I have issue

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